- Détails
- Mis à jour : 30 juillet 2024
- Affichages : 8285
Cecil M. Hepworth fonde, en [1899] la société Hepworth & Company et dépose [1900] la marque "Hepwix Films". Le premier catalogue est publié en novembre 1899. En juillet 1901, les films Hepwix rentrent au répertoire du Comptoir Général de Cinématographie (Gaumont). Les derniers films produits sous ce nom datent de 1904.
Le premier catalogue publié par Cecil M. Hepworth date du 1er novembre 1899, mais aucun exemplaire ne semble avoir été conservé. Une copie de la liste des films figure toutefois dans le catalogue de la Warwick Trading Company du 1er novembre 1899 sous les numéros 2000, les deux derniers chiffres correspondant au catalogue non retrouvé de la Hepwix. Par ailleurs, le catalogue Gaumont de juillet 1901 contient une sélection de ces vues animées dont Gaumont assure la diffusion en France. Enfin, le catalogue de la Hepwix de 1903 dont une copie est conservée au British Film Institute reprend pour partie les titres produits depuis 1899.
John Barnes a reconstitué la production de la Hepwix Films pour 1899 et 1900.
BARNES John, The Beginnings of The Cinema in England 1894.1901. Vol. 4. 1899, Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 1992, p. 198-211.
BARNES John, The Beginnings of The Cinema in England 1894.1901. Vol. 5. 1900, Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 1992, p. 156-180.
1 | Express Trains/Express Trains in a Railway Cutting |
2 | Hurdle Race and Three-Legged Race |
3 | Ladies "Tortoise" Race |
4 | Donkey Race |
5 | The Prince of Wales at Windsor Agricultural Show |
6 | Procession of Prize Cattle |
7 | Drive Past of Four-in-Hands |
8 | Horse-Jumping Competition |
9 | Thames Panorama-Under Chertsey Bridge |
10 | Royal Ascot-The Race for the Gold Cup |
11 | Royal Ascot-The Race for the New Stakes |
12 | Floral Parade of Lady Cyclists |
13 | Comic Costume Race for Cyclists |
14 | Egg & Spoon Race for Lady Cyclists |
15 | Military Cyclists Obstacle Handicap |
16 | One Mile Championship Bicycle Race |
17 | Musical Ride By Ladies |
18 | Musical Ride By Ladies-Wheeling |
19 | Victorica Cross Race by Military Cyclists |
20 | Cockade Fight on Cycles |
21 | Cycle Polo Match |
22 | Blackpool-The Parade |
23 | Blackpool-Panorama of the Sea-Front |
24 | Pleasure Yachts and "Boat-Cars" |
25 | Boating Scene at the Sea-Side |
26 | Arrival of Train-Load of Visitors at Henley Station [Arrivée d'un train à la gare d'Henley] |
27 | Henley Regatta-Grand Challenge Cup Race; An early Heat [Régates d'Henley] |
28 | Henley Regatta-Grand Challenge Cup Race; Finat Heat |
29 | Henley Regatta-The Crowd After a Race [Régates d'Henley] |
30 | Henley Regatta-Diamond Challenge Sculls Race; Finat Heat |
31 | Henley Regatta-A Crowded Course |
32 | Henley Regatta-Visitors' Challenge Cup Race; Final Heat |
33 | Henley Regatta-Thames Challenge Cup Race; Final Heat |
34 | Henley Regatta-Ladie's Challenge Plate Race |
35 | Thames River Scenery-Panorama of the Crowded River |
36 | Thames River Scenery-Wargrave |
37 | Thames River Scenery-Shiplake and the "Druid's Cave" |
38 | Thames River Scenery-Marsh Lock |
39 | Panorama of a Cornish Mining Village |
40 | Panorama of a Devonshire River |
41 | n.c. |
42 | H.M.S. "Camperdown" |
43 | Wooden Walls of Old England |
44 | Frigates in Harbour |
45 | Panorama of Devonport |
46 | H.M.S. "Ocean" Preparing for Trial Trips |
47 | Training Ship & Saltash Bridge |
48 | Panorama of Warships in Dock |
49 | View From an Engine Front-Meldon Viaduct, L. & S.W. Railway |
50 | View From an Engine Front-Shilla Mill Tunnel |
51 | View From an Engine Front-Devonshire Scenery [Vue prise de l'avant d'une locomotive] |
52-54 | n.c. |
55 | View From an Engine Front-Train Leaving Tunnel |
56 | View From an Engine Front-Under Saltash Bridge |
57 | View From an Engine Front-Through a Double Tunnel [Vue prise de l'avant d'une locomotive] |
58 | n.c. |
59 | View From an Engine Front-Over the Tavy Bridge |
60 | n.c. |
61 | View From an Engine Front-Up Exeter Incline |
62 | View From Rear of Train Passing Through a Tunnel |
63 | n.c. |
64 | Rocks and Rough Sea |
65 | Arrival of an Excursion Steamer |
66 | Arrival of S.S. "Lady Margaret" at Ilfracombe |
67 | Departure of a Streamer |
68 | Arrival of S.S. "Westward Ho!" in Harbour |
69 | Mud Larks |
70 | Macaroni Competition [Concours de mangeurs de macaroni] |
71 | Canoe Rescue Race |
72 | The Stolen Drink [Les Pêcheurs altérés] |
73 | Exchange no Robbery [Échange n'est pas vol] |
74 | Two Cockneys in a Canoe [Le Canot renversé] |
75 | The Prize Fight-First Round |
76 | The Prize Fight-The Knock out |
77 | Wrestling Match |
78 | Thames River Scenery-Under Staines Bridge | |
79 | Thames River Scenery-Magna Charta Island and Panorama of House Boats | |
80-84 | n.c. | |
85 | SS. 'New York' Leaving Southampton Docks | |
86 | C.I.V.S Marching Aboard SS. 'Garth Castle' | |
87-92 | n.c. | |
93 | Animated Cartoon. 'Wiping Something off the Slate' | |
94 | New 'Trick' Film. 'The Conjuror and the Boer' | |
95 | n.c. | |
96 | Royal Procession Entering the City Gates | |
97 | n.c. | |
98 | Reception of the Mayor and Corporation | |
99 | Royal Procession in Fitz-William Place | |
100 | n.c. | |
101 | H.M.S. 'Powerful' Arriving in Portsmouth Harbour | |
102-103 | n.c. | |
104 | Panorama of the Paris Exhibition | |
105 | Panorama of the Paris Exhibition nº 2 | |
106 | Panorama of the Paris Exhibition nº 3 | |
107 | n.c. | |
108 | The Solar Eclipse | |
109-110 | n.c. | |
111 | Street Scene in Algiers [Vue d'une rue d'Alger] | |
112 | Tangier-The Landing Stage | |
113 | Tangier-The Market Place [Marché à Tanger] | |
114 | Pillow Fight on the S.Y. 'Argonaut' | |
115 | Cock Fight on the S.Y. 'Argonaut' | |
116 | Express Trains at Dawlish | |
117 | Express Train and Slip Carriage [Express laissant un wagon] | |
118-123 | n.c. | |
124 | Breaking Waves | |
125 | Dover Pier in a Storm | |
126 | Rough Sea | |
127 | n.c. | |
128 | Punter's Mishap [Le Canotier maladroit] | |
129 | The Gunpowder Plot [Complot de la poudre] | |
130 | Explosion of a Motor Car | |
131 | n.c. | |
132 | The Egg-Laying Man | |
133-135 | n.c. | |
136 | How It Feels to Be Run Over [Écrasé par un automobile] | |
137 | The Eccentric Dancer | |
138 | The Bathers [Explosion d'un automobile] | |
139-141 | n.c. | |
142 | Greasy Pole Competition | |
143 | n.c. | |
144 | [Walking the Greasy Pole] | |
145 | [Walking the Greasy Pole] | |
146 | The Beggar's Deceit [L'Estropié agile] | |
147 | n.c. | |
148 | The Burning Stable | |
149-150 | n.c. | |
151 | The Topsy-Turvy Villa | |
152 | C.I.V.S Killing Time on Their Voyage Home | |
153 | C.I.V.S Playing Leap-Frog | |
154 | n.c. | |
155 | C.I.V.S Disembarking at Southampton | |
156 | Train Load of C.I.V.S Leaving Southampton for London | |
157 | C.I.V. Procession, The Battery | |
158 | C.I.V. Procession. Cyclists and Infantry | |
159 | n.c. | |
160 | C.I.V. Procession-Second Half of the Battalion | |
161 | n.c. | |
162 | C.I.V. Procession-The Sick and Wounded | |
163 | Express Train | |
164 | Sword v. Sword | |
165 | Lemon Cutting Competition | |
166 | n.c. | |
167 | Tent Pegging Competition | |
168 | Galloping Competition | |
169-170 | n.c. | |
171 | Fencing-Sword v. Sword, Dismounted | |
172 | n.c. | |
173 | Infantry Marching | |
174 | n.c. | |
175 | March Past of Mounted Dragoons | |
176-177 | n.c. | |
178 | Royal Horse Artillery and Mounted Dragoons Galloping | |
179 | March Past of the Lancers | |
180 | n.c. | |
181 | 'Curtain' Picture-Furling Sail on H.M.S. 'St. Vincent' | |
182 | Sail Drill on a Training Ship | |
183 | n.c. | |
184 | Physical Drill-Vaulting Horse | |
185 | Jack Tar Plays at 'Leap Frog' | |
186 | Jack on the Parallel Bars | |
187 | Exercise With the 'Bar-Bells' | |
188 | On the Horizontal | |
189 | Physical Drill-Indian Clubs | |
190 | The Use of 'Italin Sabres' | |
191 | Sword v. Sword | |
192 | Bayonet Exercise | |
193 | Bluejackets Skirmishing | |
194 | Firing a Maxim Gun | |
195 | Firing a Nine-Pounder Gun | |
196 | n.c. | |
197 | Bluejackets Firing a Breech-Loader | |
198 | n.c. | |
199 | 'Handy-Men' Firing the 4.7 | |
200 | Marching down an Incline | |
201 | n.c. | |
202 | Firing a 9-Pounder Gun from a Moving Torpedo Boeat Destroyer | |
203 | n.c. | |
204 | 'Curtain' Picture-Unfurling Sail | |
205 | Musical Drill | |
206 | n.c. | |
207 | Company Drill and Firing Exercises | |
208 | Company Drill at Eastney Barracks | |
209 | n.c. | |
210 | March Past of a Field Battery | |
211 | Raising a Big Gun | |
212 | Loading a Big Gun | |
213 | Mounting and Dismounting a 3-Ton Gun | |
214-215 | n.c. | |
216 | Manipulating a Huge Gun | |
217 | A 25-Pounder Siege Gun | |
218 | n.c. | |
219 | Firing a Field Gun | |
220 | Firing Modern Field Guns | |
221 | Dartmouth Ferry Boat | |
222 | Razing a Factory Chimney | |
223 | Trotting Match [Concours de trotteurs] | |
224 | n.c. | |
225 | Launch of H.I.J.M.S. 'Mikasa' | |
226 | General Buller's Return-Arrival at Southampton | |
227 | General Buller's Return-Reception at Aldershot |
228 | Return of Lord Roberts | |
230 | Queen's Funeral Procession at Cowes [Funérailles de la Reine d'Angleterre (Cowes)] | |
234 | Queen's Funeral Crossing the Solent | |
235 | Queen's Funeral, The Procession Starting from Victoria Station [Funérailles de la Reine d'Angleterre (Victoria-Station)] | |
236 | Queen's Funeral, The Procession Passing Marble Arch | |
237 | Queen's Funeral, The Procession Passing into Windsor Park | |
240 | Royal Procession Passing Along the Mall [Funérailles de la Reine d'Angletette "Ouverture du Parlement"] | |
242 | Royal Procession Leaving the Horse Guards | |
244 | Departure for Australia of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York | |
247 | The Derby of 1901 | |
250 | How the Burglar Tricked the Bobby | |
252 | The Indian Chief and the Seidlitz Powders | |
255 | Comic Grimacer | |
258 | The Great Strike at Grimsby | |
258 | Arrival of Ophir and Departure by Train From Portsmouth | |
260 | Leaving Victoria Station | |
263 | Royal Procession in Grosvenor-Place | |
264 | Nightmare (comic) | |
265 | Pie-Eating Competition (comic) |
273 | Prince of Wales, Accompanied by the Princess of Wales, Cutting the First Sod of the New Dock at Avonmouth | |
275 | Visit of the King and Queen to Dartmouth on the Occasion of Laying the Foundation Stone of the New Naval College | |
277 | Queen Alexandra Launching H.M.S. Queen, and the King Laying the First Plate of the New Battleship | |
289 | The Frustrated Elopement | |
291 | How To Stop a Motor Car |
382 | The Diamond Robbery/The "Lady" Thief and the Baffled Bobbies | |
390 | Getting-up Made Easy | |
394 | State Opening of Parliament nº1 | |
396 | State Opening of Parliament nº2 | |
397 | Clog Dancing | |
The Return of the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P. | ||
The Launch of Shamrock III | ||
407 | The Devonshire Hunt/The Stag Hunt | |
The Royal Visit to Scotland | ||
416 | The Devonshire Faire/A Bank Holiday Fair | |
419 | The Stock Exchange Walk From London to Brighton | |
Football Match, England v. Scotland | ||
421 | Arrival of the King and Queen at Edinburgh | |
422 | March Past of the Cameron | |
423 | Scenes at Holyrood Palace | |
427 | H.R.H. The Prince of Wales and the New L.C.C. Electric Trams | |
428 | The Absent-Minded Bootblack | |
429 | A Face at the Window | |
430 | Alice in Wonderland | |
447 | Soonek to St. Goarhausen | |
450 | Sternberg and Liebenstein to Stolzenfels | |
453 | Coblenz to Leutesdorf | |
458 | Hamerstein to Linz | |
461 | Konigswinter to Cologne | |
463 | Railway Journey up the Drachenfels/Up the Drachenfels by the Cogwheel Railway | |
469 | Corpus Christi Procession | |
471 | Naero Valley | |
473 | Hardanger and Geiranger Fjords and Seven Sisters Waterfall | |
476 | Panorama of Bergen | |
478 | Panorama of Molde | |
479 | The Waterfalls of Lotefos and Espandfos | |
484 | At Terrific Speed | |
485 | Start of the Gordon-Bennet Cup Race/The Start | |
487 | Progress of the Race | |
490 | A Terrific Race/The Finishing Point | |
493 | The Arrival at Dover and London | |
494 | The Review at Aldershot | |
497 | The Fighting Fifth at Physical Drill | |
498 | At Brighton Beach/Snap Shots at the Seaside | |
500 | Bathing and Paddling | |
501 | Panorama of the River Tyne | |
505 | A Visit to the Manchester Ship Canal | |
507 | The Arrival at Kingstown and Dublin | |
509 | The Levee at Dublin Castle/The Royal Visit to Dublin Castle | |
511 | Launch of the Battleship King Edward VII | |
512 | The Revolving Table | |
514 | the Neglected Lover and the Stile | |
515 | The Adventures of a Billposter | |
517 | The Knocker and the Naughty Boys | |
518 | Fun at the Barber's | |
519 | The Royal Party at Belfast | |
521 | Tragical Tale of a Belated Letter | |
Financial Troubles and Attempted Suicide | ||
525 | A Free Ride | |
526 | A Day With the Hop-Pickers | |
531 | The Unclean World | |
Uncle Tom's Cabin | ||
535 | Aquatic Sports (1) | |
536 | Aquatic Sports (2) | |
538 | Boxing and Wrestling | |
540 | Vaulting Horse | |
541 | Fireman to the Rescue | |
538 | Birthday Procession of a Maharajah | |
545 | The Unexpected Bath | |
548 | Arrival of the King and Queen of Italy at Portsmouth | |
549 | Saturday Shopping |
554 | Stop that 'Bus | |
Launch of a Japanese Battleship | ||
557 | An Up-to-date Studio | |
559 | Animated Photography nº1 | |
559/562 | Panoramas of the River Dart (1) | |
561/565 | Panoramas of the River Dart (2) | |
567 | Food for the Japanese Army | |
568 | Japanese School Children | |
570 | A Punch and Judy Show in the Far East | |
571 | Japanese Dancing Girls | |
572 | A Japanese Laundry | |
573 | Coaling a Battleship at Nagasaki | |
574 | A Half-Holiday in a Japanese Factory | |
575 | A Japanese Procession of State | |
576 | Chemulpho | |
577 | Train Panorama-Tientsin | |
578 | Railway Station at Kioto | |
579 | Panorama of Hong Kong | |
580 | Chinese Woman Spinning | |
582 | Japanese Geisha Girls | |
582 | Funeral of the Duke of Cambridge | |
586 | Two Leap-Year Proposals | |
588 | The Stolen Puppy | |
590 | The Coster's Wedding | |
595 | After the 'Oliday | |
598 | Tug of War | |
599 | Fire Turn-out | |
600 | The Funeral of the Heroes of the Submarine Al | |
602 | The Parson's Cooking Lesson | |
604 | The Haunted Oak | |
606 | College Sports | |
607 | A Lifeboat Procession | |
608 | Panorama of the City of Bristol | |
610 | A Rough Time for the Broker | |
612 | The Great Servant Question | |
618 | Indian Religious Dance | |
619 | Washing an Indian Baby | |
620 | Panorama of Blackpool | |
622 | The Slavey's Dream | |
624 | The Honeymoon-First, Second, and Third Class | |
626 | Picking Strawberries | |
629 | Decorated Cycles | |
630 | When the Sleeper Wakes | |
631 | A Day in the Hay Fields | |
635 | The Press | |
639 | Out With the Foxhounds | |
640 | The Spoilt Child | |
642 | A Phantom Ride on the Cambrian Coast | |
647 | The Fighting 5th at Bayonet Exercise | |
648 | A Cheap Boot Store | |
649 | The Lover's Crime | |
655 | The Jonah Man or The Traveller Bewitched | |
660 | Waterfalls of Wales | |
663 | The Nigger Boy's Revenge | |
665 | The Confidence Trick | |
668 | The Story of a Piece of Slate | |
674 | Lady Plumpton's Motor Car | |
678 | A Trip to Paris | |
685 | Don't Interfere With the Coal-Heavers | |
689 | The North Sea Outrage | |
691 | Funeral of the Victims of the North Sea Outrage | |
The Honeymoon | ||
A Race for a Kiss | ||
Petticoat Lane, the "Bowery" of London | ||
Over the Hedge | ||
The Lover's Ruse |
Rescue by Rover | ||