Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Washington, capitale des États-Unis, compte 188.932 habitants (1890).


Le kinetoscope parlor (919 Pennsylvania avenue, <9 octobre->29 décembre 1894) → 1895

Dès la fin du mois de septembre, on annonce la prochaine inauguration d'un kinetoscope parlor.

1894 kinetoscope Evening star Wed Sep 26 1894
The Evening Star, Washington, mercredi 26 septembre 1894, p. 12.

Les séances ont déjà commencé dans les premiers jours d'octobre :

Columbia Phonograph Musical Palace, 919 Pennsylvania avenue northwest.-Exhibition of Edison's Kinetoscope.

Evening Star, Washington, mardi 9 octobre 1894, p. 12.

La presse continue à évoquer le kinetoscope :

Kinetoscope and Phonograph.-Arrangements have been made by which the eye as well as the ear is amused at the Columbia phonograph parlors, on Pennsylvania avenue. Edison's latest achievement, the kinetoscope, supplements the array of popular music and current humor which has so long amused the public. The pictorial reproduction of Sandow's posing, Carmencita's grace, the pugilists' dexterity, and, in fact, almost anything that may claim the fancy of the operator, is an achievement which is already a source of great amusement to the public. One of the beauties which the kinetoscope shares with the phonograph is the adaptability to the passing preference of the public. The exhibition of a popular wrestler or dancer can be shown with the same fidelity on the kinetoscope as the performance of a favorite prima donna can be presented on the phonograph.

Evening Star, Washington, samedi 20 octobre 1894, p. 8.

Les séances se prolongent encore en décembre.

washington 1894 kinetoscope Evening star Mon Dec 3 1894
Evening Star, Washington, lundi 3 décembre 1894, p. 16.

Répertoire (autres titres): Carmencita (Evening Star, Washington, samedi 3 novembre 1894, p. 8).

→ 1895

Le kinetoscope parlor (527 15th street northwest, <10 novembre-> 29 décembre 1894) → 1895

En novembre, un kinetoscope parlor ouvre au 527 Fifteenth St.

1894 kinetoscope The Washington Post Sat Nov 10 1894
The Washington Post, Washington, samedi 10 novembre 1894, p. 7.

Le kinetoscope parlor fonctionne au cours du mois de novembre :

Washington Kinetoscope Parlor, 527 15th street northwest.-Exhibition of Edison's Kinetoscope.

The Evening Star, Washington, lundi 26 novembre 1894, p. 12.

La presse donne quelques précisions un peu plus tard :

The Kinetoscope.—The Kinetoscope, the remarkable properties of which have been fully explained in these columns, may be seen with all its latest improvements at No. 527 15th street, Corcoran building, which will be open all day and until 11:30 p.m. Some of the realistic features shown are a cock fight, which is so natural that one can almost see the feathers fly, a skirt dancer in her graceful movements, Sandow, the strong man, in some of his wonderful feats, and a prize fight, which appears so natural that one can almost fancy he hears the thud of the blows. These are but a few of the remarkable things to be seen through the marvelous Kinetoscope.

The Evening Star, Washington, jeudi 29 novembre 1894, p. 11.

washington 1894 kinetoscope Evening star Mon Dec 3 1894 02
Evening Star, Washington, lundi 3 décembre 1894, p. 16.

washington 1894 kinetoscope Evening star Tue Dec 25 1894
Evening Star, Washington, mardi 25 décembre 1894, p. 10.

→ 1895