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- Création : 24 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 19 août 2022
- Publication : 24 mars 2015
George John TRAGIDIS
(Turquie, 1867-New York, 1923)
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
John Tragidis et Irene Coras. Descendance:
- George John Tragidis (Turquie, 05/08/1867-New York, 13/09/1923)
Geo Tragidis, florist, 695 Columbus av. & 884, 6th av. h 198 W. 89th. (US City Directories 1822-1995)
Theo Tragidis: recensement 1905. (Manhattan, A. D. 21, E.D. 28, New York). Né vers 1875.
George Tragidis
Ortografiado Tragidis en muchos documentos y en el London Directory de 1895, su nombre ha sido modificado varias veces por el de Tragedis Papastakyotenipoulos o George Tragedis, Trajedis o Tragedes. FOOT.
D'origine grecque et né en Turquie en 1867, George John Tragidis arrive aux États-Unis en mai 1882. Il obtient sa naturalisation le 10 septembre 1888. En 1894, il va s'associer avec George Georgiades afin d'acheter et d'exploiter des kinetoscopes:
A number of Kinetoscopes and various films and machine parts were sold, ostensibly for use in America, to two Greek persons, George Georgiades and George Trajedis. These machines, according to the daybook entries of Holland Brothers, eatern agents for Raff's firt Kinetoscope Company, were delivered in August 1894 at 1 Columbus avenue, New York City. At te same adress was one T. Mavro, of whom we hear no more, who received and signed for the Kinetoscopes, films and other equipment. Georgiades and Trejedis shortly took their machines and sailed for London, where according to tradition, they had been candy merchants or green groces.
Terry Ramsaye, A Million and one Nights, vol. 1., New York, Simon and Schuster, 1926, p. 138.
Alors que George Georgiades s'est déjà rendu en Europe afin de préparer le terrain, George Tragidis n'arrive à Southampton que le 29 septembre 1894. Il semble avoir eu la responsabilité du poste britannique avec la collaboration de Theo Tragidis, sans doute, l'un de ses proches parents. En février 1895, les Grecs mettent un terme à leur collaboration :
NOTICE is hereby given that the Partneship heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned George Georgiades and Theo Tragidis carrying on business as Dealers in Novelties at 62 Broad-street in the city of London under the style or firm of the American Kinetoscope Company has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from the 11th day of February 1895. All debts due to and owing by the said late firm will be received and paid by the say Theo Tragidis.-Dated 11th day of February 1895
The London Gazette, Londres, 15 février 1895, p. 923.
Peu après, à bord du Prussia, Georges Tragidis quitte Le Havre à destination de New York où il arrive le 25 février 1895. Quelques mois plus tard, il est témoin pour la naturalisation de Constantin Stavropulos, le 23 août 1895. Il se déclare "fleuriste" au "1 Columbus Ave." Il semble avoir monté par la suite une société la "Geo J. Tragidis" caractérisée par ses opérations douteuses. La presse annonce sa soudaine disparition:
George J. Tragidis & Co., recently in the florist business on Sixth avenue and on Columbus avenue, have disappeared, leaving an abundance of unpaid bills.
The American Florist, Chicago/New York, 29 août 1896, p. 106.
Cette disparition est confirmée quelques jours plus tard par un autre journal:
A commission man who for a short time was doing business in New York under the style of Geo. J. Tragidis & Co., has gone away without remitting or even sending account of sales to his favored shippers. His offerings were very flattering, but the only thing he has left for the shippers is a large number of unpaid bills.
The American Elevator and Grain Trade, Chicago, 15 septembre 1896, p. 100.
Elle réapparaît par la suite (recensement 1900). Il fait reparler de lui au sujet de la vente de son fonds de commerce:
George J. Tragidis has sold his retail flower business, at 695 Columbus ave- nue, to Commeanderos & Co.
The Florisits' Exchange, 1er février 1902, p. 119.
En 1903, il va se déclarer en faillite:
NO. 5,504.—UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Southern District of New York.— GEORGE J, TRAGIDIS of the City, County, and State of New York, bankrupt.
Notice is hereby given that George J. Tragidis of the City, County, and State of New York, bankrupt, has filed his petition, dated January 22. 1903, praying for a discharge from all his debts in bankruptcy, and that all creditors and other persons are ordered to attend at the hearing [upon] said petition before the Hon. George B, Adams, United States District Judge, in the United States Court House and Post Office Building, in the City and County of New York, on Monday, February 9th, 1903, at 9:30 A. M., and then and there show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted, and also attend the examination of the bankrupt thereon.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
New York, January 23, 1903.
The New York Times, New York, vendredi 30 janvier 1903, p. 15.
On retrouve sa trace toujours à New York en 1915 (recensement 1915) ainsi que dans les différents annuaires de la ville. Il décède en 1923.