- Détails
- Création : 24 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 4 juin 2024
- Publication : 24 mars 2015
- Affichages : 17687
Henry William SHORT
(Lambeth, 1865-Barnet 1919)
Portrait non confirmé
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Samuel Robinson Short (Lambeth, [1801]-) épouse (Newington, 25/03/1828) Sarah Watling (Lambeth, [1800]-). Descendance:
- Sarah Short (Lambeth, bap. 07/06/1829-)
- Samuel Robinson Short (Lambeth, bap. 21/08/1831-) épouse (Southwark, 10/09/1861) Julia Stanton.
- William Henry Short (Lambeth, bap. 22/06/1862-)
- Thomas Wartling [William] Short (Lambeth, bap. 15/12/1833-Barnet, 1906) épouse Caroline Elizabeth Hardie (Carmeston, 1840-). Descendance:
- Henry William Short (Lambeth, 1865-Barnet, 15/09/1919) épouse (Londres, 02/08/1896. Divorce: 11/05/1910) Martha Scott ([1873]). Descendance:
- [adultérin] Reginald Joseph Short (Londres/Fulham, 29/04/1900-30/01/1969).
- Henry William Short (Lambeth, 1865-Barnet, 15/09/1919) épouse (Londres, 02/08/1896. Divorce: 11/05/1910) Martha Scott ([1873]). Descendance:
- George, James Short (Lambeth, bap. 14/08/1836-)
- John Short (Lambeth, bap. 02/06/1839-)-)
- William Short (Lambeth, bap. 02/06/1839-)
- Elizabeth Short (Lambeth, [1843])
Samuel Short habite (recensement 1851) avec sa femme et ses six enfants à Lambeth (23, Union Street). Dix ans plus tard (recensement 1861), la famille réside à Newington (12, New Street) où il exerce la profession de constructeur d'échelle. Il emploie un domestique ce qui semble indiquer une certaine aisance. L'aîné, Samuel, travaille avec son père, quant à Thomas, père d'Henry William Short, et John, ils sont opticiens. Le dernier garçon est menuisier. Thomas W. Short fonde, en 1864, avec William James Mason, la "Short and Mason" (40, Hatton Garden, Londres), une société qui produit des instruments de précision dont des baromètres, des anémomètres, des compas... Elle est dissoute en 1901. Il fonde également la "Marratt & Short" (63, King William street, Londres) avec John Symonds Marratt, dissoute en 1867 et la "Pitkin & Short" (56, Red Lion-street, Clerkenwell), dont la dissolution est prononcée en 1870. Ces deux sociétés se consacrent également aux instruments de précision et aux éléments d'optique. La famille de Thomas Watling, dont Henri, réside (recensement 1871), à Newington, avec son épouse Caroline et leur fils Henry William. La famille (recensement 1881) habite à South Mimms (Waggon Road) où le père apparaît comme fabricant d'instruments scientifiques. Un domestique est à leur service. En 1881, il figure comme apprenti, peut-être de son père et au recensement de 1891, il vit toujours avec ses parents et exerce la profession d'électricien.
Le kinetoscope (1894-1895)
On ignore précisément comment Henry William Short est rentré en contact avec Robert W. Paul, toutefois la boutique de ce dernier se trouvant à deux pas de celle de la société "Short and Mason" (40, Hattlon Garden), on peut penser que cette proximité y est pour quelque chose.
Henry William Short sert d'intermédiaire entre Robert W. Paul et deux entrepreneurs George Georgiades y George John Tragidis. Ces derniers, à New York, au cours de l'été 1894, obtiennent six kinetoscopes de l'agent d'Edison, The Holland Brothers. Robert W. Paul a laissé des informations sur cette rencontre:
My first contact with animated photography occurred by chance in connection with the business of manufacturing electrical and other scientific instruments which I had started in Hatton Garden in 1891. In 1894 I was introduced by my friend, H. W. Short, to two Greeks who had installed in a shop in Old Broad Street, E.C., six kinetoscopes, bought from Edison's agents in New York. At a charge of twopence per person per picture one looked through a lens at a continuously running film and saw an animated photograph lasting about half a minute. Boxing Cats, A Barber's Shop, A Shoeblack at Work were among the subjects, and the public interest was such that additional machines were urgently needed.Finding that no steps had been taken to patent the machine I was able to construct six before the end of that year. To supply the demand from travelling showmen and others, I made about sixty kinetoscopes in 1895, and in conjunction with business friends installed fifteen at the Exhibition at Earl 's Court, London, showing some of the first of our British films, including the Boat Race and Derby of 1895.
Proceedings of the British Kinematograph Society, nº 38, 3 février 1936, p. 2.
C'est à nouveau Short qui va mettre en rapport, cette fois-ci, Robert W. Paul et Birt Acres afin de construire une première caméra. Selon les déclarations de Paul voici comment les choses se sont passées avec son ami S.[hort] :
In December 1894 I was manufacturing kinetoscopes, and my friend, Mr. S., suggested that if I would construct a camera for taking the films he would introduce me to Mr. Acres, who could undertake the photography. On February 4 Mr. Acres called at my works, and agreed that, if I constructed the camera and tools at my own risk and expense, he would use it for taking films for me solely. He also handed me a sketch of an apparatus for photographic printing, and suggested that some of the actions of this might be utilised for the camera. I pointed out that this could scarcely be done, and of seven mechanical motions embodied two were abandoned, and the remainder replaced by different actions suggested by Mr. S. and myself, only one unimportant piece being retained.
On February 5 and 6, 1895, I designed and constructed (with the cooperation of Mr. S.) a working model. By March 16 I had made drawings of, and finished, a complete kinetograph, for which Mr. Acres found a lens, but in designing the mechanism of which he took no part.
The British Journal of Photography, Londres, 27 mars 1896, p. 206-207.
Ainsi au cours des premiers mois de l'année 1895, les relations entre les trois hommes semblent au mieux. D'ailleurs, ils collaborent aux premiers essais de prise de vue.
Incident Outside Clovelly Cottage
montage des 3 fragments conservés
On retrouve également Short avec Acres au moment du tournage du Derby d'Epsom et il accompagne ce dernier lors de son voyage en Allemagne à l'occasion de l'inauguration du canal de Kiel, en juin 1895. Si Short semble avoir maintenu de bonnes relations avec ses deux collaborateurs, la situation entre Paul et Acres va singulièrement se dégrader à la suite de la publication de l'article cité plus haut. En ce qui concerne la participation à la réalisation de la première caméra, la version de Birt Acres est assez différente, mais elle n'altère pas le rôle essentiel d'Henry William Short dans tout ce processus. Voici sa version des faits :
To the Editors.
SIR, — I have read the letter in your issue of the 27th nit. over the name R. W. Paul, but I decline to enter into a wordy contest with him. I will therefore content myself with a few statements.
Towards the latter end of 1894, Mr. H. W. Short (the Mr. S. of your correspondent's letter), who was a constant visitor at my house, informed me that he knew a man who was making Edison kinetoscopes, and who would do anything to get films, as the Edison Company would only sell films to purchasers of their machines. I believe that no patents were taken out on the Edison machine, the Company relying on the difficulty of the successful making of films, and, as machines were of no use with-out films, they made it a stipulation with the sale of films that they were only to be used with their own machines.
Mr. Short knew that I had invented an apparatus for taking (or printing, the principle is interchangeable) a number of photographs in rapid succession, and suggested that, if I were agreeable, he would introduce me to his friend, who would at his own cost make any machine I required, provided that I would supply him with films. Accordingly, Mr. Short introduced me to Mr. Paul. Mr. Paul admitted to me that he had no idea how to make such an apparatus, but that he would work out my ideas for me. I accordingly showed Mr. Paul how the thing could be accomplished, and made sufficient drawings to enable him to work the machine out. From that date until the machine was finished I attended at Mr. Paul's workshop every evening, modifying and superintending the manufacture of this machine. Mr. Short was only present on rare occasions.
I showed Mr. Short Mr. Paul's letter in your issue of the 27th ult., and he seemed very much surprised, and solemnly declared to me that he (Mr. Short) had not the faintest idea how to set about making such an apparatus before he saw my models and drawings, and he was equally certain that Mr. Paul had not ; and, further, that he (Mr. Short) had bad nothing to do with the designing of the machine.
Mr. Paul's letter would give your readers the impression that a kind of partnership existed between Paul and myself, and speaks of "our first saleable picture."
The truth is that, during the construction of the machine, Paul spoke of patting a large sum of money into the manufacture of films. I expressed myself willing, under such conditions, to give him a share in the venture, but, to my utter astonishment, when the machine was finished, Mr. Paul claimed a half share in it, and this without the slightest intention of putting a sixpence into it. I very well remember Mr. Short's surprise at this claim of Paul's. I finally agreed to appoint Paul agent, Paul agreeing to take a minimum number of films. Later on, Paul said he could not sell the minimum number, and so it became necessary for me to make other arrangements, which I accordingly did, having first cancelled the agreement with Paul.
BIRT Acres, F.R.MET.S., F.B.P.S.
The British Journal of Photography, Londres, 10 avril 1896, p. 239.
Toujours est-il qu'Henry William Short ne fait guère parler de lui dans les mois qui suivent avant le début de ll'année 1896. Henry William Short va déposer des brevets pour divers appareils kinetoscopiques. Le premier date du 19 février 1896 (publication: 13 février 1897):
Patent News
The following applications for Patents were made between February 19 and February 26, 1896.
KINETOSCOPE PHOTOGRAPHS.Nº 3777. "A New of Improved Means for Giving Intermittents motion to a Strip of Film for Taking of Exhibiting Photographs." H.W. SHORT.
The British Journal of Photography, Londres, 6 mars 1896, p. 157.
Il s'agit d'un système d'avancement du film au moyen de perforation pour la prise de vue et la projection de vues animées. Le deuxième brevet est présenté en mars 1896:
Patent News
The following applications for Patents were made between February 26 and March 4, 1896.
KINETOSCOPIC PHOTOGRAPHY.-Nº 4166. "A New or Improved Means for Exhibiting or displaying to view Consecutive Photographs of Pictures of Moving Objects or Figures." H.W.SHORT.
The British Journal of Photography, Londres, 13 mars 1896, p. 170.
Dans ce cas, il pourrait s'agir de la version anglaise du brevet français (Fr. 255292, 3 avril 1896) et de l'américain (nº 596,910 du 25 juin 1896: Means for Exhibiting Consecutive Pictures) , il s'agit en fait d'un folioscope. Il réside alors au 65 Chancery Lane (Londres).
Voyage aux États-Unis (mars 1896)
Henry Williams Short, qui maintient toujours de bonnes relations avec Birt Acres, va se rendre aux États-Unis. Il quitte le port de Southampton, le 22 février 1896, à bord du "SS New York" et arrive à New York, le 2 mars. Si l'on ne connaît pas précisément les raisons de ce voyage, la projection de trois vues des chutes du Niagara, en particulier le 22 juin à Londres, pourrait indiquer que Short est également allé aux États-Unis pour y tourner quelques vues animées.
Vue non identifiée: Il pourrait s'agir d'une des vues tournées par H. W. Short aux chutes du Niagara
Source: BFI National Archives.
Reproduit dans BROWN, 2017: 156.
De retour des États-Unis, à bord de l'Etruria, il accoste au port de Liverpool, le 20 mars 1896.
Quelques mois plus tard, en août 1896, Henry William Short épouse Martha Scott.
Voyage au Portugal et en Espagne (août-septembre 1896)
C'est juste après son mariage qu'Henry William Short part pour la Péninsule ibérique, envoyé par Robert W. Paul afin d'enregistrer quelques vues animées :
Further, I equipped my friend Short with a camera, with which he took some interesting films in Portugal, Spain and Egypt. Of these one of the most popular was taken from the interior of a cave near Lisbon, and showed enormous breakers which appeared to be about to overwhelm the spectators
.Proceedings of the British Kinematograph Society, nº 38, 3 février 1936
Sans qu'il soit possible de l'affirmer, il est toutefois probable qu'Henry William Short ait commencé son circuit par la ville de Cadix où il tourne Scene in Plaza del Cathedrale/Plaza del Cathedrale, puis Séville et Madrid. La presse espagnole consultée n'a pas gardé la trace de ce voyage, ni celle des tournages, mais la presse portugaise évoque la corrida tournée à Séville le 30 août 1896 :
Estreia-se uma nova collecção de quadros, da qual faz parte um extraordinario quadro representando algumas sortes da corrida de touros do dia 30 de agosto em Sevilha.
Commercio de Portugal, Lisbonne, mardi 17 novembre 1896, p. 3.
Aucun de ces films, par ailleurs, n'a été conservé. Tel n'est le cas, en revanche, de la partie portugaise du séjour. Dans les premiers jours d'octobre, la presse lisboète annonce la présence d'un appareil de prise de vue:
UMA BOA NOTÍCIA-Por contracto entre Mr. Paul et Mr. Rousby [...] acha-se em Lisboa a máquina para a tiragem de fotografias intantâneas de cenas e pontos principais de Lisboa.
Amanhã vai Mr. Rousby ao Campo Pequeno, tirar uma fotografia da corrida de touros, que ali se realisa en benefício de Sancho.
Diario illustrado, Lisboa, 10 septembre 1896, p. 1.
Pas de doute puisqu'il est question d'un accord entre Robert W. Paul et Edwin Rousby, qui depuis quelques mois présente un animatographe en Espagne et au Portugal. La presse se fait par ailleurs l'écho de quelques tournages :
O animatographo
Mr. Rousby e o preparador de Mr. Paul do theatro Alhambra de Londres, foram hontem de manhã ao desembarque do peixe na Ribeira Nova, tirar uma photographia para o animatographo do Real Coliseo. Tambem em seguida tiraram outro quadro da shida dos operarios do Arsenal de Marinha e vão hoje de manhã photographar a chegada ao caes de Sodré, do primero comboio de Cascaes e a praia d'Algés na occasião dos banhos.
Também no domingo se tiraram algumas photographias das cortezias e algumas sortes da corrida de touros em Cascaes e da decantada Bocca do Inferno.
Diaio illustrado, Lisboa, 15 septembre 1896, p . 3.
Après quelques nouveaux tournages, Henry W. Short repart pour l'Angleterre :
Seguiu ontem para Londres Mr. Henry W. Short, colaborador e sócio de Mr. Paul […] que veio a Lisboa tirar algumas fotografias para o Animatographo do Real Coliseu.
Na 4ª feira [dia 16] ainda Mr Short tirou 2 novos quadros, um da praça de D. Pedro e outro do Cais das Colunas, na ocasião do desembarque de umas fragatas.
Diário ilustrado, Lisbonne, 19 septembre 1896.
Quelques jours plus tard les vues sont présentées à Lisbonne :
O espectaculo de hoje no Real Colyseu é todo consagrado ao animatographo colossal, que inaugura a sua collecção de vistas tiradas em Lisboa, pelo sr. Henry Short.
O publico admirará ali um magnifico quadro A boca do inferno, em Cascaes, assim como um grande numero de vistas novas tiradas em Paris.
O Fregoli portuguez completa o espectaculo.
O Correio da Manhã, Lisbonne, mercredi 30 septembre 1896, p. 4.
L'ensemble de ces vues est offerte quelques semaines plus tard sous le titre Tour in Spain and Portugal :
The Alhambra.— The Animatographe display at the Alhambra has been strengthened by the introduction of a new series of pictures. The novelties represent scenes taken during a tour in Spain and Portugal, and the subjects have been judiciously chosen with an eye to effective reproduction. The first picture shows the worshippers leaving the Church of San Salvador, Seville, and the next a lively Andalusian dance witnessed in the same town. There are two street scenes, one of the Puerto del Sol, Madrid, and one of the Praça dom Pedro, Lisbon, each picture being crowded with wayfarers and vehicles The greatest triumph of the new invention is achieved in the bullfight scenes, though the figures in the arena are necessarily so small that it is difficult to take in all the details. A sea piece, showing the waves tumbling into a cave on the coast of Galicia, breaking in clouds of spray over the rocks, gained the loudest applause. Several of the old series of pictures are retained including the interesting mementoes of the Czar's visit to Paris. The general programme contains an excellent item in the Kremo Troupe of children whose performance is clever, original, and full of natural humour.
London Evening Standard, Londres, vendredi 23 octobre 1896, p. 2.
Un autre article complète les informatons :
Mr R. W. Paul’s Animatographe still continues its triumphant career at the Alhambra, and its clever inventor takes care to introduce from time to time fresh pictures. The latest series, entitled “A Tour in Spain and Portugal”, is not only entertaining but highly instructive. Street scenes in Madrid, Cadiz, Lisbon and Seville are happily depicted. We see worshippers leaving the Church of San Salvador, Seville; and other excellent illustrations of Peninsular life include a fish market scene in Lisbon; procession of bull-fighters at Seville; the bull-fight, and exciting picture; and a cave on the coast of Galicia, one of the most beautiful realisations of the sea that we have ever witnessed. The foam-crested waves rush into the recesses of the rocks, clouds of stray are burled into space, and the grandeur and beauty of the scene are remarkable.
The Era, Londres, samedi 31 octobre 1896.
Un précis document conservé dans les National Archives permet connaître le contenu du copyright pour le film Sea-cave où Short figure expressément comme l'auteur de la vue.
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Robert William Paul, Sea-cave, copyright, 18 mars 1897
Source: The National Archives (Grande Bretagne) |
Dans les mois qui suivent, son nom n'apparaît plus dans la presse. Toutefois, sa vie personnelle va connaître quelques aléas. Alors qu'il n'est marié que depuis moins d'un an, son épouse abandonne le domicile conjugal en mars 1897. Peut-on penser que la préparation du prochain voyage en Égypte est en cause ? Difficile de le savoir, mais la concomitance, elle, est bien réelle. Lors du divorce - qui n'aura lieu qu'en 1910 -, cette séparation est évoquée en ces termes :
1. That your Petitioner was on the 2nd day of August 1896 lawfully married to Martha Short, then Martha Scott, Spinster, at Christ Church in the parish of Christ Church Chelsea in the County of London.
2. That after his said marriage your Petitioner lived and cohabited with his said wife at Stertford Road East Finchley in the County of Middlesex and that there has been no issue of their said marriage.
3. That in or about the month of March 1897 the said Martha Short deserted your Petitioner without cause or reasonable excuse and has ever since refused to return to her home or to resume cohabitation with him.
Short v. Short, dossier de divorce, 1910.
C'est en de telles circonstances qu'Henry William Short va effectuer un nouveau voyage.
Voyage en Égypte (mars-avril 1897)
Le deuxième voyage effectué par Henry William Short se situe en mars-avril 1897 où, pour le compte de Paul, il se rend en Égypte afin de prendre un certain nombre de vues cinématographiques. Parmi les prises, celle de la procession du Tapis Sacré, événement religieux que saisit également Alexandre Promio pour le compte de la maison Lumière. Les cinématographistes se sont-ils croisés, voire rencontrés ? Qui sait ? À la fin du mois d'avril, la presse britannique évoque les prises de vue de Short sans le nommer :
Mr. Paul’s photographer has returned from tour in Egypt with a series of 12 interesting and characteristic pictures taken in that country. In addition to local views, these include the annual procession of the Holy Carpet leaving Cairo for Mecca; a caravan of camels arriving at the Pyramids; Arab women fetching water from the Nile, and several pictures representing native industries and amusements, including:—Arab knife-grinders, cigarette-makers, fishermen, sawyers, and a native bullock-pump in work. The series of pictures will probably be produced for the first time next week at the Oxford Music Hall.
Globe, Londres, samedi 24 avril 1897, p. 3.
Curieusement, deux ans plus tard, la revue Illustrated London News consacre un bref article à la procession du tapis sacré :
The "Holy Carpet.” or Kiswa, which has been stolen by Bedouin Arabs en route for Mecca, consists of a series oblong strips of black brocade richly embroidered in gold and silver with Arabic inscriptions from the Koran. It serves the purpose of beautifying the exterior of the Ka’aba, the sacred shrine within the precincts the Mosque at Mecca. It is renewed and sent every year at the expense of the Sultan from Constantinople via Cairo, where, with its escort Bashi Bazouks, it forms part of the great Egyptian caravan, the most important of the many which annually converge towards Mecca. Having done duty for a year, it is cut up and the pieces sold as relics to wealthy pilgrims. The Illustrations represent a portion of the carpet being carried on men’s shoulders through the streets of Cairo, during the festival preceding its departure, with two symbolical trophies that each year accompany the pilgrimage work, but some delay is caused the necessity of getting special instructions from Berlin for the delegates of the German Empire. A splendid fête in honour of the foreign delegates was given the Hutch Government on Saturday evening.
Illustrated London News, Londres, samedi 24 juin 1899, p. 915.
Il est accompagné de trois photographies signées "Henry W. Short". Même si l'on peut penser que ce dernier est revenu en Égypte en 1899, il y a fort à parier que les vues en question ont été prises lors de son voyage en 1897.
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"Procession accompanying the pilgrimage to Mecca" | "Carrying the holy carpet through the streets of Cairo" | "Procession of the Marmal" |
Photographs by Henry W. Short, London Illustrated London News, Londres, samedi 24 juin 1899, p. 915. |
Par ailleurs, deux films ont été conservés : Women Fetching Water from the Nile et Fishermen and Boat at Port Said et un certain nombre de photogrammes.
The Anglo-French Filoscope Syndicate (1897-[1899])
À partir de 1897, Henry William Short va se consacrer au "cinématographe de poche" qui connaît une vogue remarquable dès 1897 et qui se prolonge au-delà de 1900. Il dépose un brevet en France (nº 268.047, du 21 juin 1897) pour un "Nouvel appareil kinétoscopique sans mécanisme, dit 'Filoscope'". Il est représenté par Caron, à Paris, boulevard Rochechouart, nº 17. Le principe en est déjà connu et il consiste à monter une série de photographies consécutives qui donne l'illusion du mouvement grâce à une manipulation rapide. Parmi les plus connus, on trouve le kinora des Lumière ou le Mutoscope. Dès le mois de septembre, Short va former une nouvelle société, l'Anglo-French Filoscope Syndicate pour l'exploitation des articles :
ANGLO-FRENCH FILOSCOPE SYNDICATE (LIMITED). — This Company has been registered by Mr. G. Machieu, of 15, Victoria-street, Westminster, S.W., with a capital of 5000l., in 1l. shares. The objects of the Company are to acquire, work, develop, turn to account, and deal with the patent rights owned by H. W. Short in England, France, Italy, Austria, Germany, and the United States, and to enter into an agreement with him for the purpose. Registered without Articles of Association. Registered offices, 15, Victoria- street, Westminster, S.W.
The British Journal of Photography, nº 1850, Vol. XLIV, Londres, 17 septembre 1897, p. 604.
En complément, Henry W. Short va déposer plusieurs brevets. Un premier en décembre 1897 :
No 29616 14th December, 1897. Henry William Short. A new or improved holder or casing for book form kinetoscopes.
The Optical Magic Lantern Journal, vol. 9, nº 105, février 1898, p. 34.
Le dernier date du mois de novembre et porte sur "improvements in kinetoscopic apparatus (the filoscope)" :
No 23158. 3rd November, 1898. Henry William Short. Improvements in kinetoscopic apparatus (the filoscope).
The Optical Magic Lantern Journal, vol. 9, nº 115, décembre 1898, p. 188.
L'historien Henry W. Hopwood, dans son ouvrage Living Pictures, offre une description de l'appareil accompagné de dessins explicatifs :
The most perfect, and at the same time most compact apparatus in book form is Short’s Filoscope. The book is bound in a metal clip pivoted in a metal casing, and may be revolved by pressure on an attached lever as seen in Fig. 37. The leaves are released in regular succession, and fly over rapidly on their escape from the edge of the case, the latter being so formed that the cards when not in use possess a concave curve on their face. By this. means their resiliency is preserved and their rapid motion when released is increased. The form assumed by the leaves when the apparatus is closed is shown in Fic, 38. The views are small half-tone prints on the end of comparatively long leaves, the increased length of the leaf serving to rapidly remove each picture to a considerable distance from the following one, thus affording a very clear view.
Henry V. Hopwood, Living Pictures, Londres, The Optician & Photographic Trades Review, 1899, p. 36.
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Henry V. Hopwood, Living Pictures, Londres, The Optician & Photographic Trades Review, 1899, p. 36. |
On trouve également dans la presse française des descriptions similaires comme celle du Monde illustré dans son número de janvier 1899
Les filoscopes utlisent des films dont ils ne sélectionnent qu'un nombre limité de photogrammes. Henry W. Short commercialise ainsi des extraits de vues du catalogue Paul.
The Soldier's Courtship (Robert Paul, 1896)
source : Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
Henry William Short travaille également avec The British Mutoscope & Biograph Co. Ltd., pour laquelle il semble avoir réutilisé, en partie, les vues filoscopiques du catalogue Paul comme dans ce Devant, the Conjurer, produces Rabbits from a Hat.
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David Devant, the Conjuror of the Egyptian Hall (1896) Henry W. Short, The British Mutoscope & Biograph Co. Ltd. |
En France, ces flip-books ont un réel succès:
Chez M. Kratz Boussac (3, rue Saint-Laurent, Paris), toute une série de nouveautés curieuses:
C'est d'abord le filoscope. Nous avons tous admiré la dextérité avec laquelle les camelots du boulevard savent faire défiler devant nos yeux des images cinématographiques réussies avec une série de cartes qui rapidement se succèdent. Nous achetons le lot; mais rentrés chez nous, nous ne retrouvons plus le cinématographe. Le filoscope supplée à notre défaut de maestria: en appuyant légèrement sur la petite tige A, dans le sens de la flèche, on voit défiler régulièrement les scènes les plus curieuses et avec la vitesse que l'on veut: jamais d'empiètement d'une image sur l'autre, jamais d'omission si la pression est uniforme et rien de plus aisé.
Le Monde illustré, nº 2180, 43e année, Paris, 7 janvier 1899, p. 14.
C'est à cette époque qu'il est attaqué et blessé par un voleur qui s'est introduit chez lui :
Harry Watson, twenty-five, a well-dressed, tall young fellow, who gave no account of himself, was charged at North London with feloniously attempting to break and enter a warehouse in Dulas-street, Tollington Park, with intent to steal therein the goods of Henry William Short, an electrician, of Ganwick Howse, Barnet. There was a further charge against the prisoner of maliciously wounding the prosecutor by striking him on the head with a jemmy.
Weekly Dispatch, Londres, dimanche 11 décembre 1898, p. 18.
En outre, ces années-là continuent d'être marquées par ses déboires conjugaux et il accuse son épouse d'avoir eu des relations extra-conjugales avec un certain Mc. Donald.
4. That in or about the month of March 1897 and from time to time between the said month and the first day of August 1899 the said Martha Short at Chester in the County of Chester Shrewsbury in the County of Shropshire and divers other places not known to your Petitioner the said Martha Short committed adultery with one Mc Donald whose address is not known to your Petitioner.
Short v. Short, dossier de divorce, 1910.
Son épouse va donner naissance en 1900 à Reginald Joseph qu'Henry W. Short ne reconnaît pas pour sien :
5. That on the 29th day of April 1900 at S Bloompark Road Fulham in the County of London the said Martha Short gave birth to a child of which your Petitioner was not the father but which was the issue of the said adultery.
Short v. Short, dossier de divorce, 1910.
Et après... (1900-1919)
Thomas W. Short, le père d'Henry, avait fondé en 1864, avec William James Mason, la "Short and Mason" (40, Hatton Garden, Londres). À partir de 1900, une restructuration s'opère qui permet, entre autres, de redéfinir les finalités de la société.
SHORT & MASON (LIMITED).—Capital 27,500l., in 1l. shares. Objects : To adopt agreements with G. E. Taylor and Taylor Brothers Company, and to carry on the business of opticians, spectacle-makers, electrical, chemical, scientific, and surgical instrument makers, &c. The first directors are : T. W. Short, W. H. Walker, H. J. Winn, G. E. Taylor, and E. Bausch. Registered office, 40 Hatton Garden, E.G.
The Chemist and Druggist, 8 septembre 1900, p. 442.
Au cours des années suivantes, Henry William Short va collaborer avec la société de son père en déposant plusieurs brevets dont celui pour des "Improvements in Recording Instruments” (nº 3715 du 13 février 1902) ou celui pour "Improvements in magnetic compass needles". Il réside alors au 238, Seven Sister's-road. Il continue ses activités de chercheur au cours des années suivantes, ainsi en 1905 il dépose un brevet pour “Improvements of Diffusimeters” (nº 1909 du 31 janvier 1905), puis deux autres, le premier avec Sydney Solomon Lawrence (Sydney Solomon Lawrence y Henry William Short, “An Improved Megaphone”, nº 25 014, 20 novembre 1908) et le second, seul (Henry William Short, “Improvements in and in the Manufacture of Whistles”, brevet anglais, nº 25 322, 24 novembre 1908). En 1909, Short est victime de l'un de ses employés :
At the North London Police-court on Saturday, John Harbin Harper, 55, engraver, of Woodstock-road, Finsbury-park, was charged with stealing, on 3rd August, 4s., the money of his employer, Henri William Short, scientific instrument maker, 238, Seven Sister's-road, Holloway.
Prisoner, who declared that he was ill, and said he ought to go into the infirmary again, was remanded with the objet of having the state of his mind inquired into.
Islington Gazette, Islington, lundi 9 août 1909, p. 2.
L'année 1910 est marquée par son divorce. A cette époque, Reginald Joseph Short, l'enfant qu'il ne pense pas être le sien, vit avec sa mère (recensement). Quant à Henry, il continue de déposer des brevets, bien éloignés de ses premières recherches, comme celui des lacets pour des bottes (1913). Au cours des années suivantes, on sait que son fils participe, comme soldat, à la 1re guerre mondiale. Il conservera d'ailleurs son nom jusqu'à la fin de sa vie, maintenant l'énigme de sa naissance. Quant à Henry, il décède en 1919.
BARNES John, The Beginnings of The Cinema in England 1894-1901, vol, 1 1894-1896, Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 1976 [1988], 294 p.
BROWN Richard et Barry ANTHONY, The Kinetoscope. A British History, East Barnet, John Libbey Prublishing Ltd., 2017, 236 p.
MCKERNAN Luke, Harry Short-A Marginal Life [https://lukemckernan.com/2021/01/10/harry-short-a-marginal-life/ ]
Proceedings of the British Kinematograph Society, nº 38, 3 février 1936
VIDEIRA SANTOS A., Para a História do Cinema em Portugal, Lisbonne, Cinemateca Portuguesa, 1900, 362 p.
Niagara River, falls, and rapids (mars)
Brodway New York
Scene in Plaza del Cathedrale/Plaza del Cathedrale [août]
Procession of Bull-fighters, Seville
Uma corrida de touros na praça do Campo Pequeno (10 septembre)
An artistic view of a Sea Cave (13 septembre)
Corrida de toiros em Cascaes (13 septembre)
The Fish Market, Lisbon (14 septembre)
Praça do Municipio (14 septembre)
Diving and Bathing in the Sea (15 septembre)
Na avenida da Liberdade (15 septembre)
Rail (15 septembre)
Andalusian Dance, by two performers (16 septembre)
O Caes das columnas (16 septembre)
Fardo (16 septembre)
Praça dom Pedro (16 septembre)
Two men in the Game of Pau (17 septembre)
Procession of the Holy Carpet from Cairo
Women fetching water from Nile
A Caravan arriving at Pyramids
Selling water from a goat skin
Loading Camels in a Cairo Street
Arabs at work, with primitive machinery
An Egyptian bullock pump; drawing water
Fisherman and Boat at Port Said
Egyptian scene; primitive saw mill