- Détails
- Création : 19 mai 2024
- Mis à jour : 10 décembre 2024
- Publication : 19 mai 2024
- Affichages : 492
Cecil WRAY
(Brigg, 1866-Brisbane, 1944)
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
William Wray (Burton, [1836]-) épouse Mary A. Wray ([1839]). Descendance :
- Rainsford W. Wray ([1865]-)
- Cecil Wray (Brigg, 23/10/1866-Brisbane, 30/09/1944) épouse (Bradford, 26/09/1889) Eliza Sykes (Bradford, [1866]). Descendance :
- Gladys Wray (Bradford, [1892]-) épouse (St-Kilda, 15/12/1916) Gerald Joseph Sullivan. Descendance:
- Kevin Wray "Pat" Sullivan (Maffra West Upper, 24/07/1917-Cromer, 11/11/1987) épouse Eileen Rose Walpole (Paddington, 21/02/1918-Mona Vale, 08/10/2003)
- Gerald Brian Sullivan (St Germaines, 22/03/1919-Canberra, 17/12/1984) épouse Eileen Kampman (-Penshurst, 01/2014). Descendance :
- Gerald, Charles Sullivan (1946-Ballarat, 2023)
- Marjorie Gladys Sullivan (Carrum, 14/10/1920-Newport Beach, 07/09/2009) épouse Ladislaw "Laddie" Reday (Maryland, 22/06/1913-Newport Beach, 25/08/1987).
- Dorothy Wray (Bradford, [1894]-) épouse (Baildon, 06/10/1916) Herbert Wear ([1893]-)
- Cecil Eric Wray (Bradford, 10/1897-Korumburra, 26/02/1985) épouse (1923) Freda Johanson.
- Edith, Mary Wray (Bradford, [1899]-Brisbane, [11]/02/1951) épouse Melbourne, 13/08/1927) Sidney Firth Lumb. Descendance :
- Elizabeth Lumb
- Janet Lumb
- Marion Wray (Eccleshill, [1905]-)
- Gladys Wray (Bradford, [1892]-) épouse (St-Kilda, 15/12/1916) Gerald Joseph Sullivan. Descendance:
- Lucy M. Wray ([1869]-)
- Gertrude A. Wray ([1870]-)
- Mabel J. Wray ([1872]-)
- Arthur T. Wray ([1874]-)
- Winefred M. Wray ([1876]-)
- Fredc. J. Wray ([1877]-)
- Jessie Wray ([1880]-)
Les origines (1866-1894)
Fils d'un horloger (recensement 1861), Cecil Wray est né à Brigg en 1866. La famille est installée à Broughton lors du recensement de 1871, puis elle rejoint Bradford (recensement 1881). À cette époque Cecil Wray figure comme magasinier (storekeeper). En 1889, il épouse Eliza Sykes alors qu'il exerce la profession d'ingénieur électrique ("electrical engineer") alors que son père est "commercial traveller". Au recensement de 1891, il a toujours la même profession.
De gauche à droite: Gladys, Eliza (la mère), Edith, Cecil et Dorothy (1892). [D.R.]
À la fin de l'année 1894, un kinetoscope est présenté à Bradford, appareil qui va intéresser tout particulièrement Cecil Wray :
Bradford people have now the opportunity of inspecting the latest and one of the most marvellous of Mr Edison's inventions, the kinetoscope, which is being exhibited at Mr A. H. Rigg's shop opposite the Town Hall. The object viewed has been aptly described as a moving photograph, the spectator observing a photograph of an acrobat projected on a screen and going through a series of evolutions. In fact a series of photographs taken at the rate of 46 a second are projected on the scene, and thus do for the eye what the phonograph does for the ear. Another instrument shows the progress of a cock fight. It has not hitherto been shown out of London and Paris in Europe, and is well worth a visit.
Bradford Daily Telegraph, Bradford, samedi 8 décembre 1894, p. 3.
Les images animées (1895-1897)
Le Kinetoscope (1895)
Ainsi, dès le début de l'année 1895 (3 janvier), Cecil Wray dépose un brevet pour une amélioration en relation avec le kinetoscope Edison (GB189500182. 03/01/1895). Il s'agit d'un système qui permet de projeter sur un écran des images animées.
Le Kineoptoscope (1896)
L'année suivante, en mars 1896, à Bradford, Cecil Wray, à l'occasion d'une soirée donnée par le Bradford Photographie Society, offre une conférence sur "Phonographs, Kinetoscopes and the Kinetograph". Il fait également une démonstration du phonographe Edison-Bell et annonce qu'il est en train de construire un appareil cinématographique qu'il espère pouvoir présenter prochainement :
BRADFORD PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY.-On Monday, Mr Cecil Wray, A.M.E.E., gave a popular lecture entitled "Phonographs, Kinetoscopes, and the Kinetograph," before a large attendance of members and friends of the above society, in the Unity Rooms, Sunbridge Road. Mr. Wray divided his lecture into two parts, the first being devoted to the rapid advancement of these inventions. The second part was devoted to the practical demonstration of the commercial Edison-Bell phonograph as used in lieu of a short-hand clerk. Musical records, songs, whistling solos, and recitations were rendered, and a recitation by one of the members present was taken into the phonograph and repeated by the instrument to the amusement of all present. At the close a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mr Wray for his very instructive and entertaining lecture, which he briefly acknowledged, and promised as soon as he has completed a kinetograph which he had in course of construction, he would be pleased to give a demonstration with it before the society, thus enabling a roomful of people to see on a lantern screen moving pictures, the same as those in the kinetoscope, but on a larger scale.
Bradford Daily Telegraph, Bradford, samedi 21 mars 1896, p. 2.
La présentation annoncée va avoir lieu un mois plus tard, le 23 avril 1896 :
Last night Mr Cecil Wray, the Yorkshire manager of the Edison-Bell Phonograph Corporation, exhibited his new invention, the kinetograph-an extension of the powers of the kinetoscope-to the membres of the Bradford Photographic Society. It may be of interest to your readers to explain how the pictures which represent so faithfully the movements gone through in the course of a skirt dance or a boxing match are procured. First the camera with a moving film inside is placed in front of the objects to be photographed, and by means of a mechanical shutter which is set in motion a succession of exposures are made, and negatives thus secured. These when printed out and prepared form a series of pictures which when passed through the kinetoscope give the desired effect. Mr Wray picked up the idea of applying the kinetoscope to the magic lantern when Mr Edison's invention was exhibited in Bradford last December, and his efforts have turned out mos successful.
The pictures are projected on to a screen by Mr Wray's lantern pretty much in the same way as ordinary pictures are by lantern slides, the only difference being the application of a little machine, which may either be worked by hand or by an electric motor. It requires, for instance, some 800 or 900 pictures to represent a feat performed by a contortionist, and these are wound from one spool to another in succession, passing between the light in the lantern and the lenses, and four turns of the wheel puts through the series with perfect uniformity. The effect is even better than that in the kinetoscope, the pictures being much larger and consequently more distinct, Mr Wray, I might add, is a local man, and this fact will give an increased interest to the exhibition on Thursday night.
Bradford Daily Telegraph, Bradford, vendredi 24 avril 1896, p. 2.
Il figure à cette époque comme Manager de l'Edison-Bell Phonograph Corporation. En juin 1896, Cecil Wray organise une nouvelle séance avec son "cinetograph" :
THE CINETOGRAPH EXHIBITION IN BRADFORD.-This machine, which is a development of Mr Edison's kinetoscope, was exhibited in the saloon of the Mechanics Institute yesterday by the Scientific Entertainment Company. Life-size moving figures are projected on to a large screen from a specially constructed electric lantern, to which is attached the cinetograph apparatus. The rapidity of the movements of the figures are very realistic and life-like. The machine used by this company embodies a diaphragm arrangement, which is the patent of Mr Cecil Wray, of Bradford. The photographs pass through the machine at the rate of about 25 per second, each photo being through to a standstill when projected.
Bradford Daily Telegraph, Bradford, vendredi 12 juin 1896, p. 2.
Ces essais du printemps 1896 semblent avoir été réalisés avec un premier appareil, sans doute celui dont le brevet est déposé quelques mois plus tard (31 août 1896) pour des "improvements in Apparatus for Exhibiting Kinetoscopic or Zoetropic Pictures".
The members of the Bradford Photographic Society on Monday evening held their third annual conversazione in the Unity Rooms, Sunbridge Road. An excellent programme, full of variety, had been arranged by the committee, who, one and all, spared no effort to make the affair enjoyable.
The rest of the first part of the programme was made up of selections of vocal and instrumental music, &c., by Mr A. Robert-shaw, Mr. J. Wallace, Miss Cole, Mr. T. Riley, Mr. A. Irlam, and an exhibition of the Kineoptoscope by Mr Cecil Wray, the "animated pictures" including the arrival of a train, the "Morning Bath," Niagara Falls, the Carnival Dance from the "Gaiety Girl," the death scene from the "Trilby" burlesque, eating water-lemons for a wager, &c. The second part of the programme consisted of a dance and concert.
Bradford Daily Telegraph, Bradford, mercredi 9 décembre 1896, p. 3.
The Perfection Cinematograph (1897)
The Perfection Cinematograph (1897)
Source: Cinémathèque française
recensement 1901 (Bradford): Technical Engineer.
recensement 1911 (Yorkshire-West Riding- Eccleshill): Cinematograph Film (Hirer & Dealer)
Et après (1912-1944)
[debout. De gauche à droite]. Lem & Ceddie McVean, Sis Sullivan, Rev. Oswald McCall, Edith Wray & Eric. [assis. idem] Eliza (Sykes) Wray, Gerald Joseph Sullivan & Gladys (Wray) Sullivan, Cecil Wray. [assise par terre]. Marion Wray.
Hartpury Avenue. St. Kilda. Victoria. Australie. 16 décembre 1916. [D.R.]
We are indebted for the photographs to Mr. Cecil Wray, engineer and manager for S. R. O. Allen and Co., who recently returned from a business visit to the United States.
The Australasian, Melbourne, samedi 5 octobre 1918, p. 35.
Cecil Wray et son épouse et Marion voyage en Australie: Arrivée Melbourne. 1915. A bord du Ballarat.
1919: liste électorale Auburn: Wray Cecil et Eliza. 9 Cambridge St. Aubern. Manager.
At the Burke road Methodist Church, Balwyn, this morning, Miss Edith Mary Wray, daughter of Mr and Mrs Cecil Wray of Camberwell street, East Kew, was very quietly married to Mr. Sidney Firth Lumb L.D.S. B.Dsc., superintendentof the Melbourne Dental Hospital and eldest son of Mr. T. F. Lumb and of the late Mrs Lumb of Harcourt-street Auburn. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Marion Wray and Mr T. E. Lumb brother of the bridegroom, was best man. After the ceremony relatives of the families were entertained at luncheon, served at the home of the bride's.
The Herald, Melbourne, samedi 13 août 1927, p. 14.
Mount Thompson Memorial Gardens and Crematorium
Holland Park, Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia
WRAY.-On the 30th September, 1944, at a Private Hospital, Cecil Wray, belovec Husband of Eliza Wray, 21 wagner Rd. Clayfield, formerly of Merlbourne & of Yorkshire, England, in his 78th. Privately cremated.
The Telegraph, Brisbane, lundi 2 octobre 1944, p. 6.
Quelques jours après son décès, le journal australien The Sun publie un court article où sa fille rend hommage à son père.
"Claims that her father invented first movie", The Sun, dimanche 22 octobre 1944, p. 2.