(Bristol, [1872]- 1926)

lomas harold portrait

Jean-Claude SEGUIN


Thomas Lomas (Manchester, 27/04/1827-22/04/1915) épouse (Tynemouth, 1860) Jane Mease (Tynemouth, 19/12/1833-). Descendance :

  • John Arthur Mease Lomas ([1862]-)
  • Harold Mease Lomas ([Bristol], 1872-[Londres], 27/04/1926) épouse (Colombo, 14/12/1908) Maud Ilsley (Palameotta, [1883]-1966). Descendance :
    • Ivor Blumdell Mease Lomas (24/03/1912-).


Les origines ([1872]-1900)

La famille d'Harold Mease Lomas est installée à Bournemouth en 1881 (recensement 1881), puis à Minehead (recensement 1891) où son père exerce la profession de "Chemist Manufacturer" (Fabricant de produits chimiques). Son frère aîné John commence à se faire connaître comme artiste peintre. Grâce à son père, il s'intéresse à la chimie et à la photographie. Dès 1893, Harold Mease Lomas se fait connaître comme prestidigitateur dès 1893 :

C.E.T.S.-A very pleasant entertainment in connection with the Minehead branch of the above society was held in the Public-hall on Wednesday evening. Admission was free except the front seats, where persons were expected to give a silver contribution to assist in  defraying the expenses, and the hall was well filled. The various items of an excellent programme were well rendered, and gave much evident enjoyment to the large audience. The principal interest was shown in the anti-spiritualistic conjuring feats of Mr. Harold M. Lomas, a local gentleman, who was most successful in his performances. Some of his tricks were on the old lines, but others were of novel description, and all were neatly and cleverly performed and completely mystified the audience, who showed their appreciation of his efforts to amuse loud and well-merited applause. The Misses Overhead (2), attired in picturesque costume, sang a pretty duet, “Two Gipsy Maids are We," and Dr. contributed three capital songs, two of them being Irish. They were:— “Father O’Flynn,” “Molly Malone,” and “The Lay of the Very Last Minstrel." The Rev. C. Sainsbury also gave a trading, and Mrs. West and Miss Ollerbea lent very valuable and the piano. As "a pleasant evening for the people" the entertainment was entire success and reflected great credit on its promote and those who so kindly assisted in carrying out.

West Somerset Free Press, Williton, samedi 14 janvier 1893, p. 5.

lomas harold portrait 01
Harold M. Lomas
The Royal Photographic Society, vol. 124, nº 8, août 1984, p. 197.

Ses spectacles de magie se prolongent, au moins, jusqu'en 1896, date à laquelle il commence à présenter également des projections photographiques :

HUNTING SCENES.— On Tuesday evening, Mr. Harold M. Lomas, of Minehead, exhibited at the Public-hall, with the aid of the optical lantern, a large number of photographs of hunting scenes taken in the West Somerset country. There was a good front and second seat attendance, but the back of the hall was only sparsely filled. The proceeds were in aid of the poultry damage fund of the West Somerset Foxhounds. At the opening, Mr. Lomas stated that the pictures he intended to show were the first set of photographs ever brought together of hunting scenes taken with the aid of the camera in the actual field. They had been taken by himself at various times, and comprised views of the Minehead Harriers, Mr. Collier's Otterhounds, the West Somerset Foxhounds, and the Devon and Somerset Staghounds, besides which there were some coaching scenes and a large number of winter and summer views of the pretty bits of scenery for which the West-country is so famous. For the camera pictures obtained while following up the various packs of hounds above-mentioned he acknowledged his indebtedness to the Masters for their willingness in granting him every facility for obtaining his very interesting views. The first set of pictures shown were of the Minehead Harriers, and comprised views of the puppies at the kennels, meets of the Hounds and runs, the photographs being so clear and distinct that the different members of the field were easily recognisable. Then followed scenes with the Devon and Somerset Staghounds, the photographs of hounds and sportsmen being again particularly good. Several of the meets of the last staghunting season were thus illustrated, and incidents in the course of the sport were faithfully depicted. Among this set of pictures were the meet during the past season in front of the Luttrell Arms Hotel, Dunster, another at Hawkcombe Head, and the last of the season at Wheddon Cross. Then came a lot of equally good views in connection with the West Somerset Foxhounds, some of them proving most amusing as well as interesting. The second part of the entertainment consisted of some experiments in legerdemain, in which it is well known that Mr. Lomas is an adept, and he was quite as successful in mystifying his audience by his clever feats as some of the gentlemen who make these art a profession instead of an amusement. Music was supplied during the evening by Mrs. Slade and her two sons, who played violins and piano with their accustom efficiency.

West Someset Free Press, Williton, samedi 22 février 1896, p. 5.

Il apparaît déjà comme un photographe habile qui présente, pour l'occasion, une série de vues consacrées à la chasse. Il acquiert une certaine notoriété et quelques revues, c'est le cas de Black & White, publient certains de ses clichés.

lomas harold 1897 photographie
Photo, by H. M. Lomas, Dunster
Country Life Illustrated
, samedi 16 janvier 1897, p. 43.

Il continue par ailleurs à organiser des projections photographiques jusqu'en 1899, date à laquelle il ouvre un studio à Minehead (Selbourne-place) :

WEST-COUNTRY HUNTING SCENE PHOTOGRAPHS.-Mr H. M. Lomas, who is well known in Minehead and neighbourhood for his excellent photographic studies in the hunting field and his choice and characteristic productions of West-country scenery, &c., hasta opened a studio in Selbourne-place for the exhibition and sale of his studies, of which he has a large and varied collection, all turned out in masterly style. The studio is open to the public by visiting card on non-hunting days and at suche other times as appointment is made, and all interested in sport should not lose the opportunity of inspecting his unique sets of photographs, all of which are from his own camera, and illustrate every variety of incident in the hunting-field in connection with the different packs of hounds in West Somerset. New studies of the present season will be exhibited as taken.

West Somerset Free Press, Williton, samedi 19 août 1899, p. 5.

Ses photographies de chasse vont illustrer un ouvrage de Philip Evered, Staghunting with the Devon and Somerset 1887-1901 (1901). 

Le bioscope (1902-1906)

Photographe amateur, H. M. Lomas s'intéresse à l'image animée probablement depuis plusieurs années. Toutefois, ce n'est qu'en 1903 qu'il va rejoindre Charles Urban qui est alors en délicatesse avec les nouveaux dirigeants de la Warwick Trading Company, société qu'il a lui-même fondée. Ses clichés de 1897 et sa connaissance de la chasse constituent un argument indéniable pour que Charles Urban l'intègre au groupe de ses nouveaux collaborateurs :

Mr. H. M. Lomas (who Photographed successfully the Exmoor Stag Hunt and other Sporting Series), now Conducting an Expedition into the Interior of Borneo.

The Era, Londres, samedi 19 septembre 1903, p. 34.

Logiquement, il va réaliser un reportage sur la chasse qui s'inscrit dans la continuité de son travail de photographe.

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Hunting the Red Deer (1903)

La réussite et le succès de ce premier film offre la possibilité à Harold M. Lomas d'organiser, cette même année, son premier voyage avec une équipe dont la mission est de filmer la vie des autochtones au Nord de l'île de Bornéo, alors possession britannique. À bord du navire allemand Prinz Heinrich, il se rend en Indonésie :

The following passengers arrived here yesterday evening by the German Mail steamer Prinz Heinrich. [...] From Southampton-Mr Albert Fischer, Mr. H. M. Lomas, Mrs Florence Wilson and instant.

The Straits Budget, Singapour, jeudi 9 juillet 1903, p. 8.

De Singapour, il tourne quelques films.

1272 01
Mr Lamas with the Bioscope on front of "Puffing Billy."
URBAN 1905-02

Après avoir passé trois mois à tourner des films dans la colonie britannique, Harold M. Lomas est de retour à Singapour d'où il repart pour l'Angleterre :

The following passengers left yesterday afternoon by the Imperial German mile stamer Zieten [...] For Southampton-Messrs H. M. Lomas.

The Straits Times, Singapour, 7 octobre 1903, p. 5. (annonce reprise dans l'édition du 15 octobre).

Sur la route du retour, il effectue une halte à Hong-Kong quelques jours plus tard:

Per Seydlitz, from Hongkong, for Hamburg
H. M. Lomas.

Hong Kong Weekly Press, Hong Kong, lundi 19 octobre 1903, p. 296.

La presse londonienne se fait l'écho de sa présence et annonce la projection de ses vues animées tournées à Bornéo :

Mr. H. M: Lomas, of the Charles Urban Trading Company, passed through recently on his return to London after having obtained a good supply of animated photographs to be exhibited at the North Borneo dinner in Dec. next.

London and China Telegraph, Londres, lundi 16 novembre 1903, p. 5.

C'est en effet quelques semaines plus tard qu'à l'occasion du dîner annuel donné par la British North Borneo Company, les vues animées prises par Harold M. Lomas sont présentées aux hôtes :

The annual North Borneo Dinner was held on 8th inst. at the Hotel Cecil, when a record attendance of about 250 guests was present.
After the loyal toast of "The King," given by Sir Charles Jessel, had been duly honoured, an exhibition of bioscopic views of North Borneo was given by the Charles Urban Trading Company (Ltd.), the various views being briefly described by Mr. H. M. Lomas, who conducted the Borneo Bioscopic Expedition. The innovation was a novel one, and was much appreciated by the guests. The scenery of the country and many aspects of the social, commercial, and economical life of North Borneo were exhibited in active operation. The scenes on the Padas River, on the railway, and the movements of a young Ourang Utan, the Pig-tail and Kara monkey, afforded both instruction and amusement. Others comprised native life at Putatan, Murata, and the fort and station at Kotabelud.

London and China Express, Londres, vendredi 11 décembre 1903, p. 25.

Harold M. Lomas va mettre à profit l'année 1904 pour organiser un deuxième voyage en Asie. Il se rend alors dans une autre colonie britannique, l'île de Ceylan d'où il va tirer un long reportage, The Cingalee.

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Elephants Bathing in a Ceylon River (1904)

A son retour, en avril 1904, la Urban va assurer la diffusion des films, mais Harold M. Lomas va se consacrer à donner des conférences accompagnées de projections cinématographiques. C'est en particulier le cas à Minehead, commune où il a passé son adolescence :

"The Wilds of Borneo on the Bioscope
Mr. H. M. Lomas has made arrangements with Mr. Matt. Raymond to exhibit at the Public Hall, Minehead, the above animated pictures of Wild Tropical Life among the Head Hunters of that almost unknown land, taken by Mr. Lomas for the Government of North Borneo, with the co-operation of His Excellency the Governor and Officers of the Service; also
"The Devon and Somerset Staghounds on the Bioscope,"
With a Kill in the Exe, run with great success at the Alhambra, the Palace, the Hippodrome, London and at the leading Halls in England and the Colonies, in America, and on the Continent.
8.30 p.m. each night.
TUESDAY,          "            13th
Admission-Reserved Seats, 3s.; Unreserved, 2s., 1s, and a few, 6d.

West Somerset Free Press, Williton, samedi 3 septembre 1904, p. 8.

La Charles Urban Trading Co., au cours de l'été 1904, se lance dans un ambitieux projet, Living London, un long reportage sur la capitale britannique. Elle peut compter sur plusieurs cinématographistes :

Photographed by our staff of four Bioscopic Artists during the Summer and Autumn of 1904, in co-operation with

Il est probable qu'Harold M. Lomas ait été l'un de ces quatre opérateurs, mais il reste difficile de lui attribuer des films en particulier. Il aurait également tourner une nouvelle chasse au cerf en 1905.

Au début de l'année 1906, Harold M. Lomas va repartir pour l'Extrême-Orient et entreprend son second voyage dans le Nord de l'île de Bornéo d'où il va rapporter un autre reportage. Ce nouveau film, dont les droits appartiennent à la British North Borneo Company, va être présenté par la Charles Urban Trading Company dès le mois de juillet 1906 à Londres à l'Alhambra. En janvier 1907, est mis en vente A Trip Through British North Borneo, une sélection des vues animées des deux expéditions à Bornéo : Into the Wilds of Borneo (1904) et British North Borneo (1906).

1850Trip Through British North Borneo (1907)

L'année 1906 est marquée par de profonds changements car la Charles Urban Trading Co. entre dans un processus assez complexe qui va la voir à la fois disparaître et renaître pour former la nouvelle société société Eclipse. Le moment est donc venu pour Harold M. Lomas de faire des choix.

Et après... (1907-1926)

The Hale’s Tours the World (United Kingdom) Limited (1907)

La société américaine Hale's Tours of the World, fondée par George C. Hale, a pour objet la simulation de voyages en train grâce au cinématographe.

hales tours interieur
"Hale's Tour" (c. 1907)

En octobre 1906, elle a ouvert une succursale à Londres franchisée par la Charles Urban Trading Co. Cela facilite sans aucun doute les contacts, et elle engage donc Harold M. Lomas. Dès le mois de mars, la Hale's Tours propose "A trip through British North Borneo". Harold M. Lomas, quant à lui, va donc organiser un nouveau voyage à l'étranger. En mars 1907, il se rend en Norvège où le journal Dragposten de Trondheim, sur la côte ouest du pays, annonce son arrivée. Il descend à l'hôtel Scandinavie et, avec le soutien, en particulier, de la Norwegian Touring Association, il se lance dans un reportage photographique et cinématographique des populations et des paysages norvégiens.

lomas harold norvegeH. M. Lomas (F.R.G.S.), Reindeer, Winter in Norway.
LOMAS, 1914: 178.

Des années plus tard, Harold M. Lomas rapporte une anecdote de ce séjour :

An interesting incident has just back to my mind. Date, fifteen years ago; a place, Flekkifjord, on the Western coast of Norway. It was the end of winter. I had just come down from the frozen North and the State had been, and was, assisting me in my work. The Chief Engineer of the Western Division of the State Railway was staying with me, and I was expecting a further supply of film stock. We went down to the Customs together, where we were greeted by charming old gentlemen, who, on hearing that I was illustrating their country in its winter dress, bowed low, shook hands cordially, and assuring me that my work was the benefit of their beloved country, declared that all the Customs fees which were really due for the imported film stock should be waived - and so they were! What about our beloved country?

The Bioscope, jeudi 3 août 1922, p. 25.

Ce film tourné en Norvège est présenté dès le 13 avril sous le titre Hammershmith to Norway

lomas harold 1907 hales tours
The Daily Mirror, Londres, samedi 13 avril 1907, p. 6.

Quelques semaines plus tard, Harold M. Lomas entreprend un nouveau voyage en Europe :

ANIMATED PICTURES. —Mr. Harold M. Lomas, who has had a large experience in animated pictures of various kinds, and whose photographs have made thousands familiar with hunting scenes in the West-Country, is this week illustrating, on behalf of Hale’s Tours the World (United Kingdom) Limited, London, some more West-country scenes. On Wednesday he took bioscope pictures of the Barnstaple to Lynton railway, and Friday (to-day) the Great Western Railway Company are giving him a "special" from Taunton Minehead to get that run. Mr. Tom Jones, of Lynton, and Mr. Harold Langdon of Minehead, are also granting him facilities for a complete set of coaching.scenes, and the interest ride on the Lynton Cliff railway is also to be illustrated with the bioscope. These pictures ought to prove a good advertisement to the district. Next week Mr. Lomas and Mr. B. B. Spittall start on bioscoping tour for the same company on the State and other railways through Holland. Belgium, the Rhine, Denmark, and Sweden.

West Somerset Free PressWilliton, samedi 8 juin 1907, p. 8.

En août 1907, il est en effet en Suède où il prend également des vues cinématographiques à Göteborg et Stockholm :

Den reklam vi gjort i utlandet för vårt land har sålunda börjat verka. Den uppmärksamhet för våra turisttrakter som på så sätt väckts har blend andra äfven fört hit ett par engelsmän, hrr W. H. Lomas och Spitall, hvilkas specialitet är att ta kinematografbilder från lokomotiv och spårvagnar, medan dessa rulla fram på sina linjer. Mr Lomas håller för närva rande på att afkonterfeja Göteborg och kommer om några dagar för att från spårvagn ta kinematografbilder af hufvudstaden. Han har dessutom fått tillåtelse af järnvägsstyrelsen och några enskilda banor att ombord på lokomotiv föreviga våra vackraste landskapsvyer på en kinematograffilm.

Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm, jeudi 15 août 1907, p. 2.

Il fait alors équipe avec B. B. Spittall.

lomas harold hollandeH. M. Lomas (F.R.G.S.), A Canal Barge, Holland
LOMAS, 1914: 181

Ce voyage le conduit également en Hollande, en Allemagne, au Danemark et en Belgique. Peu après, le Hale's Tours offre des projections de vues cinématographiques : HollandCologneValley of the Rhine....

De retour en Angleterre, Harold M. Lomas continue à organiser des projections de vues animées :

THE WALFORD FAMILY.-This well-known and talented company of entertainers had e crowded house at the Public Hall on Monday evening, the room being densely packed in every part.
A good deal of amusement was caused by the exhibition of a burlesque staghunt, in which the audiance readily recognised some local people who had got up the show for the purposes of the cinematographer, the film being by H. M. Lomas, of Alcombe.

West Somerset Free Press, Williton, samedi 5 octobre 1907, p. 8.

Lors qu'une nouvelle conférence illustrée, le journaliste évoque les différents pays que le cinématographiste a parcourus :

ENTERTAINMENT.-An excellent entertainment was given in the Parish Lecture-room on Monday evening, the object being to provide a fund to supply material to keep busy the fingers of the Church working party who meet there for needle-work during the winter.
Mr. H. M. Lomas then showed a large collection of photographic views of scenes and people he had seen in various foreign lands through which his business as a cinematographer had caused him to roam. Mr. T. Lenthall showed the pictures, and Mr. Lomas described them in a series of most interesting and at times amusing remarks, couched in his driest vein of humor, and in this way the audience were kept well entertained while travelling, in imagination, through Holland, Norway, and Sweden, parts of Italy, and across the Indian Ocean, to Ceylon, Singapore, the Malay Peninsula, and Borneo, in all of which countries the lecturer had been in search of subjects for the bioscope, and had endured all sorts of hardships and adventures that were more amusing to talk about than to experience. The pictures and the descriptions of Borneo and its people were particularly interesting. At the close, the Rev. J. F. Twist spoke the thanks of all to Mr. Lomas and the helpers in the concert, and his remarks were endorsed with applause. The National Anthem brought a very pleasant evening to a close.West Somerset

Free Press, Williton, samedi 16 novembre 1907, p. 8.

Harold M. Lomas n'a pas pour autant oublié la magie et il donne encore des spectacles de prestidigitation :

ENTERTAINMENT ON THE QUAY.-Another social entertainment was given in the Sailors' Reading-room at the Quay on Tuesday evening, and proved as pleasant and enjoyable as the list.
Miss C. Batcheldor very kindly contributed two, both well sung, and Mr. H. M. Lomas performed some of his amusing and most mystifying conjuring tricks, which set the audience wondering how they were done, but nobody could even guess at solution of the mystery.

West Somerset Free Press, Williton, samedi 29 février 1908, p. 10.

Le cinématographiste  semble alors mettre un terme à sa collaboration avec la Hale's Tours.

The Hepworth Manufacturing Co. (1908-[1909])

Peu après, Harold M. Lomas part pour un nouveau voyage en Extrême-Orient qui va le conduire encore, semble-t-il, à Bornéo.

lomas harold 1909 borneo
Dynamiting for Fish in Borneo (H. M. Lomas)
The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 10 juillet 1909, p. 800.

Il se rend également en Chine et, à Hong-Kong, il embarque à bord du Prinzess Alice :

Per Prinzess Alice, for Hamburg, &c. [...] Mr. H. M. Lomas.

Overland China Mail, Hongkong, mardi 10 novembre 1908, p. 25.

On le retrouve à Ceylan où l'attend sa future femme, Maud Ilsley, qu'il épouse le 14 décembre 1908. Alors qu'il n'est encore de retour, un dîner est offert par la North Borneo Co. où sont présentées des vues animées de Bornéo dont une bonne partie a été tournée par Lomas pour le compte de la Hepworth :

Kinematograph and Colonial Development.
The practical usefulness of kinematography was admirably exemplified, on Tuesday night, at the dinner of the North Borneo Co. at the Hotel Cecil, when a large and brilliant gathering was entertained for an hour with a capital series of moving pictures depicting scenes in North Borneo, in the development of which the majority of those present were interested. The pictures were exhibited by the Hepworth Manufacturing Co. for whom the greater portion had been taken by Mr. H. M. Lomas-one of the Hepworth operators. They were excellent in every way and served to show the resources of the land, its means of communication, and its industries. These latter included scenes of tobacco growing paddy planting, the sago and rubber industries, etc., and those present expressed their satisfation at the work being carried on in so improved a manner.

Kinematograph Weekly, Londres, jeudi 17 décembre 1908, p. 9.

Par la suite, Harold M. Lomas va voyager en Arabie et en Afrique. 

lomas harold arabieH. M. LOMAS (F.R.G.S.) The Coast of Arabia

lomas harold 1912 sahara lomas harold 1913 constantinople 
H. M. Lomas, "Toward the Sahara"
The American Annual of Photography 1912, New York, 1911, p. 120. 
H. M. Lomas, "Seller of grapes, Constantinople"
The American Annual of Photography 1913, New York, 1912, p. 152. 

Dans les années suivantes, H. M. Lomas poursuit une carrière dans le cinéma et il reste un spécialiste des films de chasse :

Hunting the Wild Red Deer of Exmoor (400 ft., released Feb. 3). This excellent film was taken during the season by permission of the Master of the Hunt, Mr. H. M. Lomas. It pourtrays successive episodes: —detraining hunters and hounds, the Meet at Dunster, the pack kennelled, huntsmen and pack joined by riders. A stag gone away," the Field in full pursuit, negotiating a stream, the capture, landing the carcase at Porlock Weir. An exceptionally well photographed film, very exciting and certain of a warm reception in rural sporting districts. Some fine American service films will be announced by this house next week.

Kinematograph Weekly, Londres, jeudi 27 janvier 1910, p. 53.

En 1911, il est recensé à Clifton avec son épouse. La même année, il tourne West-country Sporting Scenes avec son collaborateur habituel, B. B. Spittall   Il continue de réaliser des films avec son fidèle B. B. Spittall. En 1914, il participe à la production Thanks-giving Day in Belgian Waters. En 1919, il intègre le Carford Studio :

MR. H. M. LOMAS, F.R.P.S., author of "Picture Play Photography" and other works, whose association with the cinematograph industry dates back a great many years, has joined Mr. Kenelm Foss at the Carford Studio as technical adviser.

The Bioscope, jeudi 4 septembre 1919, p. 7. 

En 1922, Harold M. Lomas travaille pour la Regent Film Company et tourne un nouveau film :

Casting Down His Eyes,
In the "Secrets of Nature Series," which Regent Films are handling, the kinematographer, Mr. H. M. Lomas, has secured a remarkable little picture exhibiting the habits of the land-crab. In one scene in this film is shown the ingenious optical arrangements which enable the land-crab to rectify matters when he gets a bit of grit in the eye, so to speak. His eyes, it appears, are mounted on stick-like contrivances which project about two inches from his countenance. On his chest is what is, in effect, a little brush, and to remove the irritant from his eye he merely bends the optic down and brushes it on his chest.

The Film Renter & Moving Picture News, 5 août 1922, p. 15.

Harold Mease Lomas décède en 1926 :

is with very great regret that we have to announce the death of Mr. Harold Mease Lomas, which occurred on April 27th after a very brief illness. Mr. Lomas became a Member of The Royal Photographic Society in 1901, and was admitted to the Fellowship in 1914. He was a Member of the Kinematograph Group, and was one of those who was most actively interested in the Group‘s activities, whose interests he was always ready to advance. Mr. Lomas was well known in kinematograph circles as a camera and technical research expert, and became interested in kinematography so long ago as 1900. A few years later he organized expeditions to the interior of British North Borneo, and at other times made several successful research expeditions into the wilds of Europe, Africa, Ceylon, China, and Japan. Mr. Lomas was a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Society of Arts and other institutions, and his charming personality will be very greatly missed in many circles.

The Photographic Journal, Londres, juin 1926, p. 312.

lomas harold 1926 sepulture
George Street Cementery (Dunster)


H. M. Lomas, Picture Play Photography. Ganes. 


E. S., "With the Devon and Somerset Staghounds", Country Life Illustrated, 8 (p. 12-14), 16 (p. 43-45) et 23 janvier 1897.

EVERED Philip, Stag-Hunting with the Devon and Somerset, with 70 illustrations by H. M. Lomas, Londres/Exeter, Chatto & Windus et James G. Commin, 1902, 378 p.

"Harold Mease Lomas", The Royal Photographic Society,  vol. 124, nº 8, août 1984, p. 197.

IVERSEN Gunnar, "Norway in Moving Images: Hale's Tours in Norway in 1907", Film History, vol 13, nº 1, 2001, p. 71-75.

LOMAS H. M., "Photography for the Explorer and Sportsman", The American Annual of Photography, vol. XXIV, New York, 1910, p. 156-160.

LOMAS H. M., "Among the Followers of the Prophet", The American Annual of Photography, vol. XXVII, New York, 1913, p. 148-152.

LOMAS H.M., "The Cinematograph as a Medium of Education", The American Annual of Photography, vol. XXVIII, New York, 1914, p. 178-181.



Hunting the Red Deer

Into the Wilds of Borneo

The Monkeys of Borneo

The Karban or Buffalo of Borneo



Living London


British North Borneo


A Burlesque Stadhunt

Hammershmith to Norway


Hunting the Wild Red Deer of Exmoor (Kineto)


West-coutry Sporting Scenes


Thanks-giving Day in Belgian Waters


A Temporary Lady

The Battle of Jutland


Fathoms Deep Beneath the Sea

Scollop Filmed in Its Habitat


08/071903 Singapour      
>08/07-<06/10/1903 Bornéo      
06/10/1903 Singapour      
<19/04/1904 Ceylan      
<19>/03/1907 Norvège Trondheim    
<15/08/1907 Suède Göteborg    
<15/08/1907 Suède Stockholm    
<05/10/1907->29/02/1908 Grande-Bretagne      
1908 Bornéo      
<11>/11/1908 Hong-Kong      
<14>/12/1908 Ceylan      
