The Cheese Mites

1901 cheese


The Cheese Mites or Lilliputians in a London Restaurant

THE CHEESE MITES, K. W. Paul. or Lilliputians in a London Restaurant.
A traveller is seated at a table in front of a restaurant window and is on the point of finishing his meal. The waiter brings in a mug of beer, when, to the astonishment of the traveller, a little sailor appears from the foam, and climbing down, proceeds to do a sailor's hornpipe on the man's plate. The sailor goes towards the cheese, and from the wedge-shaped opening, produces a lady, with whom he proceeds to hold a lively conversation, to the evident delight and enjoyment of the traveller. Another little man appears on the scene, and all proceeds merrily until a quarrel arises among the little people, the picture finishing in an exciting manner. This film is an unique and novel effect in animated photography which cannot fail to please all classes of audience.

The Showman, Londres, vendredi 6 septembre 1901, p. 33.

The Cheese Mites or Liliputians in a London Restaurant

A traveller is seated at a table in front of a restaurant window on the point of finishing his meal. The waiter brings in a mug of beer, when, to the astonishment of the traveller, a little sailor about 6 inches high appears from the foam, and climbing down, proceeds to do a sailor's horn-pipe on the man's plate. The sailor goes towards the cheese, which is of about his own height, and from the wedge shaped opening produces a lady with whom he proceeds to hold a lively conversation to the evident delight and enjoyment of the diner, as shown by his animated expression and movements.Another little man appears on the scene, and all proceeds merrily till a quarrel arises among the little people, the picture finishing in an exciting manner, and forming a unique and novel effect in animated photography which cannot fail to please everybody.

PAUL 1903


1 Paul  
2 [Robert W. Paul] Walter R. Booth
3 <06/09/1901 70 ft. 53 s. Liliputian.
4 Grande-Bretagne.  



