- Détails
- Création : 14 janvier 2024
- Mis à jour : 23 juin 2024
- Publication : 15 mars 2024
- Affichages : 784
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Corowa est une ville de l'état de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud (Australie).
Le Cinematographe Edison (School of Arts, 4-5 février 1897)
Un cinématographe Edison donne des séances de projection à la School of Arts :
THE CINEMATOGRAPHE.— Edison's latest invention is coming to the Corowa School of Arts on Thursday and Friday nights, under the personal supervision of Col. Lumare, who introduced the exhibition to Australia. Attached to the mechanism is Edison's improved adjustment combination by means of which spectators become auditors of the sounds accompanying the living pictures. Over 80,000 persons visited the Princess Theatre and Opera House, Melbourne, to see these marvellous cinematographic scenes, and some among the residents of this district can no doubt speak in complimentary terms of the excellence of the exhibit. The pictures are varied in character, and comprise a street scene in Paris, near the Bastille, showing vehicular and pedestrian traffic ; Tobogganing, an aquatic pastime; The Paris Express, arrival and departure ; A holiday on the sea-shore at Brighton, England; French Cavalry, watering the horses ; The Wedding Party ; and a grand Harlequinade, The show is spoken of as the "crowning achievement of man's ingenuity," and as the prices are within the reach of all-2s. and 1s.-none should miss the opportunity of witnessing the greatest marvel of the age at the School of Arts on Thursday and Friday nights. Vocal and instrumental selections are given, and Mrs. Carroll, the pianist, is also highly spoken of as a vocalist.
The Corowa Free Press, Corowa, mardi 2 février 1897, p. 2.
Le Salon Cinematographe de Frank St. Hill (<13> août 1897)
Frank St. Hill présente son Salon Cinematographe en août.
The Corowa Free Press, Corowa, vendredi 13 août 1897, p. 2.
THE CINEMATOGRAPHE.-The salon cinematographe, which is the original instrument that caused the great furore in Melbourne and Sydney, and packed the principal theatres in all the leading capitals to excess throughout Australia, will be on exhibition in Corowa during show week. We learn this instrument is under the direction of Messrs. St. Hill and Moodie, whose speciality it is to cater for the science loving public, these gentlemen having introduced the phonograph, the kinetoscope and many other Edisonian inventions to Australia. Amongst the many subjects to be shown will be the original London Trilby, the Cobertt fight, and the sensational Liverpool steeplechase and we feel assured that the Corowa public will be quick to recognise the merit of the exhibition.
The Corowa Free Press, Corowa, vendredi 13 août 1897, p. 2.