(actif en 1894-1903)


Jean-Claude SEGUIN


Frank St Hill.


Les origines (<1896)

Le nom de Frank St Hill apparaît, en Australie, au début de l'année 1894. Il propose alors, avec la complicité de l'opérateur J. Harcourt Fraser, des auditions avec un phonographe.

st hill frank 1894 phonographe
Gippsland Times, lundi 12 mars 1894, p. 3.

Il se dit représentant du Phonograph Edison

It will be seen by advertisement in another column that Messrs. St Hill and Fraser, representatives of Edisons Phonograph, are now visiting this town and have opened a Phonograph Parlor in those premises next the Bank of Australasia, when they will exhibit Edisons latest perfected Phonograph, as exhibited at the Worlds Fair, Chicago.

Warragul Guardian and West Gippsland Advertiser, Warragul, mardi 20 mars 1894, p. 2.

Les deux associés exploitent alors leur phonograph, principalement dans la zone de Gippsland et dans la Tambo Valley. Des rumeurs mettent en cause l'honnêteté des deux hommes, ce dont se défend Frank St Hill : 

Sir,-As it appears some persons have made it their business to state publicly that Messrs St. Hill and Fraser's phonograph company left Gippsland in debt, I wish to emphatically deny any such statement. I am prepared to show receipts for their whole trip through Gippsland, including Omeo, Glen Willes, Bruthen, etc. I think it is a great pity such people do not pay more attention to their own business.-Yours, etc.,

Bairnsdale Advertiser and Tambo and Omeo Chronicle, Bairndale, jeudi 22 novembre 1894, p. 3.

On perd sa trace dans les mois qui suivent jusqu'en janvier 1896 date à laquelle il organise un spectacle au Theatre Royal d'Adelaide avant de reprendre, à Broken Hill,  l'exploitation du phonoscope de Charles MacMahon :

IF scientific men were asked what was the latest standing wonder in the electrical world they would almost undoubtedly fay the phonoscope. Though wonderful at the phonograph may appear, recording by means of its delicate mechanism songs, band music, speeches, and instrumental selections of today for the benefit of those who live generations hereafter, yet here we have another miracle which enables us to see the actual living artists as they appear in their professional occupations, and at the same time to hear all round uttered by them. It should be distinctly understood that these are not imaginary scenes, emanating from the pencil and brush of an artist, but are actual reproductions of scenes and events which have actually taken place. The phonoscope is on exhibition in Argent-street, next the Oriental Hotel. Three subjects are being reproduced at present, namely, the American auctioneer, a French danseuse, and an English comic singer. To watch the French lady artist as she glides along in her white satin dancing costume, keeping time to her accompaniment, to see her movements throughout the dance-it is wonderful indeed. The manager (Mr. Frank St. Hill) has spared no expense in making the exhibition both attractive and comfortable, and it should be witnessed by many.

Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, jeudi 27 février 1896, p. 2.

Les images animées (1896-1903)

L'Edison Cinématographe (octobre 1896-août 1897)

À l'automne 1896, Frank St. Hill, associé à James Moodie, va exploiter un appareil cinématographique qu'ils présentent au Theatre Royal d'Adelaide dirigé par Wybert Reeve :

One of the most marvellous developments of photography as a fine art is the kinetoscope, and an equally astonishing advancement upon that is the cinematograph, so far, perhaps, "the crowning achievement of man's genius," as it has been styled. On Monday afternoon Messrs. Frank St. Hill and Moodie gave an exhibition of the cinematograph in the Theatre Royal, under the direction of Mr. Wybert Reeve, in whose name the invitations were issued, and the spectators must have gained a fair idea of the wonderful capabilities of the invention, albeit the presentation was rather erratic and disappointing owing to the fact that too much light was let into the building, thereby causing the figures thrown upon the screen to appear fainter than they would have been under more satisfactory arrangements.

South Australian Register, Adelaide, mardi 20 octobre 1896, p. 6.

Par la suite, Frank St. Hill se rend à Fremantle, puis CoolgardieKalgoorlie,  The Boulder et Kanowna. À cette époque, il évoque la possibilité de réaliser quelques tournages :  

It was announced that it was the intention of the management to take views of the principal streets and houses at Kalgoorlie, also of the Great Boulder and other mines, to be produced by the aid of the cinematographe in London. Mr St Hill, the manager, has decided to visit the Miners’ Club at the Boulder on Wednesday evening, and give two exhibitions at 8 p.m. and 9 p.m.

Kalgoorlie Miner, Kalgoorlie, lundi 25 janvier 1897, p. 2.

Il semble que tout cela soit resté au stade de projet.

En février 1897, il fait passer une annonce où il cherche un partenaire pour l'exploitation de son cinématographe :

coolgardie 1897 02 23 cinematographe
Coolgardie Miner, Coolgardie, mardi 23 février 1897, p. 2.

Sans doute n'est-il pas parvenu à trouver un collaborateur puisque dans les mois qui suivent il fait passer des annonces pour le "Salon Cinématographe" dont il semble être le seul propriétaire : Hay (juillet), Corowa (août)...

Biographe (septembre-octobre 1898)

Un an plus tard, Frank St. Hill relance ses activités cinématographiques en Australie, mais il est dès lors question d'un "biographe" qu'il exploite désormais avec James Moodie.

cowra 1898 09 24 biographe
Cowra Guardian and Lachlan Agricultural Recorder, Cowra, samedi 24 septembre 1898, p. 7.

Le biographe va être ainsi présenté dans plusieurs villes : Cowra (septembre), Lismore (octobre), Maclean (octobre), Lawrence (octobre), Grafton (octobre), Ulmarra (octobre)...

Bioscope (mars-mai 1900)

De nouveau, pendant plus d'un an, le nom de Frank St Hill disparaît de la presse australienne avant de réapparaître, associé à celui de James Moodie, en mars 1900.

glen innes 1900 03 09 bioscope
Glen Innes Examiner and General Advertiser, Glen Innes, vendredi 9 mars 1900, p. 3.

La compagnie fait une tournée en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud : Glen Innes (mars), Inverell (mars), Muswellbrook (mai)...

Wargraph (juin-septembre 1900)

Au cours des mois qui suivent, l'appareil change de nom pour prendre celui de Wargraph. Ces changements à répétition ne signifie pas pour autant qu'il y ait un changement de cinématographe. Les deux hommes, Franck St. Hill et James Moodie continuent à collaborarer.

ipswich 1900 06 16 war graph

Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser, Ipswich, samedi 16 juin 1900, p. 1.

Ils se rendent dans les villes suivantes : Ipswich (juin), Hay (juillet), Tumut (septembre)...

Warograph (février-août 1901)

Après une nouvelle interruption de quelques mois, Frank St. Hill et James Moodie vont exploiter un "warograph", appelation à peine modifiée de la précédente dénomination.

glen innes 1901 03 12 warographe
Glen Innes Examiner and General Advertiser, Glen Innes, mardi 12 mars 1901, p. 3.

Ils commencent leur nouvelle tournée par Armidale en février, puis sillonnent l'état de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud jusqu'en août ; ils se trouvent alors à Gunbar.

Imperial Biograph (février 1902-octobre 1903)

En février 1902, Frank St Hill commence seul une tournée en Nouvelle-Zélande. Le nom de son appareil de projection est désormais Imperial Biograph et les premières séances ont lieu à Wellington. Du pays voisin, le manager informe la presse autralienne du succès de sa tournée :

Frank St. Hill -writes from Wellington, New Zealand, to the Melbourne representative of the "Referee," that he has been doing good business with his Blograph. He adds : "The Brough season is a big boorn here (N.Z.) ; Hawtrey is doing good business everywhere he goes, and Dix's companies are also doing very well. In fact, the show business hero is booming in all directions."

Referee, Sydney, mercredi 26 février 1902, p. 10.

Son répertoire réserve quelques surprises car l'audace de certaines vues va le conduire devant la police qui finalement va considérer qu'il n'y a pas de quoi condamner Frank St. Hill :

Frank St. Hill, proprietor of a biograph exhibition, was charged this morning before Mr. W. R. Haselden, S.M., with having exhibited to public view a certain picture of an immoral nature. Inspector Ellison prosecuted and Mr. Skerrett defended. His Worship incidentally stated that he had seen the biograph scene complained of Detective Rawle considered that the first object of the picture in question was an immoral suggestion, and the second object an illusion. After some discussion on the subject his Worship intimated that the exhibition had not struck him as being worse than was seen in some stage productions. The rapidity of movement was in favour of the scene, as it prevented the eye from gloating over it. The case had better not go any further. The police accordingly abandoned the prosecution.

Evening Post, Wellington, vendredi 4 avril 1902, p. 4.

Cette tournée se termine en novembre 1902 à Christchurch. Presque un an plus tard, Frank St. Hill est à nouveau localisé en Nouvelle-Zélande, puis on perd sa trace.




22/02-11/03/1896 Australie Broken Hill Argent-street The phonoscope
23/05/1896 Australie Ballarat Old Mining Exchange Building The phonoscope
01-22/07/1896 Australie Geelong Ryrie-street The phonoscope
<11>/08/1896 Australie Brisbane Organ Hall The Kinetophone
19/10-[12]/11//1896 Australie Adelaide Theatre Royal Cinematograph
16/12/1896 Australie Fremantle Town Hall Edison Cinematographe
09.11-12/01/1897 Australie Coolgardie Mechanics Institute Edison Cinematographe
22-23/01/1897 Australie Kalgoorlie Miners Institute Edison Cinematographe
27/01/1897 Australie The Boulder Miner's Club Edison Cinematographe
29-30/01/1897 Australie Kanowna Haack's Gaiety Hall Edison Cinematographe
*1897 Australie Perth   The phonoscope
17-24/07/1897 Australie Hay   Salon Cinematographe
<13>/08/1897 Australie Corowa   Salon Cinematographe
>31/08/1897 Australie Wagga Wagga Gurwood street Cinématographe
16-17/09/1897 Australie Wangaratta   Cinématographe 
27/09/1898 Australie Cowra Centennial Hall Biographe
15.17/10/1898 Australie Lismore Federal Hall Biographe
18-19/10/1898 Australie Maclean School of Arts Biographe
20/10/1898 Australie Lawrence School of Arts Biographe
21-22/10/1898 Australie Grafton Theatre Royal Biographe
25/10/1898 Australie Ulmarra Gaiety Theatre Biographe
13-17/03/1900 Australie Glen Innes Tattersall's Hall/Town Hall Bioscope
21->21/03/1900 Australie Inverell Oxford Hall Bioscope
08-10/05/1900 Australie Muswellbrook School of Arts Bioscope
18-19/06/1900 Australie Ipswich School of Arts Wargraph
26-28/07/1900 Australie Hay Academy of Music, Wargraph
31/08-01/09/1900 Australie Tumut Oddfellows' Hall Wargraph
27/02/1901 Australie Armidale Town Hall Warograph
05/03/1901 Australie Tenterfield School of Arts Warograph
12/03/1901 Australie Glen Innes Town Hall Warograph
19/03/1901 Australie Inverell Oxford Hall Warograph
26-28/03/1901 Australie Warialda School of Arts Warograph
10-11/04/1901 Australie Scone Oddfellows' Hall Warograph
12-13/04/1901 Australie Aberdeen   Warograph
15-16/04/1901 Australie Muswellbrook School of Arts Warograph
17/04/1901 Australie West Maitland Town Hall Warograph
23/07/1901 Australie Hay À côté du Tattersall's Hotel Warograph
29/07/1901 Australie Booligal   Warograph
31/07-02/08/1901 Australie Hillston   Warograph
03/08/1901 Australie Gunbar   Warograph
08/02-[04]/04/1902 Nouvelle-Zélande Wellington Willis street Imperial Biograph
15/04/1902 Nouvelle-Zélande Upper Hutt Public Hall Imperial Biograph
16/04/1902 Nouvelle-Zélande Petone   Imperial Biograph
17/04/1902 Nouvelle-Zélande Lower Hutt   Imperial Biograph
14/05/1902 Nouvelle-Zélande Greymouth   Imperial Biograph
30/06/1902 Nouvelle-Zélande Woodville Alexandra Hall Imperial Biograph
01/07/1902 Nouvelle-Zélande Palmerston North   Biograph
30->30/08/1902 Nouvelle-Zélande Auckland Henning's Bicycle Arcade  
06/10/1902 Nouvelle-Zélande Paeroa Creterion Theatre Grand Biograph
10->10/11/1902 Nouvelle-Zélande Christchurch Oddfellows' Hall  
27/10/1903 Nouvelle-Zélande Gisborne Park Racecourse  
*1903 Nouvelle-Zélande Hawera    
