- Détails
- Création : 23 avril 2024
- Mis à jour : 12 mai 2024
- Publication : 23 avril 2024
- Affichages : 1581
(Melbourne, 1859-Yarrawonga, 1912)
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Henry William Vanheems (1831-1917) épouse Ellen Fitzgerald (1838-1917)
- Henry Vanheems (1859-1912) épouse Sarah Jane O'Brian (1861-1912). Descendance:
- Stanley Vincent Vanheems (1890-1982)
- Veronica Alice Vanheems (1894-1982)
- Henry I Vanheems (Wagga Wagga, 1897-Wagga Wagga, 1898)
- Muriel Mary Vanheems (1900-1993)
Le photographe Henry Vanheems exerce son métier à Shepparton en 1890 :
PHOTOGRAPHIC Address. — Mr H. Vanheems, the well-known photographer, notifies in our advertising columns that he has removed to Wyndham-street, rear of and one door from Commercial Bank, where appointments for in and outdoor photography may be made. At Tatura, Mr Vanheems has also opened a branch business, where he has a hair-dressing saloon and tobacco and fancy goods depot.
Shepparton Advertiser, vendredi 16 mai 1890, p. 2.
En novembre 1896, Henry Vanheems rachète le Cinographoscope Pipon que G. Neywark et Albert Périer ont présenté à Melbourne pour organiser des projections cinématographiques à Bendigo à partir du 13 novembre :
The Bendigo Independent, Bendigo, jeudi 12 novembre 1896, p. 1.
Henry Vanheems décède en 1912 :
The Yarrawonga ‘'Mercury” states that the grief which occasioned the members of the family of Mrs Vanheems, whose demise was chronicled in these columns, was accentuated by the sudden death of Mr Henry Vanheems, which took place at three o'clock on Monday morning. The deceased gentleman, who has conducted the business of a photographic artist in Yarrawonga for some time past was born at Richmond in 1860. For some years he resided in the Shepparton district, where he was well known and widely esteemed. After visiting several Riverina towns, he settled in Rutherglen where he contracted a chill, which subsequently developed into asthma, he came to Yarrawonga about seven years ago, and has since been a sufferer from this complaint, which made great inroads on his hitherto apparently robust constitution. The deceased attended the funeral of his late wife on Thursday last, May 30th., and contracted a chill whilst at the cemetery. Pneumonia supervened, and, although the best of medical advice was obtained, the patient graduallly sank until death entered and relieved him of all earthly suffering. The deceased leaves one son and two daughters to mourn his loss.
Rutherglen Sun and Chiltern Valley Advertiser, vendredi 7 juin 1912, p. 3.