(Dublin, 1869-Australie, 1911)

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James Bell (Écosse, 1827-Angleterre, 1884) épouse (Bury, 10/12/1844) Elizabeth Moorby (1828-1883). Descendance:
  • James Bell (Rochdale, 10/1847-Victoria, [02-05]/1916)
    • épouse (Blackburn, 04/03/1872)Alice Constance Oldfield Ensor (Chatham, 01/1855-1907). Descendance:
      • Elizabeth Alice Bell (Blackburn, 25/04/1874-Lidcombe, 05/07/1954) épouse (Melbourne, 02/05/1916) Edwin Edmund Joseph Mongomery (1864-1926)
      • William Bell (1875-)
      • James Rickards Bell (Le Cap, [1876]-Beechworth, 1960)
      • Charles Bell (Blackburn, 04/11/1878-New Jersey, 24/10/1927) épouse Eichler (1891-1972). Descendance:
        • Ethel Alice Bell (1909-)
      • Walter Bell (Blackburn, 1882-)
      • Amy Bell (Blackburn, 24/03/1882-Warringont, 06/12/1883)
      • Cecilia Bell (Birmingham, 01/1884-Hobart, 24/09/1906) épouse William Rowe (1880-1954)
      • Thomas Bell (Hull, 1886-)
    • épouse Elizabeth Alice Blanche Breslin "Ada Delroy" ([Dublin]/[Halifax], 25/09/1869-[Melbourne]/Malvern, 07/1911)
  • William Bell (Angleterre, 1853-Sheffield, 10/1874)
  • Charles Bell (Angleterre, 14/03/1854-Chorlton, 19/05/1888)
  • Sarah Bell (Leeds, 1857-)
  • Jane Alice Bell (Halifax, [1862]-)
  • Walter Bell (Gatehead, 10/04/1864-Geelong, 25/11/1912)
    • épouse Laura, Jane Lorraine (1868-). Descendance:
      • Jane, Alice Bell (1893-1919)
      • Walter Bell Lorraine (1894-1951)
    • épouse Alice Carlisle (1877-1904). Descendance:
      • Walter Charles Carlisle (Carlton, 27/02/1903-Pekhurst, 13/12/1981) épouse Edna, Albertha Taylor (1907-1994). Descendance:
        • Frederick, Charles Bell (1932-2009)
        • enfant
        • enfant
  • [adoption] Elizabeth Alice Blanche Breslin "Ada Delroy" ([Dublin]/[Halifax], 25/09/1869-[Melbourne]/Malvern, 07/1911) épouse James Bell.

État de la question 

La généalogie d'Ada Delroy" n'est pas exempte d'incertitudes. La presse australienne donne une date et un lieu de naissance très précis :

Miss Ada Delroy, who'se picture appears on page 325, was born in Dublin, Ireland, September 25th, 1869, and was educated in a convent. Her brother having taken to the stage the magnet in the foot-lights proved too strong for her. She went into training for the dramatic stage, and made her debut at the Princess theatre, Blackburn, with great success.

Queensland Figaro and Punch, Brisbane, samedi 2 mars 1889, p. 11.

La presse néo-zélandaise, quant à elle, dispense des informations non confirmées selon lesquelles James Bell serait le frère de l'actrice Marie Loftus et l'oncle de Cissy Loftus :

Miss Delroy is a sister of the weel-known English burlesque artist Miss Marie Loftus, and Miss Cissy Loftus, the equally well-known music-hall artist, is her niece.

Evening Post, Wellington, 7 juin 1901, p. 5.


Miss Cissy Loftus - or, rather, Miss Cecilia Loftus, as she is now called in America-a niece of Mr. James Bell's, who was playing at the Opera House last month in the Ada Delroy Company, will play Ophelia to the Hamlet of Mr. E. H. Sothern next season in the States.

New Zeland Mail, Wellington, 4 juillet 1901, p. 27.

À ces incertitudes, il faudrait également ajouter l'existence d'une prétendue enfant naturelle, en la personne de Beryl Kathleen Bell (Adelaide, 25/05/1902-Australie, 15/07/1964) épouse (1922) Joseph Harvey Sherwell (Kaniva, 08/08/1895-Kew, 05/1973).

Généalogie "Loftus".

Loftus. Descendance :

  • Marie Loftus (Glasgow, 24/11/1857-Hendon, 07/12/1940) épouse Benjamin Brown[e] (Dunton, 23/11/1848-Londres, 16/12/1926).
    • Marie Cecilia "Cissy" Loftus Brown (Glasgow, 22/10/1876-New York, 12/07/1943)
      • épouse (Edimbourg, 29/08/1894. Divorce: 1904) Justin Huntly McCarthy (Angleterre, 30/09/1860-Putney, [21]/03/1936).
      • épouse (1909. Divorce: 1914) Alonzo Higbee Waterman. Descendance:
        • Peter John Barrie Waterman (1910-1995)
      • épouse E. M. Johnson
  • Cecilia Loftus ([1858]-)
  • Charles Bell Loftus ([1861-]) 


Les origines (1869-1896)

D'origine irlandaise, probablement, Elizabeth Alice Blanche Breslin perd ses parents (1878) alors qu'elle est âgée d'à peine 9 ans. Elle est adoptée par James Bell et son épouse Elizabeth Moorby. Elle aurait été élevée dans un couvent. Grâce à son frère, l'acteur "James Bell", qu'elle va, à son tour, faire ses débuts, semble-t-il, sur les planches au Princess Theatre de Blackburn:

Miss Ada Delroy, who'se picture appears on page 325, was born in Dublin, Ireland, September 25th, 1869, and was educated in a convent. Her brother having taken to the stage the magnet in the foot-lights proved too strong for her. She went into training for the dramatic stage, and made her debut at the Princess theatre, Blackburn, with great success.

Queensland Figaro and Punch, Brisbane, samedi 2 mars 1889, p. 11.

À partir de 1882, tournent en Grande-Bretagne les "Bell's Minstrels", fondés par James Bell, où figure une certaine "Miss Ada".

Bell's Minstrels (five in number, whose performance is of the most amusing description), Jolly Little Lewis (a favourite vocal comedian, in new songs), Miss Nellie Scott (a good characteristic vocalist and dancer), Mr George Elliot (topical and comic vocalist), and Miss Ada (serio-comic).

The Era, Londres, samedi 15 avril 1882, p. 9.

Pourrait-il s'agir déjà d'Ada Delroy ? En tout état de cause, ce nom apparaît, pour la première fois, dans la presse britannique, en décembre 1886 :

DUBLIN.-STAR THEATRE OF VARIETIES.-Proprietor, D. LOWREY.-Monday, Dec. 26th, Rehearsal, Twelve o'clock, for Christmas Sketch, Two Merry Macs, Bell's Minstrels, Professor Beaumont, E. L. Lyons, Rose Cherini, Lily Vose, Ada Delroy. Artistes engaged please write in Two Weeks before opening, and must produce at Rehearsal Assignments for all Songs and other Compositions they intend performing.
Silence a polite negative pro tem.

The Era, Londres, samedi 24 décembre 1886, p. 21.

Elle est déjà une artiste polyvalente, burlesque : 

But the terpsichorean art seems to have had the greatest attraction for her, as we find that she soon passed all competitors on the light fantastic. Miss Ada Delroy, in addition to her dancing, is a pretty little burlesque artiste and vocalist.

Queensland Figaro and Punch, Brisbane, samedi 2 mars 1889, p. 11.

En janvier 1888, Ada Delroy fait partie de la troupe de Variétés qui offre un spectacle au Moss's Theatre of Varieties d'Edinbourg., puis elle se produit au Gaiety Variety Theatre de Newcastle-upon-Tyne, en février... C'est à Londres qu'Harry Rickards va engager Ada Delroy pour une tournée en Australie. Peu après, la troupe quitte Plymouth et arrive à Adelaïde à bord de l'Oroya. En juillet, la troupe est à Sydney :

THE BARCOO.-The following passengers are booked to leave by the Barcoo, for Melbourne, leaving at midnight: Mesdames [...] Ada Delroy. [...] M. J. Bell.

Evening News, Sydney, mardi 3 juillet 1888, p. 4.

La tournée se poursuit à Melbourne (juillet-septembre), Ballarat (septembre), Waga Waga (septembre), Brisbane (octobre)... Le succès du spectacle conduit l'impresario à renouveler le contrat d'Ada Delroy :

Mr. Harry Rickards, while in London, engaged her for his present Australian tour, and so great has been her success that he has re-engaged her for next season (with his new company), at double her present salary, after which she is engaged by Mr. Rickards to play principal soubrette parts for his new theatre, which is now in course of erection in Sydney, at a cost of ,£70,000.

Queensland Figaro and Punch, Brisbane, samedi 2 mars 1889, p. 11.

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Queensland Figaro and Punch, Brisbane, samedi 2 mars 1889, p. 11. 

La troupe va ainsi rester en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande jusqu'à la fin de l'année 1889. Lorsqu'en janvier 1890, Ada Delroy quitte Albany pour Londres, à bord du Ballaarat, elle voyage avec Samuel Spencer Baldwin (Cincinnati, 21/01/1848-San Francisco, 10/03/1824), le célèbre prestidigitateur dont elle va rejoindre la troupe, la Buttefly Co. En décembre 1890, en Grande-Bretagne, elle joue dans la pièce The House that Jack Built aux côtés, entre autres acteurs, de James Bell, à Stockton (Theatre Royal, décembre 1890-janvier 1891), Jarrow (Theatre Royal, février 1891). Avec la Buttefly Co, elle fait une tournée mondiale qui va la conduire dans de nombreuses villes: Maritzburg (Afrique du Sud, octobre 1891), Durban (octobre), Hong Kong (janvier-février 1892), Shanghai (février), Victoria (Canada, avril), Manchester (août), Liverpool (septembre), Hull (octobre), Durham (novembre), Leeds (mars 1893), Angus (avril), Aberdeen (avril), Midlothian (mai), Glasgow (mai), Antrim (juin), Dublin (juin), Cork (juillet), Nottingham (août), Derby (août),, Glamorgan (octobre-novembre), Devon (novembre), Portsmouth (décembre), Cheltenham (janvier 1894)...

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Cheltenham Looke-On, Chelternham, samedi 27 janvier 1894, p. 1.

La tournée se poursuit dans les villes suivantes : Gloucester (février 1894), Bradford (avril), Bristol (mai)... C'est deux mois plus tard qu'Ada Delroy quitte Southampton à bord du Paris destination New York où elle arrive le 14 juillet 1894. En septembre, elle joue au Criterion Theater de Brooklyn avec les Baldwin. En octobre, elle est à Providence et à Hartford et en janvier 1895, elle se produit à Buffalo.

En provenance de Londres, elle de retour en Australie en février 1895 à bord de l'Orient. Les époux Bell sont également du voyage. C'est à nouveau sous l'égide d'Harry Rickards que commence cette nouvelle tournée à Melbourne.

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The Lorgnette, Melbourne, samedi 2 février 1895, p. 7.

La troupe ne quitte l'état du Victoria qu'en avril pour se rendre à Sydney, toujours sous la houlette d'Harry Rickards. Une coïncidence curieuse - mais cela n'est peut-être simplement dû qu'au succès d'Ada Delroy - se fait jour dès 1893 en la personne d'Olive Delroy - ou D'Elroy- qui va constituer un duo de danseuses et chanteuses avec Mabel Lynne.

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Olive Delroy et Mabel Lenny
Source:  State Library of Victoria

Tout en poursuivant sa carrière sur les planches, Ada Delroy s'adonne également à la bicyclette et réussit quelques belles performances comme le signale la presse australienne :

Miss Ada Delroy, the charming little dancer, who will be remembered visiting Newcastle with her brother, Mr. James Bell, the Lancashire comedian, some years ago, in conjunction with Mr. Harry Rlickards' Company, is now performing at the Tivoli. Whilst in England Mr. Delroy, who has become an ardent cyclist, has, with Mr. Bell, done some good performances on the wheel, covering 18 miles uopn one occasion in 1hr 10min, and also riding 117 miles, between London and Birmingham, in 111/2 hours. Whilst in Melbourne Miss Delroy was a great favourite with the wheelmen of the city. The machine ridden by Miss Delroy was specially made by Foster for Stanley Show, and it also-gained first honours in Dublin at the show there. The bicycle was then presented to Miss Delroy, who values it very highly.

Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners'Advocate, Newcastle, samedi 4 mai 1895,, p. 11.

Dès cette époque, la presse semble penser qu'Ada Delroy est l'épouse de James Bell:

Miss Ada Delroy and her husband Mr. James Bell, now playing at the Sydney Tivoli, are ardent cyclists.

Table Talk, Melbourne, vendredi 21 juin 1895, p. 5.

Avec les dernières représentations à Sydney, se termine également la collaboration avec Harry Rickards. Désormais, c'est sous sa propre compagnie qu'Ada Delroy va se produire, et cela commence à West Maitland.

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The Maitland Daily, Maitland, samedi 22 juin 1895, p. 1.

Dès lors, l'Ada Delroy Compagny va sillonner l'Australie pendant des mois. Elle partage la scène avec Madam Bell, "The White Mahatma", l'épouse de James Bell. En octobre 1896, la compagnie annonce son départ pour la Nouvelle-Zélande :

Miss Ada Delroy's variety 'company has completed a very successful tour of the colony, and will now proceed direct to New Zealand for the summer season. The company cleared £2,000 in this colony, and are very much pleased with their reception.
It is reported that Harry Rickards will bring a company to this colony at an early date.
It is rumored, too, that Miss Maggie Moore will visit this colony.

The Australian Advertiser, Albany, samedi 10 octobre 1896, p. 3.



La troupe est alors composée des membres suivants :

The Ada Delroy Co. open in Dunedin on the 7th November. The Co. includes Ada Delroy. James Bell. Madame Bell, Lizzie Bell, Cissie Bell, Teddy Forde, Jas. Hunter, Bert Phillips, Tom Bergin and Mary Alston. The only colonial in the Co. is Teddy Forde. The show is run on English Music Hall style, viz., olio turns.

Champion, Melbourne, samedi 31 octobre 1896, p. 4.

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Melbourne Punch, Melbourne, jeudi 26 novembre 1896, p. 9.

C'est en décembre que la troupe est en Nouvelle-Zélande.

Le Cinématographe (1897)

Grâce à plusieurs coupures de presse, nous savons qu'Ada Delroy est déjà en contact avec Marius Sestier, dès le mois de janvier 1897.


A Adelaïde, elle intervient en complément des projections cinématographiques organisées au Theatre Royal.

Theatre Royal.
The Frank M. Clark Company winds up its season at the Theatre Royal to-night.
The Ada Delroy Company will arrive from the north to-day and commence their season at the Theatre Royal to-morrow evening (Saturday). The company has just closed a very successful tour of the north. The company supporting Miss Delroy is a strong one, and comprises some well known artists and others who are new to Brisbane. The No. Lumiere cinematographe will be exhibited each evening.The Telegraph, Brisbane, vendredi 25 juin 1897, p. 4.

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Wagga Wagga Advertiser, Waga Waga, jeudi 19 août 1897, p. 3.

Miss Delroy has purchased, at a great outlay, the original Nº 1 LUMIERE CINÉMATOGRAPHE (the only authentic one in Australasia). A change of interesting pictures of Home, Colonial, and Foreign Life will be shown nightly.
Jubilee Procession Pictures have just arrived, and will be shown on the Cinematographe.Wagga Wagga Advertiser, Waga Waga, jeudi 19 août 1897, p. 3.


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Ada Delroy Company: James Bell (1), Ada Delroy (2), Alice Bell (3), Elizabeth Bell (4), Cecilia Bell (5), Thomas Bell (6) (c. 1898-1900) [D.R.]



Company Ada Delroy

Miss Ada Delroy.
Miss Delroy, who opens with her company in the School of Arts on next Tuesday evening, the 1st of October (regarding which an advertisment appears else where), was born in Blackburn, Lancashire. She came to Australia with her brother, Mr. James Bell, seven years ago, and made her first appearance upon the stage as a dancer at the Theatre Royal, Adelaide, being then sixteen years old. Her success from the first has been phenomenal ; she has visited nearly every part of the English speaking world, and performed before kings,. governors, maharajahs, princes, and other potentates. It was whilst Miss Delroy was in India that she originated her famous Cobra di Capello dance. The idea was given to her by seeing one of the Rajah of Pataiala's Nautch girls dance. This famous dance has been copied and attempted in every part of the world under the name of the serpentine dance. Miss Delroy when last in England played in two panto mimes at the Theatre Royal, Stockton on Tees, and at the Shakespeare Theatre, Liver · pool. At the latter theatre, we are informed, Miss Delroy received £50 per week, and so great was her success that the proprietor, Mr. Bramell, offered her £80 per week to play in his next pantomime production. Sir Agustus Harris, of Drury Lane Theatre, and Mr. George Edwards, of the Gaiety Theatre, both offered Miss Delroy engagements, the latter making her an offer of £40 a week for three years, to play " principal girl" at his theatre. In Australia t s season Mr. Williamson and other proprietors have offered her very good engagements, but Miss Delroy prefers to run her own company. In England, with a company of five people only, in a year and nine months she cleared over £16,000. In America she did nearly as well, and now in Australia we understand that she is playing in nearly every town to a record business. It may not be generally known that Miss Delroy is cousin to Cissie Loftus, the young lady who has caused such a sensation in the theatres in London for the last two or three years. Miss Delroy is an ardent cyclist, and seldom a day passes that she is not seen on her bike. The one she rides took first prize at the Stanley Exhibition, London, also at the Dublin Exhibition, and was then sent as a present to Miss Delroy by the maker, Mr. Foster, of Birmingham ; it is a Mosely. As she only stays in Ipswich two nights play-goers are advised to book seats in time, as the hall is sure to be packed.Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser, jeudi 26 septembre 1895, p. 4.


 In late 1897 the company undertook a two and a half years world tour, returning to Australia in mid-1900. The company then remained in the Antipodes until around 1909, with its principals also appearing with Harry Rickards, James Brennan and the Conrad Power Company. Delroy and Bell also married in 1908 following the death of Alice Bell the previous year. Delroy's last known performance is believed to have been with Carroll's Vaudeville Entertainment in Melbourne in 1915. A keen cyclist, Delroy was often featured in cycling news during her Australian tours, and claimed to be the first lady cyclist in both Australia and Ireland. She also speculated in real estate in Perth in the mid to late-1890s, selling a parcel of land at Cottesloe known as the Ada Delroy Estate.

Afrique du sud (juin 1898):

One of these was the vaudeville company brought out to South Africa by the well-known music-hall artiste Ada Delroy in June 1898.
Joke on Sleeping Coachman
Westminster Bridge, London...

They were shown in South Africa not only by the Empire in Johannesburg but also by Ada Delroy when she returned to the country during 1899 with a second vaudeville company which included a “New London Bioscope”. In the interim, the dissemination of moving pictures had advanced very little though there had been a noticeable increase in the number of kinetoscopes and other instruments purveying Living Pictures at various amusement arcades and mechanical exhibitions. Ada Delroy’s presentation was the first reputable show for many months in most of the areas in which her company toured (notably the coast ports) and when it opened at the Opera House in Cape Town, its programme of films represented a distinct advance on what had heretofore been seen. Still faithful to what had become almost tradition, the “Bioscope” gave a faulty opening performance but subsequently successfully showed the latest topical films of the Soudanese campaign including Lord Kitchener (“the Sirdar”) landing at Calais; the launching of the Oceanic, the largest liner of the day (17,274 tons — she was sunk during the Great War) and several South African scenes including the Johannesburg Summer Handicap. The programme was also distinguished by the first official propaganda film shown in South Africa Brittania’s Bulwarks dealing with the Royal Navy°®. A further feature which was not shown in Cape Town but later in Durban was the famous Meliés film The Astronomer’s Dream*!. Such films, which were extremely popular, became the main feature of all subsequent cinema exhibitions and later Meliés produced full-length pantomimes and historical dramas, almost all with fantastic trick effects. Also in the programme was one of the first of a long series of films dealing with “The Passion Play”. Though ludicrous and verging on the blasphemous, it aroused no special comment beyond “there is incongruity in showing sacred scenes from the Passion Play after comic songs. Some members of the audience were much annoyed.”(22)



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The Chicago Tribune, Chicago, lundi 19 septembre 1898, p. 8.

L'Ada Delroy Company voyage dans le monde: Manille (Zorilla Grand Opera House, juin 1899), Hong-Kong (avril 1900), Shanghai (mai 1900)...

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Everyones. Incorporating Australian Variety and Show World, vol. 4, nº 249, Sydney, 10 décembre 1924, p. 78.

passager: Strahan (24/07/1903) (Kawatiri) → Melbourne

passager: Sydney (15 août 1903) (Chingty) → [Hong-Kong]

Melbourne Notes.
Miss Ada Delroy, one of the best and brightest of dancers, and who came originally to Melbourne with one of Harry Rickards' earlier combinations, died a short time back. Miss Delroy was Mrs. James' Bell. She was a deservedly popular artist, not alone in Australia, but throughout England and America.
Critic, Adelaide, mercredi 2 août 1911, p. 13.



Rider Haggard's She was the first film, Ada Delroy the strar: the cinema was in Racket Court, an open space where now the .... (Ceylan)


