- Détails
- Création : 14 janvier 2024
- Mis à jour : 9 juin 2024
- Publication : 15 mars 2024
- Affichages : 955
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Newcastle est une ville de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud (Australie).
Le Cinématographe de J. R. Smythe (School of Arts, 30 novembre-4 décembre 1896)
J. R. Smythe présente un "cinematograph" en novembre :
Newcastle Morning Herald and Miner's Advocate, Newcastle, lundi 30 novembre 1896, p. 1.
Répertoire (autres titres) : Railway Station Scene, The Boxing Match, Scene in Moscow, Dervish Procession (couleurs) (Newcastle Morning Herald and Miner's Advocate, Newcastle, lundi 30 novembre 1896, p. 1).
Le Biographe Joly d'Auguste Plane et de Charles Lomet (Masonic Hall, 9-13 septembre 1897)
Auguste Plane et Charles Lomet présentent leur biographe au Masonic Hall au début du mois de septembre :
The Biographe will be on at the Masonic. Hall on Thursday nest. This extraordinary invention was only landed yesterday, fortnight, and the one now at the PaIace, Theatre, Sydney, is drawing crowds who nightly return home amazed at the marvelIous and lifelike productions. The firm who will produce it here are Messieurs Plane and Lomet, sole concessionaires for Lumiere's Cinematographe, and who were the first to introduce the latter to the colonies.
Newcastle Morning Herald and Miner's Advocate, Newcastle, vendredi 3 septembre, p. 4.
Newcastle Morning Herald and Miner's Advocate, Newcastle, lundi 6 septembre, p. 1.
De nouvelles séances sont annoncées la semaine suivante :
On Saturday night Messrs. Plane and Lomet staged their now programme for the Biographe, and to judge by the frequent applause the majority of the wonderful views were much appreciated. The art that can photograph the moving crowd and reproduce every action and feature is truly a marvellous one. The picture relating to Sr. Anthony is, however, a trifle too realistic for Newcastle people, who never read in their Scriptures about this pious personage. A complete change of programme is offered this week, which will include the celebrated "Criminal Drama " and the famous " Charge of the Household Cavalry."
Newcastle Morning Herald and Miner's Advocate, Newcastle, lundi 13 septembre, p. 4.
Newcastle Morning Herald and Miner's Advocate, Newcastle, lundi 13 septembre, p. 1.
Répertoire (autres titres): A Midnight Drama in Paris, The Great Auto-car and Cycle Race, The Temptation of St. Antony (Newcastle Morning Herald and Miner's Advocate, Newcastle, lundi 6 septembre, p. 1).