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 Rat Killing 


Rat Killing

"Dick the Rat" and his rat-terrier. The dog is turned loose among a lot of big, live rats, and kills them in lightning order.

The Kinetoscope Company, Edison's Lastest Wonders: The Kinetograph, The Kinetoscope, octobre 1894.


1 Edison 56 (MU). Raf & Gammon.  
2 W. K. L. Dickson. William Heise.  
3 20/09/1894. 150 ft.
In the Edison laboratory, on Valley road, West Orange, Professor W.K.L. Dickson, one of the leading spirits in the development of the kinetograph, had great success last Thursday in taking a rat-killing exhibition. Through a New York professional rat-catcher, he secured a large cage full of dock rats, and he has had at the laboratory for some time two pretty little full-blooded rat terriers. It was an extremely difficult task to arrange the ring, which, on account of the limitations of the kinetograph, could be only four feet square. The first contest was with six rats turned loose in the pit at once, and in fifty-two and one-half seconds all had been killed by one of the terriers. A second and a third trial were made with equally good results. A trial was made with a weasel and the same number of rats, but this was not a success as one of the rats fastened its teeth in the weasel's lip and the weasel squealed and fled in terror to the corner of the ring. There were no spectators, except a few of the employees of the laboratory.
"Before the Kinetograph", Newark daily Advertiser, 24 septembre 1894, p. 3.
4 États-Unis. West Orange. Black Maria.  



