Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Salt Lake City est la capitale de l'état de l'Utah (États-Unis).


Le kinetoscope parlor (134 South Main St., <7 mai-[13] juin 1896)

Le kinetoscope parlor propose des vues animées.

salt lake city 1896 Deseret Evening News Thu May 7 1896
Deseret News, Salt Lake City, jeudi 7 mai 1896, p. 4.

La presse locale commente cette installation :

The Edison Phonograph and Kinetoscope parlor is now open at Nº 134 South Main street, and having all the latest songs of the day and a variety of the finest music, and rendered by the best artists and strictly up to date, the public are cordially invited to call and hear the music and see also the Kinetophone, one of Edison's latest inventions, that is the wonder of the world and must be seen to be appreciated. I have a large variety of every kind of band music, orchestra, vocal solos, male quartettes, etc. New records arriving every day, and the cost of each song or band piede only 5 cents each. Call and see me. Nº134 South Main.

The Argus, Salt Lake City, samedi 16 mai 1896, p. 4.

Une brève note corrige une erreur dans le nom de la responsable :

In THE ARGU'S issue of th 16th inst. in local lines of the "Edison Phonograph and Kinetoscope Parlors," inadvertently the name of Mrs. F. Adella Tuttle appeared. It should have been Miss S. Adella Tuttle.

The Argus, Salt Lake City, samedi 23 mai 1896, p. 16.

Les annonces se prolongent jusqu'à la mi-juin.