British Troops on Dress Parade


British Troops on Dress Parade

This picture represents the British troops on dress parade in one of the principal squares in London, prior to their departure for the Transvaal. That this parade is of more than ordinary interest is shown by the action of the spectators in the foreground as they move about and jostle each other to gain a better view of the spectacle here presented. A group of officers in dress uniform, decorated with orders and medals and mounted on spirited horses, pass before the observer, followed by a regiment of infantry, who march with a brisk step, which is noticeable for its regularity and precision. Later, the officers form a square in the center of the plaza and the troops in various dress of Highlanders, Lancers and others, past in review, marching and countermarching, making a picture full of action.

Edison 1901-07


1 Edison  
2 n.c.  
3 <07/1901 60 ft. Uncurbable
4 Grande-Bretagne. Londres.  


*06/11/1903 Costa Rica. San José Delamare/Didier Guerra en el Transvalla