Jean-Claude SEGUIN

New London est une ville de l'état du Connecticut (États-Unis).


L'Amet Magniscope (Lyceum Theatre, 20 janvier-[2] février 1897)

La Sawtelle Dramatic Company présente un spectacle où figure un Amet Magniscope :

Sawtelle Dramatic Company Opens a Two Week's Engagement.
The two week's engagement of the Sawtelle Dramatic company began at the Lyceum theatre Monday evening, that stirring drama. The World, being the attraction. The play was given with all the go required and all the parts were acceptably filled. The audience had a pleasant diversion between the acts in an exhibition of the vitascope order, which was a source of much pleasure. The instrument used es called the Amet magniscope.
There will be a matinee each day and a charge of bill at each performance. A good dramatic treat at low price is assured.

The Day, New London, mardi 19 janvier 1897, p. 4.
