Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Canonsburg est une ville de l'état de Pennsylvanie (États-Unis).


L'Amet Magniscope (Opera House, 30 avril 1897)

L'Amet Magniscope propose des vues animées en avril :

A Great Entertainment.
See the Amet Magniscope & Edison Phonograph company in the opera house tonight. A triumph of inventive skill. An instrument that projects upon a screen life-size pictures and gives to them continuous motion absolutely true to life in every feature and gesture, so realistic that you are carried away and believe the scene is actually taking before you.

The Canonsburg Weekly Notes, Canonsburg, vendredi 20 avril 1897, p. 1.

Un bref compte rendu publié quelques jours plus tard évoque à nouveau la projection de vues animées :

A Good Entertainment.
The Amet Magniscope and Edison Phonograph company at Morgan opera house last evening gave a very good entertainment and were heartily applauded. They give a ladies and children's matinee this afternoon, and will also show this evening. They have a fine collection of views, and are first-class people.

The Canonsburg Weekly Notes, Canonsburg, samedi 1er mai 1897, p. 1.
