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Création : 14 janvier 2024
Mis à jour : 14 janvier 2024
Publication : 14 janvier 2024
Affichages : 1267
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Muscatine est une ville de l'état du Iowa (États-Unis).
L'Amet Magniscope (Baptist Church, 22 avril 1898)
Des séances de projections animées avec l'Amet Magniscope sont données en avril :
Living pictures by the new Amet Magniscope at the Baptist church Friday evening. Admittance 15, and 20 cents. Benefit of the building fund.
Muscaline News Tribune, mardi 19 avril 1898, p. 4.
Un autre article donne quelques informations complémentaires :
The Baptist brethren and many more not of the faith packed that church to the doors last evening to enjoy the Amet Magniscope, which was previously promised to be new, novel and interesting. It was all that was anticipated, the magniscope proving to be in reality a simplified veriscope, or producer of moving pictures, life size, thrown on a large canvas at the front of the edifice. Numerous scenes were shown with startling realisticity, each winning the unbounded applause of the audience, and it isn't to be doubted that everyone present got a "heaped-up" measure of money's worth in their enjoyment of the entire entertainment.
Muscaline Daily News-Tribune, Muscatine, samedi 23 avril 1898, p. 1.