- Détails
- Création : 14 janvier 2024
- Mis à jour : 14 janvier 2024
- Publication : 14 janvier 2024
- Affichages : 1295
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Burrton est une ville de l'état du Kansas (États-Unis).
L'Amet Magniscope (Opera House, 8 juillet 1902)
Une soirée est donnée au bénéfice de la Kansas Division of the National Children's Home au cours de laquelle des projections animées sont offertes grâce à l'Amet Magniscope :
There will be an entertainment under the direction of E. L. Stratum, District Superintendent, assisted by the best local talent, for the benefit of the Kansas Division of the National Children's Home Society, given in the Opera House, Tuesday, July 8.
The Amet Magniscope, the wonder of the age, will produce animated and life like pictures. Railroad trains go rushing across the canvas. Street scenes with people and cars in motion. Soldiers going to war, comic and laughable incidents, etc.
The New Stereoptclan, will show several hundred historical, war, comic moving slides, illustrated popular and patriotic songs, etc. Those who have never attended a high class stereoptican entertainment have little idea of the many very beautiful effects produced. The ordinary picture costs 35 cents but most of those used in this entertainment are worth from $1.50 to $30.00.
You are cordially invited to attend this entertainment and requested to notify your friends and neighbors and ask them to come also. The proceeds of this entertainment will be used in caring for the destitute children of the State. The Kansas Children's Home Society takes charge of all destitute children. It costs the Society $50 to remove to a distant part of the state and place them for adoption in prosperous and Christian homes where they grow into good and useful citizens. Pictures of the children will be shown and full particulars given at this entertainment. Turn out and assist in making this entertainment a grand success and doubly benefit yourselves as each $1.00 secured in this manner saves $5.00 in taxation for the maintenance of poor houses and reform schools.
Admission 15 cents, children under 10 years 10 cents.
The Burrton Graphic, Burrton, vendredi 4 juillet 1902, p. 8.