- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 14 janvier 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 1303
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Fort Scott est une ville de l'état du Kansas (États-Unis).
L'Amet Magniscope (Davidson, 15-16 février 1897)
L'Amet Magniscope propose des projections animées au Davidson :
Copeland's Comicalities Will Hold the Boards at the Davidson Friday and Saturday.-The Price of Admission Will Be 25, 25 and 50 cents.
Copeland's Comicalities, a company of high salaried artists introducing high class comedy and bright clean specialties. See the Copelands in their original up to date musical act, "Chords in a Chinese laundry." Brumage and Clark, the leaders in their line of comedy sketches. Walter Jones, negro impersonations and buck dancing extraordinary. Walters and Edwards, etc.
The great Amet magniscope, the wonder and rage of the present century projecting, with all the movements of life beautiful animated pictures. Among the most popular pictures are, "The Run to the Fire," "Black Diamond Express Train," "Tub Race," etc.
The electric stereoptican, illustrating all the late popular ballads, is a novelty which in itself is well worth the price of admission. The program as it stands is one of the most novel, interesting and sensational before the public today.
Fort Scott Daily Monitor, Fort Scott, dimanche 14 février 1897, p. 3.
Un nouvel article est publié deux jours plus tard :
Animated Pictures, True to Life, Shown by the Amet Magniscope.
For the first time the theatergoers and citizens of Fort Scott will, this week, be given an opportunity to see the greatest invention of the age, the wonderful Amet magniscope, a machine that produces true to life animated pictures of every description.
This wonderful machine has created a furor in all the big cities of the United States, and with a view of giving his patrons a variety of the best Manager Ernich has succeeded in securing the magniscope for two performances, Friday and Saturday nights. Among the pictures to be shown are, Cissy Fitzgerald and her famous wink, Fire department on its way to a fire, the Black Diamond express on the Lehigh Valley road running 60 miles an hour, and many others equally exciting. The company presenting this feature is Copeland's Comicalities, composed of a number of clever specialty artists. Non can afford to miss this attraction. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents.
Fort Scott Daily Monitor, Fort Scott, mardi 16 février 1897, p. 3.