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Création : 25 mars 2015
Mis à jour : 14 janvier 2024
Publication : 25 mars 2015
Affichages : 1288
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Chanute est une ville de l'état du Kansas (États-Unis).
L'Amet Magniscope (Opera House, 15-16 février 1897)
L'Amet Magniscope propose des projections animées à l'Opera House :
The next attraction at the opera house is Copeland's Comicalities" with their amet-magniscope, projecting Edison's wonderful animated pictures, Monday and Tuesday nights, Feb. 15 & 16. They also carry an electric stereoptican illustrating the latest and most popular songs. It is the same company seen in Kansas City several weeks ago about which so much was printed.
The Sun, Chanute, vendredi 12 février 1897, p. 1.