L'Amet Magniscope (Staub's Theatre, 20-26 septembre 1897)
Au Staub's Theatre, l'Amet Magniscope projette des vues animées entre les actes d'une pièce de théâtre :
Commencing Monday. night the Holmes & Wolford Company will open thelr week's engagement, producing a repertoire of scenic plays at popular prices, all their plays with special scenery and mechanical effects. The reportoire includes such dramatic successes as "The Brand of Cain," "The Smugglers," "The Stowaway," "Storm Beaten," "Mystic Mountain," the great war play, "The Isle of Cuba," "Don Caesar de Bazan," and other popular plays.
A new and novel Idea will be Introduced for the first time in the South, that of giving a continuous performance. Between the acts of the drama novelties and special features will.be introduced at each performance, namely, the Amet Magniscope, showing the latest animated pictures, stereopticon views and illustrated songs, the marvelous electric dancing duo, and high class singing and dancing specialties by well known vaudeville artists, all of which are carried by this company. On the opening night ladles will be admitted free to the best reserved seats if accompanied by one person holding a paid 30-cent ticket The prices are to be 10, 20 and 30 cents.
Seats on sale at Lieber Bros.
The Journal and Tribune, Knoxville, samedi 18 septembre 1897, p. 8.
Les projections durent une semaine.
Knoxville Sentinel, Knoxville, samedi 25 septembre 1897, p. 4.