- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 13 janvier 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 1407
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Grand Rapids est une ville de l'état du Wisconsin (États-Unis).
L'Amet Magniscope (Opera House, 4-5 mars 1898)
La présentation de l'Amet Magniscope a lieu à l'Opera House, dans les premiers jours de mars :
Opera house Two Nights—Friday and Saturday, march 4 and 5.
At the opera house in this city there will be an exhibition given with Edison’s electric marvel of the 19th century, the Amet Magniscope, the latest and most perfect apparatus for producing lifelike views and animated pictures on a screen, shown over 300 nights at Keith’s theatre. New York, and over 400 nights at the Schiller, Chicago. What is the magniscope? It is the mechanism that produces what are practically living photographs. It throws upon a screen, like a stereopticon, a life-size picture in which people move with absolute perfect semblance of life. Its reproduction of life and motion is almost past belief, and certainly past description. One of the pictures presented shows a cavalry troop drilling, suddenly the horses are seen to dash forward directly toward the audience, grow rapidly larger as they approach, detour to the right and left, while some gallop straight ahead out of the picture, or halt life-size, with the horses stamping and restless, and the troopers squinting in the sunlight. Another picture is a fast mail train going at the rate of eighty miles an hour —it is first seen in the distance as a small speck, that gradually grows larger, and at last comes flying past the station as in real life. But it must he seen to be realized. A large selection of pictures will be shown, and should be seen by every man, woman and child in the city. There will be a high class Vaudeville company in addition to the picture, introducing such well known people as Prof. W. Young, high class magic; Mlle. Estelle, mind reader; Miss E. Young, performing canary birds; A. B. Amet, performing monkeys; A. B. Lewis, America’s favorite descriptive singer. Admission will be 10 cents; reserved seats, 20 cents. Now on sale at the usual places.
Wood County Reporter, Grand Rapids, jeudi 3 mars 1898, p. 5.