Wharf Scene, Honolulu



Wharf Scene, Honolulu

The "Doric" is just leaving, homeward bound. Crowds stand on the pier, waving their good-byes. The steamer's propellor makes fine water effects.

The Phonoscope 11/1898.


1 Edison n.c. (MU 573).  
2 James White. Frederick Blechynden  
Honolulu in Kinetoscope
The two kinetoscope men aboard the S. S. Doric, secured several thousand yards of Honolulu film for use in the States. The travelers have been getting material in China and Japan, but were especially anxious to have some Honolulu views. With their special camera they made a number of exposures in the bay, getting steamers, laborers, boat crews and the Bennington. Views were taken on King, Nuuanu and Fort street. these pictures will prove of much advertising value to Honolulu, as they will be shown throughout the United States.
The Hawaiian Gazette, Honolulu, vendredi 13 mai 1898, p. 3.
3 10/05/1898. © Thomas A. Edison, 22/06/1898 50 ft
4 États-Unis. Honolulu.