Horses Loading for the Klondike



Horses Loading for the Klondike

Taken at the wharf of the Northern Pacifie R.R., in Seattle, and shows a number of horses being loaded aboard the S.S. "Williamette" for transportation to the "Klondike" country. The horses are placed in large boxes or slings, hoisted with derricks to the deck and then lowered into the hold of the ship. The usual crowd of curious onlookers, in addition to the owners, stevedores, longshoremen and ship hands are shown life size. The waiting horses are seen in the foreground. As the sling is hoisted the head and neck of the affrighted horse are shown tossing about. The men hurrying around the decks and wharf add to the action, making an interesting subject, sharp and clear.

Maguire & Co 03/1898.


1 Edison n.c. (MU 376).  
2 James White. Frederick Blechynden  
3 07/08/1897. © Thomas A. Edison, 25/10/1897 50 ft

Seattle, Wash., Aug. 6.
James H. White, of Orange, N.J., representing Thomas A. Edison, is in the city. He will take kinetoscope and projectoscope photographs of the city, and will photograph the Willamette when she leaves the wharf for the north. White will go to Dyea to take pictures of the men bound for the interior.

The Corvallis Times, Corvallis, mercredi 11 août 1897, p. 2.

4 États-Unis. Seattle.