Loading Baggage for Klondike



Loading Baggage for Klondike

Shows the baggage of the miners, enroute to the new found Eldorado, being loaded aboard the S. S. "Queen" at Seattle, Wash. this picture was taken when the excitement was at its highest pitch and the crowd of anxious gold seekers, with their implements, provisious, clothing, etc., are shown life size. The huge derrick hoisting load after load, is shown to good advantage, while the hotel busses, driving up with passengers, add to the action. The picture is sharp and clear.

The Phonoscope 02/1898.


1 Edison n.c. (MU 374).  
2 James White. Frederick Blechynden  
3 06/08/1897. © Thomas A. Edison, 25/10/1897 50 ft

Seattle, Wash., Aug. 6.
James H. White, of Orange, N.J., representing Thomas A. Edison, is in the city. He will take kinetoscope and projectoscope photographs of the city, and will photograph the Willamette when she leaves the wharf for the north. White will go to Dyea to take pictures of the men bound for the interior.

The Corvallis Times, Corvallis, mercredi 11 août 1897, p. 2.

4 États-Unis. Seattle.