- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 14 avril 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 1660
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
New Haven est une ville de l'état du Connecticut (États-Unis).
Le Biograph (Poli's Wonderland, 29 novembre->3 décembre 1896)
Le Biograph va reprendre ses projections, après une panne, à la fin du mois de novembre :
To Go On Exhibition Again Next Monday.
The biograph, which was temporarily disabled so that its engagement at Poli's Wonderland theater had to be postponed, has been repaired, and is now in perfect working order for the display of motion pictures. The machine will be placed on exhibition at the Wonderland next Monday, and will be the feature of next week's bill.
Experts from the American Mutoscope company's laboratory worked on the machine all day yesterday. It was found after most careful search that one of the main springs had been broken, throwing the whole apparatus out of gear, so that it could not be worked. The break was mended, and a rehearsal was had last evening, which showed the machine again to be in perfect working order. It will not be placed on exhibition, however, before next Monday, as Mr. Poli has already secured two star features to replace it this week.
A private exhibition of the biograph will be given on Sunday for the benefit of members of the press, so that the public may be assured that the machine is all that has been said of it.
The Morning Journal-Courier, New Haven, jeudi 26 novembre 1896, p. 3.
Un séance privée est organisée le dimanche 29 novembre :
Given by Manager Poli of the Biograph —It is a Wonder.
Casler’s biograph, a marvelous piece of mechanism, producing upon canvas realistic photographs, will be exhibited to the public for the first time in this city at Poll’s Wonderland theater this afternoon. The disarrangement which temporarily delayed the delight which all will feel when they have seen the exhibition, has been completely overcome and the instrument is in complete working order. Those who saw the cinematograph and wondered at the effect have in store for them an equally marvelous performance. The pictures are much larger than those thrown upon the canvass by the cinematograph. In order that there should be no delay attending the exhibition this afternoon a rehearsal was arranged by Manager Poli last evening. The exhibition was given in the presence of representatives of the local press, and a few personal friends of Mr. Poli. It was a complete success.
There are twelve views shown—all American. The first scene, "A Stable On Fire,” is perfect. The smoke, the attendants taking out the animals, and the carriages all produce a scene of realism to the spectators. But little stretch of imagination is needed for one to be sure that he has a veritable barn on fire before him. “The Upper Rapids of Niagara,” “Joe Jefferson Toasting Hendrick Hudson in Rip Van Winkle,” and the two fire alarm scenes are superb in their arrangement. “President-elect McKinley at home talking with his secretary,” shows the wonderful reproductive powers of the biograph. “The Empire State express,” the last picture thrown on the canvass, is a fitting climax.
New Haven Morning Journal and Courier, New Haven, lundi 30 novembre 1896, p. 7.
Les séances ont toujours lieu au début du mois de décembre :
Poll’s Wonderland Theater.
The biograph is immensely popular. Its manifest superiority to all other machines for the display of moving pictures is apparent. When one sees the Empire State express rushing along sixty miles an hour, or Niagara Falls plunging and waving, it is realized that this is the very perfection of intense realism. Other views that are also strikingly real show Joe Jefferson pronouncing his ‘famous toast in Rip Van Winkle, President-elect McKinley on his lawn at Canton, the New York fire department in action, and a pickanniny’s bath. A very fine specialty show is also given, those who contribute being Miss Jessie Miller, Dixon, Bowers and Dixon, Mr. Nelson and Miss Milledge, little Alma Christie, the four Follette sisters, Gilbert Sarony, Mr. Payne and Miss Crapo, and Delavoye and Frits. Next week the biograph again with views of New Haven scenes.
New Haven Morning Journal and Courier, New Haven, jeudi 3 décembre 1896, p. 3
Le Biograph (Poli's Wonderland Theater, 14-[18] décembre 1897)
Le Biograph propose des vues animées au Poli's Wonderland Theater en décembre :
Poli's Wonderland Theater.
The great American biograph again delighted at the Wonderland theater last evening, and hearty applause greeted the vivid pictures. The Queen's jubilee scenes are highly realisitic, showing the fine marching of the Highlanders and the Coldstream Guard. Thrilling moments are depicted in the cavalry charge, the Atlantic City fire brigade, the race of the "quints," and the chute shooting, while uproarious comedy bubbles forth from the pillow fight, "Theater Hats on and Off," and "Still Waters Run Deep." The condensed comic opera, "Their First Lesson," in which Al Leach and the Three Rosebuds are stars without the hindrance of the poor support often seen in large operas, is tuneful, merry and bright. George W. Day, the monologue comedian, was called back time and again with laughter and applause. Edward Estus gives, a very fine exhibition of skill in equilibristic athletics. Others on the bill are the Folly Trio, Ford and Francis, Hays and Bendy and Carmanelli and Lucelle. Prices 10 and 20 cents; ladies in the afternoon, 10 cents.
The Morning Journal-Courier, New Haven, mardi 14 décembre 1897, p. 3.
Le Biograph est encore annoncé le 18 décembre.