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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 10 février 2025
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 3985
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
South Shields est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
Le cinématographe des frères Downey (Thornston's Theatre of Varieties, <24 septembre->9 octobre 1896)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent un cinématographe au Thornston's Theatre of Varieties à la fin du mois de septembre.
The Shields Daily News, jeudi 24 septembre 1896, p. 2.
Un compte rendu est publié quelques jours plus tard :
For the habitues of Thornton's Varieties this week, Messrs Allen and Barrow have provided a unique attraction in Downey's living photographs. This invention reveals a new achievement in the photographer's art, which is perfectly mystifying both in its conceptions and in the results which Messrs Downey have obtained. Through the twin agency of photography and electricity scenes in actual life are reproduced before the audience with as much truth and distinctness as if they were taking place the spot under the naked eye. Some of the "pictures" of course are more vivid and clearer than others, but each one is a revelation to the spectator, and last night elicited tremendous enthusiasm from densely crowded audience. One of the most attractive events reproduced for their edification was the winning of the Derby by Persimmon. Every movement in the course is depicted and one can almost enter into the excitement of the moment when the race is won and the jubilant thousands of people crowd over the turf to their, respective "bookies. The audience were also introduced to the din and bustle of London traffic, to the seaside, where a boating party are being landed, to continental scenes, to the juggler and a wonderful variety of everyday events of the world, all of which delighted the audience immensely. The photographs are under the general direction of Messrs J. J. and F. Downey, well known local photographers. A capital company of artistes is under engagement as well. Mr. Harry Ford is back again and sings some new songs, in which his excellence as a comedian receives further proof. "The demon of the cellar", is a clever and amusing sketch performed by the six brothers Luck ; and another very attractive and delightful item is the singing and dancing of the Staveley troupe of little maids, who are four in number. St. John and Dwight are as entertaining as ever in their musical performance, and among others who contribute to the evening's enjoyment are Ada Whitton, male impersonator ; Alf Rivers, character comedian; Escamo, a wonderful juggler, and the Arbyns, variety artistes.
The Shields Daily Gazette and Shipping Telegraph, mardi 29 septembre 1896, p. 3.
Les séances se prolongent en octobre avec de nouvelles vues proposées :
Lessees & Managers... Messrs ALLEN & BARROW.
ln consideration of the unprecedented success, the Management have re-engaged, for Six Nights longer, DOWNEY'S LIVING PHOTOGRAPHS, When in addition to old favourites the programme will be selected from the following:-
Scene of the Thames, showing a rescue on the river-Chirgwin, the White Eyed Kaffir-School Boys at Play-Comic Costume Race-The Twine Tea Party, incidents of Child's Life-Steamer Leaving the Pier-Arrival of the Paris Express-the Prince's Horse "Persimmon" Winning the Derby-Comedy in a Park, Tommy Atkins and his Girl, etc., etc.
Don't miss this opportunity of seeing the Greatest Invention of the Ninetheenth Century.
Come early and secure your seats.
Doors Open at 6.30 p.m. Commence at 7.30 p.m.
The Shields Daily News, lundi 5 octobre 1896, p. 1.
Le cinématographe des frères Downey (Theatre Royal, 11-21 janvier 1897)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent un cinématographe au Theatre Royal en janvier.
Shields Daily Gazette, lundi 11 janvier 1897, p. 1.
Le cinématographe des frères Downey (St. Stephens Church, 2 juin 1897)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées en juin.
The Shields Daily Gazette, jeudi 27 mai 1897, p. 1.
Le cinématographe des frères Downey (St Aidan's Church, 5-7 octobre 1897)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent un cinématographe en octobre.
The Shields Daily Gazette, vendredi 1er octobre 1897, p. 1.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Thornton's Theatre of Varieties, 25 octobre-6 novembre 1897)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées en octobre. Certaines d'entre elles sont des vues locales.
La dernière séance est annoncée pour le 6 novembre.
Répertoire (autres titres): Launch of Steamer Sideways at Sunderland, Panorama of North Shields, Sunderland Bridgt., Frenchman's Bay, Readhead's Shipbuilding Yard, South Shields Costguardsmen at Curtlass Drill, Boldon Races-In the Ring, Boldon Races-finish of the Sunderland Autumn Handicap, etc., etc. (The Shield Daily Gazette, jeudi 28 octobre 1897, p. 1).
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Theatre Royal, 12 décembre 1897)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées en décembre.
The Shields Daily Gazette, samedi 11 décembre 1897, p. 1.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Theatre Royal, 20 février 1898)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées en février :
SMITH'S CONCERT PARTY and an entirely
New Selection of Downey's Living Pictures.
Doors open at 7.30, commence at 8.
Shields Daily News, mercredi 16 février 1898, p. 2.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Ocean Road/Congregation Hall, 30 mai-1er juin 1898)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Congregation Hall.
The Shields Daily Gazette, mercredi 25 mai 1898, p. 1.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Theatre Royal, 23 octobre 1898)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Theatre Royal :
SACRED CONCERT AT SOUTH SHIELDS.—A concert of sacred music, illustrated by Downey’s living photographs of the Passion play, was given in the Theatre Royal, South Shields, on Sunday night. There was crowded house. The artistes were Miss Lily Carmichael, Mrs Scott, Mr. A. J. Moore, and Mr W. Tone Allan, all of whom sang very beautifully the solos, hymns, and choruses illustrative of the scenes depicted, and received from the audience hearty expressions of appreciation. After the Passion play pictures, which were very vivid and effective, a series of local and other views were shown by Messrs Downey, and were greatly admired, the entertainment altogether being very enjoyable.
The Shields Daily News, mardi 25 octobre 1898, p. 3.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Theatre Royal, 6 novembre 1898)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Theatre Royal :
The Shields Daily News, samedi 5 novembre 1898, p. 1.
Répertoire: Barnum and Bailey's Procession, Launch of a Vessel from Messrs Readhead's Yard, Newcastle Temperance Festival, McDonald's Egyptian Brigade, Panorama of the Nile, Charge of the Gallant 21 st Lancers, Northumberland Tennis Tournament, The Corsican Brothers, Souths Shields Friendly Society's Demonstration, Boldon Race Last Meeting, The Great Spanish Bull Fight.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Theatre Royal, 20 novembre 1898)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées de la Passion du Christ au Theatre Royal.
The Shields Daily Gazette, samedi 19 novembre 1898, p. 1.
On annonce également un film local tourné quelques jours plus tôt: Procession of Mayor and Corporation of South Shields to Church, Sunday November 13th. 1896
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Theatre Royal, 1er janvier 1899)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Theatre Royal au début du mois de janvier:
JAN. 1ST, 1899.
Doors Open 7.30. Commence at 8.
Shields Daily News, merecredi 28 décembre 1898, p. 2.
Parmi les films, quelques vues locales:
To be followed by a further Series of Downey's Living Photographs, including "Procession of Mayor and Corporation of South Shields to Church, Sunday, November 13th, 1898.
Shields Daily News, samedi 31 décembre 1898, p. 2.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (New Empire Palace, 31 mars 1899)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au New Empire Palace à la fin du mois de mars.
The Shields Daily News, mardi 28 mars 1899, p. 1.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (New Empire Palace, 29 octobre 1899)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au New Empire Palace à la fin du mois d'octobre.
The Shields Daily News, jeudi 26 octobre 1899, p. 2.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (New Empire Palace, 13-18 novembre 1899)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au New Empire Palace en novembre.
The Shields Daily Gazette, lundi 13 novembe 1899, p. 1.
À cette occasion, plusieurs vues locales sont projetées : Opening of the South Shields Football Ground, Bank Holiday on South Shields Sands, South Shields Swimming Club, The Mayor's Church Parade Sunday, November 12th, 1899. Un article offre quelques précisions supplémentaires :
The Empire Palace was filled by one of the biggest and most delighted audiences last night, that has been seen in the new hall for many a day.There were several reasons for it, but undoubtedly, the chief of them was the appearance of the "Jail Birds" They are troupe of nine artistes, and produce one of the funniest pantomime sketches that anyone wanting a hearty laugh could desire to see. It is half an hour's incessant merriment, the entertainment is untainted by vulgarity or objectionable features of any kind.
Downey's living pictures are also a big line on the programme. The show has been brought right up to date, and includes such events as the Mayor's procession to church last Sunday, the opening of the new football field, at Horsley Hill, scenes from the last swimming gala, Barnum's procession, etc. The pictures are exceptionally good, those of the Mayoral procession being the best of that series ever shown by the cinematograph. There is besides a wonderful variety of other interesting pictures, humorous and otherwise.
Among the individual performers Edwin Boyde, an eccentric comedian of the first water, sent the audience into uncontrollable laughter, and was twice recalled. Fred Karnos's Company in *' Hilarity" was also highly diverting, and other items included Alice'Cooke, transformation dancer ; Alfred Hurley, vocalist; the sisters Clifford, character duettists and dancer, etc. The orchestral selections still continue to be of enjoyable character, under the directorship of Mr C. P. Loller.
The Shields Daily Gazette and Shipping Telegraph, mardi 14 novembre 1899, p. 3.
La dernière annonce est publiée le 18 novembre.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Ocean Road/Congregation Hall, 29 novembre 1899)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Congregation Hall en novembre :
Latest Local & General Pictures. Sell Bills.
Admision-Sixpence Earch.
Shields Daily Gazette, samedi 25 novembre 1899, p. 1.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (New Empire Palace, 26 décembre 1899)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées au New Empire Palace en décembre.
The Shields Daily News, mardi 26 décembre 1899, p. 2.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Theatre Royal, <24 janvier 1900)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Theatre Royal en janvier :
THE SOUTH SHIELDS PANTOMIME. —The popular pantomime of "Cinderella" has entered upon its last week at the Theatre Royal, South Shields, and those who have no yet availed themselves of the opportunity of seeing this winter's entertainment should now do so without delay. The piece is now running very smoothly, and, altogether, this week the production may be witnessed at its best. A special attraction is to be seen in Downey's living photographs, some of which are of great interest and beauty.
Shields Daily Gazette, mercredi 24 janvier 1900, p. 3.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (New Empire Palace, 25 mars 1900)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au New Empire Palace en mars :
in aid of the WIDOWS OF R. and R. RIDLEY,
Foyboatmen, who were drowned on Friday, Feb. 16th
Chairman-Ald. T D. Marshall.
Shields Daily Gazette, mardi 20 mars 1900, p. 1.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Royal Assembly Hall, 16 avril 1900)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Royal Assembly Hall en avril :
An especial treat is provided for Easter Week at the Royal Assembly Hall, South Shields, the principal feature of the programme being Downey's Living Pictures. Last night every available seat in the spacious building was occupied, and a number of people had to be turned away.
The living pictures excel anything of the kind that hitherto been seen in South Shields. They include several just received from South Africa and depict several thrilling war scenes including French`s column in a skirmish near Kimberley and the surrender of Cronje. Another very interesting picture is the railway run from Nanuwpoort to De Aar, disclosing to the view the magnificent panorama en route. The series includes the Queen's visit to Dublin in which the royal procession is splendidly brought out.
Owing to the lenght of the vocal programme, which will be doubtless curtailed after the first night, a goodly number of the beat pictures could not be shown. These include a startling picture of a railway collision (specially arranged for this photo), divers at work under water, and a mysterious chameleon man. Messrs Downey are to be congratulated on being able to provide such an excellent and up-to-date entertainment.
Shields Daily Gazette, mardi 17 avril 1900, p. 4.
La dernière séance est annoncée pour le 21 avril.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (Royal Assembly Hall, 26->26 novembre 1900)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées au Royal Assembly Hall en novembre :
Last night Mr Fred Downey opened at the Royal Assembly Hall, South Shields, his pictorial entertainment of "Army Lite, or How Soldiers are Made." The programme is one of the most instructive and delightful imaginable, and the large audience expressed approval in vigorous applause. The life of the soldier is depicted barrack, camp and field, and the large screen is one moving series interesting incidents bearing thereon, the pictures having been secured by special permission of the army authorities Mr R. W. Paul. All branches of the service come into review, and as much may be learned of our army in an hour by this means as could be acquired by the reading of many books. In addition to army pictures proper, there the home coming of the C.I.V.'s, in their march through the streets of London, and a review of the troops by the Queen in Phoenix Park. One of great local interest is the Mayoral procession in South Shields on the present month. Excellent vocal selections are given by Miss Ethel Pender-Cudlip, and Mons. Burnetti gives a quick change musical sketch, with impersonations of popular performers. To-night the exhibition will be under the patronage of Col. W. J Dawson, V.D., and officers of the 3rd D.A.V. On Wednesday afternoon Capt. Baynham, R.N., and the Wellesley Band will attend ; op Friday afternoon the Mayor and Corporation will lend their patronage ; whilst on Saturday afternoon there will a special exhibition for school children.
The Shields Daily Gazette and Shipping Telegraph, mardi 27 novembre 1900, p. 3.
Les Living Photographs des frères Downey (Theatre Royal, 16 décembre 1900)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Theatre Royal en décembre :
The Shields Daily Gazette, mercredi 12 décembre 1900, p. 1.
Le Myriograph d'Harry et Fred Poole (Royal Assembly Hall, 4->4 février 1901)
Le Myriograph d'Harry et Fred Poole présente des vues animées en février au Royal Assembly Hall :
ROYAL ASSEMBLY HALL.—On Monday night Harry and Fred Poole’s new Myriorama opened an engagement here. The subject of the Myriorama was "London to Pretoria,” and by means of well-painted scenes the audience were shown all the points of interest on the route. The variety company which appears during the evening is excellent. The principal turn is that provided by the Four Ramlos on the triple horizontal bar. Other artists include Stewart Baride, comedian ; Little Carlina, dancer ; the Musical Keiths; the Durants, duettists; Mons. and Madame Belgens and Pei Ho, jugglers; Mdlle. Lizette and Master Charles, telephone wire experts ; Miss Marion Hemming, operatic vocalist; and La Belle Papillion, transformation dancer. The war pictures shown by the Myriograph were most vivid.
The Era, Londres, samedi 9 février 1901, p. 9.
Les Living Photographs des frères Downey (Theatre Royal, 17 février 1901)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Theatre Royal en février.
The Shields Daily Gazette, mardi 12 février 1901, p. 1.
À cette occasion, un film local est proposé: The South Shields Town's Procession to St. Hilda's Church on the Day of the Funeral.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Gospel Temperance Hall, 4 mai 1901)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Gospel Temperance Hall en mai :
CONCERT AT SOUTH SHIELDS.-A successful concert was given by Dr. Carsdale in the Gospel Temperance Hall. The artistes included Miss Vincent (North Shields), Miss Winnie Arnett (late Gilbert's Opera Company), Miss Trayham, Mr. M. H. Porter, the Sisters Edwards (Sunderland), Mr. Chas. Emery, and Mr Dick Batchelor. Mr. J. Downey's Living Pictures were much apreciated. The South Shields Temperance Band also tendered selections, under the conductorship of Mr J. S. Barrow. Mr. George Blenkinsop accompanied.
The Shields Gaily Gazette and Shipping Telegraph, samedi 4 mai 1901, p. 3.
Les Living Pictures des frères Downey (Royal Assembly Hall, <28 mai 1901)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Royal Assembly Hall en mai :
Messrs Downey, following the custom of many years standing now. gave excellent exhibition living pictures in the Assembly Hall, Shields, last night, will repeat the entertainment to-night and to-morrow night. There was a splendid audience and abundant testimony was forthcoming of the first rate quality of the programme provided for their delectation. This included besides the cinematograph a capital variety company of artistes. Fenton Cross, cartoonist and shadowgraphist made his first appearance before a Shields audience and his remarkable skill in his art won for him enthusiastic compliments, Master Fred Lucas, the talented piccolo soloist, came in as well for a splendid reception, as also did tiny Hilda Baillie, who appeared in several new coon songs, all of which were sung with wonderful success for one of such tender years. The programme also included Miss M. C. Jamieson, who recalled for her tyrolean songs, B. F. Bailey, baritone vocalist, and the Black Apollo, speciality artiste. The first feature of the entertainment was, of course, the living photographs. These have been brought up to date, both in regard to national and local events. the former, there is a splendid film of recent disaster to the famous yachts. Shamrock 1, and Shamrock II, from which the public got a realistic idea of the great catastrophe. The South Shields trade societies procession is an important addition to the local attractions, and there is a hundred and one other varieties pictures, humourous, instructive, and entertaining in a high degree.
The Shields Daily Gazette and Shipping Telegraph, mardi 28 mai 1901, p. 4.
Les Living Photographs des frères Downey (Theatre Royal, 4 août 1901)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Theatre Royal en août :
The Shields Daily Gazette, jeudi 1er août 1901, p. 1.
L'une d'elle est une vue locale: Mayor's Garden Party
Les Living Photographs des frères Downey (Theatre Royal, 10, 17 et 24 novembre 1901)
James John et Frederick Downey présentent des vues animées au Theatre Royal en novembre.
The Shields Daily Gazette, jeudi 7 novembre 1901, p. 1.
Une nouvelle séance a lieu le dimanche suivant, 17 novembre. Celle du 24 novembre évoque une autre vue locale :
CONCERTS AT SOUTH SHIELDS THEATRE. -A good programme was given before a crowded audience at the People's Concert on Sunday evening last at the Theatre Royal, South Shields. Items which met specially marked appreciation were a recitation, "John Bull's Dream.'' by Mr Aston Cross; the song, "Divine Redeemer," by Miss Alice and Downey's living photographs, which included "The welcome to the South Shields Volunteers from the Front," and a series of magnificent Italian views.
Shields Daily Gazette, mercredi 27 novembre 1901, p. 3.
Répertoire (autres titres): General Buller at Aldershot (Shields Daily Gazette, lundi 18 novembre 1901, p. 3.)
Les Living Photographs de Frederick Downey (Theatre Royal, 17 août 1902)
Frederick Downey présente les vues animées du couronnement du nouveau roi au Theatre Royal en août:
PICTURES OF THE CORONATION.-The people of South Shields will have opportunity on Sunday night next at the Theatre Royal, South Shields, of witnessing a series of " living pictures " of the Coronation, which will be exhibited Mr Fred Downey, the well-known photographer. The pictures include a trip round the fleet Spithead, the State procession London of last Saturday and the ceremony in the Abbey, in addition to which a sacred concert is to be rendered by an excellent party of vocalists.
The Shields Daily Gazette and Shipping Telegraph, jeudi 14 août 1902, p. 3.
The Shields Daily Gazette, vendredi 15 août 1902, p. 1.
Les Living Photographs de Frederick Downey (Theatre Royal, 25 janvier 1903)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en janvier.
MR. DOWNEY'S LIVING PICTURES. A great feat has been achieved Mr F. Downey in connection with the sacred concert Theatre Royal, South Shields, to-morrow night, this is securing a splendid array of animated pictures representing scenes at the Delhi Durbar. They have just arrived in England, and a cable report which preceded them says that the photographers were favoured both position and atmosphere, and the procession of elephants is described as one of the most astonishing of the series.
Shields Gaily Gazette, samedi 24 janvier 1903, p. 5.
Les Living Photographs de Frederick Downey (Theatre Royal, <6> octobre 1903)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en octobre :
"The Worst Woman in London" is the title of a sensational drama which is being staged at the Theatre Royal, South Shields, this week. The company is a strong one, under the direction of Mr. Walter Melville and Miss Mildred Cuttell appears in the role ci Frances Were or Drayton.
Miss Florrie Gallimore heads the bill at the Empire Palace Theatre this week, and other interesting turns on the programme are those contributed by Tom Leamore, comedian; Harry Coates, the original singing navvy; Grey and Welford, comedy artists; Downey's Living Pictures; Cline and Clarke, black and white cormedy artists; The Farthanaller Sextette, vocalists and dancers; Rhoda Paul, the child mimic; and Philip Hermann, descriptive vocalist.
Newcastle Daily Chronicle, mardi 6 octobre 1903, p. 10.
Les Living Photographs de Frederick Downey (Empire Palace, <7> octobre 1903)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en octobre :
There is ample entertainment at the Empire Palace, South Shields this week, the programme being quite up to the average all round. By Rhoda Paul, a child comedienne, the audience were furnished with capital turn. Her imitations of the popular Vesta Tilley were extremely clever, and brought her an enthusiastic encore. Altogether she made the most favourable impression, and left no doubt in the minds of those who witnessed her performance, that she has a successful career before her.
The Sarnthaller Sextette vocalists and Tyrolean dancers, sang in pleasing harmony, and also danced well, their efforts being vigorously applauded. Harry Coates, the singing navvy, was accorded a very warm reception. His fine vocal powers delighted as much as they astonished the house.
Florrie Gallimore, London comedienne, one of the star attractions, did a very successful turn and had to respond to a hearty recall. Tom Leamore, another Londoner, created much amusement with his funny songs and funnier patter.
Downey's living pictures, depicting several local events interest, including Lord Roberts' visit South Shields, was greatly appreciated. Able turns were also provided by Cling and Clarke, comedy artistes; Phil Hermann, descriptive vocalist, and Grey and Wellford, patter comedians and comedy boxers.
Shields Daily Gazette, mercredi 7 octobre 1903, p. 3.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (New Empire Palace, 16-23 novembre 1903)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en novembre.
Shields Daily News, lundi 16 novembre 1903, p. 2.
Dans un article publié peu après, on offre des informations sur le répertoire :
The Empire has returned to ist orthodox form of entertainment this week and with a big star like Mark Sheridan, on the programme there is little doubt that big audiences will be the rule. [...] Messrs Downey's living pictures are as interesting as ever, and include an excellent series of the local Mayor's procession to church on Sunday last.
Shields Daily Gazette, mardi 17 novembre 1903, p. 3.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (Memorial Hall, 28 décembre 1903)
J. Downey - collaborateur de Frederick Downey - présente des vues animées en décembre :
The teachers in the Brunswick Street Mission connected with the Laygate Prebyterian Church on Monday afternoon entertained about 150 poor children in the Memorial Hall to a substantial tes, and this was followed by a programme of humourous limelight views, songs etc. Fruit was distributed at the close.
Mr. J. Downey's living pictures were also highly appreciated Fruit was distributed to the guests at the close.
Shields Daily Gazette, mercredi 30 décembre 1903, p. 3.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (Assembly Hall, 24 février 1904)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en février :
SOUTH SHIELDS AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB. —The junior members of this club were last evening entertained to a substantial tea in the Queen Street Assembly Hall, South Shields, by the president, Ald Robert Readhead. There were 120 boys present, and they thoroughly enjoyed the treat, Mr M. J. Pollock presided, and after tea he proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Ald for his kindness. The motion was seconded by Mr G.R. Potts, and carried with cheers. An exhibition of Downey’s living pictures fotlowed.
Shields Daily News, jeudi 25 février 1904, p. 3.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (High Shields/The Tivoli, 28 novembre 1904)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en novembre.
The Shields Daily Gazette, mercredi 30 novembre 1904, p. 1.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (Royal Assembly Hall, 24-29 avril 1905)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en avril.
The Shields Daily Gazette, jeudi 20 avril 1905, p. 1.
Une dernière annonce est publiée le 29 avril.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (High Shields/The Tivoli, 29 mai-17 juin 1905)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en mai.
The Shields Daily Gazette, lundi 29 mai 1905, p. 1.
La dernière annonce est publiée le 17 juin.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (Royal Assembly Hall, 17-19 octobre 1905)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en octobre.
The Shields Daily Gazette, samedi 7 octobre 1905, p. 1.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (Royal Assembly Hall, 25-26 décembre 1905)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en décembre.
The Shields Daily Gazette, 21 décembre 1905, p. 1.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (Gospel Temperance Hall, 17 février 1906)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en février.
The Shields Daily Gazette, samedi 17 février 1906,, p. 1.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (Gospel Temperance Hall, 3 mars 1906)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en mars.
The Shields Daily Gazette, 3 mars 1906, p. 1.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (Royal Assembly Hall, avril 1906)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en avril.
The Shields Daily Gazette, 12 avril 1906, p. 2.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (Gospel Temperance Hall, 21 avril 1906)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en avril.
The Shields Daily Gazette, samedi 21 avril 1906, p. 1.
Les Living Pictures de Frederick Downey (Royal Assembly Hall, 24.26 décembre 1906 et 1er janvier 1907)
Frederick Downey présente des vues animées en décembre 1906 et janvier 1907.
The Shields Daily Gazette, samedi 22 décembre 1906, p. 1.