- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 13 décembre 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 3228
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Chatam est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
L'oscilamatographe de Phil & Bernard (Palace of Varieties, <20> novembre 1896, p. 10)
Phil & Bernard annoncent leur oscilamatographe à la mi-novembre.
Chatam & Rochester News, 14 novembre 1896, p. 1.
Les séances ont lieu dans le Palace of Varieties de L. B. Barnard :
CHATHAM.—Barnard's Palace of Varieties (Sole proprietor, Mr. L. B. Barnard ; chairman, Mr. George Helton).—This week we have really a grand company ; the show is so wonderful that black and white can hardly do it credit. Harry Champion is, of course, Mr. Barnard's trump card, and, after his five new songs, then we all—like little Oliver Twist—asked for more. Phil and Bernard's Oscilamatographe delighted the house, and to remark on its success would be superfluous.
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 20 novembre 1896, p. 10.
Le Royal Triograph de George Francis (Barnard's Palace of Varieties, <30 septembre->9 décembre 1898)
Le Royal Triograph de George Francis propose des vues animées, en septembre, au Barnard's Palace of Varieties :
Barnard's Palace (Proprietor. Mr L. B. Barnard ; Chairman, Mr. George Helton).—Miss Lulu Gould is giving an excellent turn this week, and the Royal Triograph is much appreciated. Shawline and the Sisters Santley are still here, and Jack Holland all contribute and are much appreciated. The chief attraction is caused by the Kellinos with their clever gymnastic and Risley bar act.
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 30 septembre 1898, p. 12.
En décembre, les séances se poursuivent :
Barnard's Palace of Varieties
(Proprietor, Mr. L. B. Barnard ; Chairman, Mr. George Helton).—Mr. G. Francis, with the Royal Triograph, is drawing good houses this week. Paul Courtney and company are producing the farcical sketch " Woe Emma," and as usual create much laughter. The Sisters Leo are good duettists and dancers. Miss Ada Izon, vocalist and dancer; Alf Bishop, comic vocalist; Evalo's Four Tricky Turks, in an acrobatic and comic juggling act, " Harem Scarem ;" and the popular Forrest Combination, in a laughable sketch, " Cupid's Ingenuity," complete the bill.
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, vendredi 9 décembre 1898, p. 12.