- Détails
- Création : 24 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 22 août 2023
- Publication : 24 mars 2015
- Affichages : 3705
(actifs en 1896-1898)
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Le nom "Phil & Bernard" - ou "Phil & Barnard" - n'a pas été, pour l'heure, identifié. Il pourrait s'agir d'un ou de deux individus dont la seule information est qu'il(s) réside(nt) au 98, Portsdown-Road, Maida-vale, Londres. La première mention de "Phil & Bernard" nous la trouvons lors d'une présentation de leur oscinematoscope à Woolwich e novembre 1896. C'est dans les premiers jours de l'année 1897 que commence à être publiée une annonce qui se prolonge jusqu'en avril.
The Era, Londres, samedi 9 janvier 1897, p. 29. | The Era, Londres, samedi 10 avril 1897, p. 29. |
"Phil & Bernard" annonce leur appareil sous différents noms: oscinematoscope, oscilamatographe, oscenematograph, Oscinematographe, O.S. cinématographe, Cinematographe (Wrench's Patent)... Si certaines variantes sont sans doute dues à l'imprimeur, il est vrai que les exploitants vont jouer sur la diversité, peut-être pour attirer du public. Ils se consacrent également au tournage de certains films ce que laissent entendre l'article suivant :
Poor Tom Woottwell is ill in bed at Manchester, and his temperature is 103. This is how it was brought about —I use his own words : —“I did a nice thing Wednesday (Feb. 17). Phil Bernard, the Cinematographist, wanted to take a comic film (local), so I agreed I’d go on the water in a boat with my clothes on, fishing, upset the boat, and fall out. I did, and Mr. Anderson, the stage manager, has played my part in the pantomime ever since. I’ve played in thirteen pantomimes, and this is the first in which I have had to be excused.” Later news is much more cheerful.
The Entr'acte, Londres, samedi, 27 février 1897, p. 6.
Au début du mois de mars, une annonce indique que "Phil and Bernard" commercialisent également leur appareil de projection :
WANTED, Known, Phil and Bernard's O.S. Cinematograph Machines, Films and all Accessories for Sale. Our Fist-clasee Machines, at First-clae Prices, can be seen at work next week at the Washington Music Hall Battersea.
Permanent address, 98, Portsdown-road, Maida-vale, W.
The Era, Londres, samedi 6 mars 1897, p. 28.
Cette commercialisation, peut-être antérieure, pourrait expliquer les projections simultanées à Manchester et à Woolwich en décembre 1896-janvier 1897. À partir de juillet 1897, pendant plusieurs semaines, ils présentent à l'Alhambra de Londres des vues annoncées comme étant de leur cru :
At the Alhambra last night there was presented a fine series of vies of the Diamond Jubilee Procession, taken by Messrs. Phil and Barnard's Cinematograph (under Wrench's patent). there views, which are on a large scale, and for the exhibition of which the management of the Alhambra have obtained the exclusive right in London, bring before the eye in a very striking manner all the principal features of the gorgeous pageant. They were loudly cheered, ans when her Majesty's carriage came into view the applause was exceendingly enthusiastic. The Alhambra programme is altogether good. It comprises the two ballets, "The Tzigane," and "Victoria and Merrie England," the remarkably agile entertainment of the Bonhair Troupe of Gymnasts, the refined playing on the mandoline of Mlle. Tostia, and several other features. Miss Cissie Loftus is as pleasing as ever in her imitations of popular performers, to which she is frequently making additions, and last night her representations of Miss Ellaine Terris, Miss Lettie Lind, Fregoli, and others secured the warmest approbation.
The London Evening Standard, Londres, vendredi 9 juillet 1897, p. 6.
Pourtant, ces mêmes vues sont parfois attribuées à Alfred Wrench. On ne connaît que peu de choses sur leur répertoire et il reste délicat de leur attribuer l'ensemble des films qu'ils projettent :
Messrs Phil and Bernard's cinematograph occupied a prominent place in the Empire programme for the current week. The views shown include photographs of some of the outstanding incidents of Mr Gladstone funeral, as well as representations of the people tribute to the late statesman. Some of the scene were blurred, but others stood out clear and distinct and a good idea was given of the ceremonial . Others pictures were shown of the launch of the Albion, with its attendant disaster. The huge vessel was first seen leaving the ways in presence of large crowd and immediately afterwards the water was alive with small boats busily engaged in the work of rescue. It was a striking picture, most excellently reproduced. These were preceded by representations of a bull fight, diving, and a phantom ride. The last-mentioned had a peculiar effect . Mile after mile or a railway track was shown, stations were passed, and the journey was brought to a conclusion after passing through a tunnel. The Mayvilles have managed the hit upon somewhat of a novelty in their Lilliputian entertainment, which was deservedly applauded while the Donaldson Brothers and Ardell, in their "Scenes from the Zoo," went through some wondering acrobatic feats. "Atroy" gave an excellent exhibition of juggling, and the "Valdares" made a favourable impression as trick cyclists. The remainder of the programme was of more than average merit, M. George Ripon's singing being specially good. This was a full house.
The Scotsman, Londres, mardi 5 juillet 1898, p. 6.
La disparition de Phil & Bernard est aussi soudaine que leur apparition. Les dernières séances connues sont données au Foresters' Palace of Varieties de Londres, en août-septembre 1898.
The Diamond Jubilee (22 juin)
The Naval Review at Spithead (26 juin)
Mr Gladstone funeral (28 mai)
The Launch of the Albion
Appalating Disaster at Blackwall
Corpus Christi Procession at Cardiff (9 juin)
09/11/1896 | Grande-Bretagne | Woolwich | Theatre Royal | oscinematoscope |
<20>/11/1896 | Grande-Bretagne | Chatham | Palace of Varieties | oscilamatographe |
<28>/11/1896 | Grande-Bretagne | Woolwich | Theatre Royal | oscenematograph |
22/12/1896-06/03/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Manchester | Palace | O.S. cinematograph |
28/12/1896-03/01/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Woolwich | Theatre Royal | Oscinematographe |
08/03/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Londres. Battersea | Washington Theatre of Varieties | O.S. cinématographe |
<03>/04/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Southampton | Empire Palace | O.S. cinematograph |
07/05-28/06/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Cardiff | Philharmonic Hall & Buildings | O.S. cinematographe |
08/07/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Londres | The Alhambra | wrench |
<21>/08/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Londres | Foresters | cinématographe |
06-[12]/09/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Sandgate | The Alhambra | cinematograph |
<11/09/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Londres | The Alhambra | Cinématographe |
<30/10/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Stockton-on-Tees | Exchange Hall | Cinématographe |
30/10 et 06/11/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Sheffield | Albert Hall | cinematograph |
06/12/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Glasgow | Theatre-Royal | cinematograph |
11/12/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Edimbourg | Theatre-Royal | cinematograph |
24-31/12/1897-01/01/1898 | Grande-Bretagne | Newcastle | Tyne Theatre | cinematograph |
<22>/01/1898 | Grande-Bretagne | Leeds | Tivoli | cinematograph |
<18>/02/1898 | Grande-Bretagne | Edimbourg | Theatre Royal | cinematograph |
04-08/04/1898 | Grande-Bretagne | Cardiff | The Empire | cinematograph |
06-11/06/1898 | Grande-Bretagne | Cardiff | The Empire | cinematograph |
13/06/1898 | Grande-Bretagne | Nottingham | The Empire | cinematographe |
27/06-02/07/1898 | Grande-Bretagne | Swansea | The Empire | cinematographe |
05-09/07/1898 | Grande-Bretagne | Edimbourg | Empire Palace Theatre | cinematographe |
18-23/07/1898 | Grande-Bretagne | Cardiff | The Empire | cinematograph |
<27/08-[10]/09/1898 | Grande-Bretagne | Londres | Foresters' Palace of Varieties | cinematographe |