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Création : 25 mars 2015
Mis à jour : 6 septembre 2022
Publication : 25 mars 2015
Affichages : 2665
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Elstree est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
Le cinematescope de Birt Acres (25 février 1897)
Birt Acres participe à une soirée avec son cinematescope :
ENTERTAINMENT.- A most successful entertainment wad given at Elstree on Thursday, February 25th. in aid of the Boreham Wood Infant School. Mrs Wellington, of Boreham Wood, assisted many friends from the neighbourhood and elsewhere, got up a series of tableaux vivants, which were much appreciated by the very large audience. The grouping of some of the tableaux was most picturesque, and great credit is due to all concerned. Interest in the proceedings was further increased by the presence of Mr. Birt Acres, who kindly showed his cinematescope, and the animated photographs were a most welcome addition to already interesting programme. We understand the entertainment a financial success.
Barnet Press, Barnet, samedi 6 mars 1897, p. 8.