- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 11 février 2025
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 2783
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Chester est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
Le Royal Cinematographe de Birt Acres (Royalty Theatre, 1er-7 février 1897)
Birt Acres présente son Royal Cinematographe au Royalty Theatre, au début du mois de février.
The Cheshire Observer, Chester, samedi 30 janvier 1897, p. 1.
Le Cinematograph de Joseph Poole (Music Hall, 11 octobre 1897)
Joseph Poole présente son Myriorama dans un spectacle qui comporte également des projections de vues animées avec un cinematograph :
Myrioramas have come and gone, but it is doubtful whether a better entertainment of this description has ever visited Chester than the one — Mr. Joseph Poole's — which commenced a fortnight's stay in the Music Hall on Monday. There was a good audience which occupied nearly the whole of the body of the hall. By far the major part of the views which, by the way are splendidly executed, are altogether new, such up to date subjects as the recent blockade of Crete and the Turco-Greek war being excellently treated. The spectator is wafted by the conductor's magic wand to and from all the ends of the earth with the utmost facility and inconsequence, while the progress of the journeys is at intervals interrupted by the appearance of the various members of a clever variety combination; On Monday Engist and Orsa gave a thoroughly enjoyable performance as eccentric musicians, while West and Selby (who bear a great resemblance to the other pair mentioned) were convulsing in their comic conjuring sketch. Mr. V. Jean de Henau earned merited applause for his wonderful skill in painting with his feet. He executed a capital landscape scene with extraordinary rapidity. Other excellent items were songs by Miss May Finch, a performance by Madlle. Bena Aladina's cockatoos, tight rope walking by Herr Vogeler, and a gymnastic turn by the Salettos. The latter troupe consists of a man, a little girl, and a smaller boy, and their feats are remarkable. Mr. Felix Somers, in his entertainment 'People we know,' introduced various characters and celebrities with more than ordinary ability, while the cinematograph views were the best that have yet been given in Chester. Mr. Fred Mayor acted as guide.
The Cheshire Observer, Chester, samedi 16 octobre 1897, p. 6.
Le Myriograph de Poole (Music Hall, 21 novembre-2 décembre 1898)
Le Myriograph de Poole présente des vues animées au Music Hall.
Chester Courant, Chester, mercredi 16 novembre 1898, p. 1.
The North American Animated Photo Co. (Music Hall, 21-27 janvier 1901)
The North American Animated Photo Co., entreprise fondée par James Dewhurst Walker et Edward George Turner, organise quelques séances de photographies animées en janvier au Music Hall de la ville :
MONDAY, JAN. 21ST, when by kind permission of Col. SHERINGHAM, the 3rd Battalion Cheshire Regiment will be present and witness their comrades lighting their battles over again.
The North American Animated Photo Co.
500 Animated Pictures of the
Taken by the greatest Invention of the Age,
the Telephographic Lens.
CHINESE CRISIS Depicting all the Sensational
Incidents and Horrors of the War.
The Empire's Greatness ! it is the Navy ! Bluejackets Embarking —The Fleet Sails for China —Great Naval Battle—Landing and Capturing Takue Forts-Battle outside Pekin-Count Waldersee and the Allied Troops entering Pekin—Street Life in China, etc.
300 New and Original Animated Pictures of the Boer War, including the only Animated Picture ever photographed and exhibited by this Company only— DE WET AT BAY ! General Knox defeats the Boer Leader—Capturing Guns, etc. Invasion of Cape Colony, Driving Enemy back.
Special Engagement of the Band of the 2nd Vol. Batt. Cheshire Regt. (by kind permission of Col. T. J. Smith) who will play at each performance an original Fantasia, the Relief of Ladysmith, illustrated by appropriate Animated Pictures.
FUNERAL of the late LORD ARMSTRONG, lnventor of the famous Armstrong Gun.
IMPORTANT NOTICE.—The North American Animated Photo Co. are the largest exhibitors in the world. Different to all others. Entirely new to this country. Produced at a cost over £5,000.
Seats booked at PHILLIPSON & GOLDER'S, Stationers. Day Performances WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 3. Children half-price to all parts. Nightly at 8. Doors open at 7.30. Carriages at 10.15. Prices, 2s, 1s, and 6d.
The Cheshire Observer, Chester, samedi 19 janvier 1901, p. 1.
Le Myriograph de Joseph Poole (Music-Hall, 18-30 novembre 1901)
Le Myriograph de Joseph Poole présente des vues animées au Music-Hall en novembre et décembre.
Cheshire Observer, Chester, samedi 16 novembre 1901, p. 1.
Les séances prennent fin le 30 novembre.
Cheshire Observer, Chester, samedi 23 novembre 1901, p. 1.