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Création : 25 mars 2015
Mis à jour : 4 septembre 2022
Publication : 25 mars 2015
Affichages : 2819
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Fakenham est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
Le Cinematescope de Birt Acres (Corn Hall, 25 novembre 1896)
Birt Acres présente son cinematescope à la fin du mois de novembre :
THE BIRT ACRES CINEMATESCOPE.—ln the Com Hall on wednesday evening last, in connection with the Fakenham and District Camera Club, was exhibited before large audience, the Birt Acres cinematoscope, whereby was shown with much effect a realistic view of the Derby of 1896. In the intervals local lantern slide views by Messrs. J. J. Roberts, H Applegate, T. J. Miller, and others, wew shown by Messrs. Davis Bros. by their oxy-hydrogen lantern, and described by Mr. Henry Newson. The Fakenham String Band, under the conductorship of Mr. H. Hutchinson, enhanced the proceedings with a pleasing selection of music. The surplus of the proceeds will be divided equally between the Fakenham and District Nurses Fund and the Camera Club.
Norfolk News, Norfolk, samedi 28 novembre 1896, p. 14.