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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 6 septembre 2022
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 3799
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Barnet est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
{slilder Le Cinematescope de Birt Acres (Town Hall, 27 octobre 1896)}
Birt Acres présente son Cinematescope à la fin du mois d'octobre :
On behalf of the above will be given at the
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27th, at Eight p.m.,
MR. BIRT ACRES will give an
Exhibition of Animated Pictures
Produced by his
As Exhibited by Special Command to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.
Barnet Press, Barnet, samedi 10 octobre 1896, p. 4.
Un compte rendu de la séances est publié à la fin du mois d'octobre :
Seldom is Barnet Town Hall filled to such an extent and with such an appreciative audience as was the case on Tuesday evening, the occasion of the entertainment in aid of the Bells Hill Mission Building Extension Fund. At the last moment there was quite a rush for tickets, and by the time the proceedings commenced both body of the hall and the gallery were tilled to their utmost capacity. The chief attraction was an exhibition of animated pictures produced by means of his cinematescope by Mr Birt Acres. The novelty on the entertainment, combined with the interesting diversity of the subjects represented, held the delighted audience in the closet attention, and as one picture gave place to another there were spontaneous outbursts of applause. It should perhaps be explained that the cinematescope entertainment consisted of a number of photographs thrown upon the screen much after the manner of the familiar magic lantern. Instead of pourtraying a simple stationary picture, however, the cinematescope lends to the scenes and characters depicted the appearance of actual life. In fact, events are placed before one just exactly as they occurred, with every movement and action faithfully represented. The photographs exhibited by Mr Acres were: —Highgate Tunnel. G.N.R.. with locomotive passing through ; fishing boats leaving harbour; Lancers dancing the "Lancers" on horseback; a south-wester at Dover; children playing: Bamet Fair; boxing kangaroo; Capstone Parade, Ilfracombe: boxing match; wedding of Princess Maud, taken at Marlborough House, by special command of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales: the return to Marlborough House after the ceremony : garden party at Marlborough House; departure of bride and bridegroom for Sandringham : the Emperor of Germany reviewing his troops previous to the opening of the Kiel Canal; the Derby: clearing the course, preliminary canter, race, and crowd surging on the course; Henley regatta; Finsbury Park Station: the Prince and Princess of Wales arriving in State at Cardiff exhibition. It is difficult to individualise where each picture was so exceptionally good. The Lancers dancing of horseback found particular favour with the audience, as did also the picture giving a glimpse of Barnet Pleasure Fair. The series of photographs illustrative of the wedding of Princess Maud were greatly appreciated and the picture which showed the Prince and Princess of Wales arriving in state at Cardiff Exhibition was greeted with prolonged and hearty applause. In the course of a few descriptive remarks. Mr Acres said that the films as placed in the apparatus measured about one inch in length and a little less than [3] inch in width. When the pictures appeared on the screen they were magnified to the extent of seven feet. There was, he said, a difference between the work which he had attempted and that which was shown by the Edison Company, inasmuch as photographed events they occurred, and the Edison Company chose the best conditions of light in which to take their photographs. Speaking particularly with reference to the last picture exhibited, he said that the photograph was taken surreptitiously. The authorities were so anxious to get record of the first visit of the Prince of Wales to Cardiff that they allowed him (Mr Acres) to very much he liked. The consequence was he made a hole in a wall, into which he inserted the lens his camera, and succeeded in obtaining some excellent photographs of the royal party. He obtained permission from the Prince of Wales to publish the photographs, and was invited to Marlborough House to exhibit them there. At the conclusion of the exhibition His Royal Highness gave him permission to take what photographs he liked on the occasion of the royal wedding the next day. (Applause.) Mr Acres mentioned incidentally that the first successful cinematescope photographs were actually taken within quarter-of-a-mile of Barnet Town Hall.
Barnet Press, Barnet, samedi 31 octobre 1896, p. 6.
The Royal Cinematescope de Birt Acres (Highstone Reading Room, 24 décembre 1896)
Birt Acres offre une séance de projections animées avec son Royal Cinematescope :
HIGHSTONE READING ROOM.-Last Thursday evening Mr Birt Acres very kindly gave an exhibition of the Royal Cinematescope, of which he is the inventor, at the Highstone Reading Room, in aid of the club funds. The building was filled with a most appreciative audience, who repeatedly encored most heartily many of the pictures. Mr Acres gave a few descriptive details of the beginning and perfecting of the cinematescope, and of the modus operandi. He also pointed out the principal features to be noticed in the various pictures, but this seemed almost superfluous, as they were most realistic and life-like and spoke for themselves. The exhibition as a whole was so good that it is difficult to single out any of the pictures as deserving of special mention. The railway scenes were most natural: the waves at Dover only wanted the sound of the waves roaring to transport one into the midst of gale. The Derby took one to Epsom, and the garden party at Sandringham, after the marriage of Princess Maud, gave one a peep into high life. Mr Leonard Bevan, of Trent Park, assisted at a most enjoyable evening with several songs and pianoforte solos, and Miss Trotter very kindly accompanied. The programme of pictures was follows:—A tram scene at Finsbury Park; fishing boat; Lancers dancing "Lancers"; waves at Dover in a storm; children playing in a garden at Hadley; the boxing kangaroo; feeding a tiger at the Zoo; carpenters at work; Highgate Tunnel and luggage train; the Derby, 1895; of the departure the Royal wedding party for Buckingham Palace, return to Marlborough House; garden party at Sandringham: review before German Emperor; Henley Regatta : boxing match in two rounds; Mr. Tom Merry drawing a portrait of Mr. Gladstone: Mr Tom Merry drawing a portrait of Lord Salsbury; the Prince of Wales alighting from the carriage. At the conclusion of the entertainment Mr Acres received a great ovation from audience, which was repeated when the Rev J. K. Wood proposed a vote thanks.
Barnet Press, Barnet, samedi 26 décembre 1896, p. 4.
Le Cinematescope de Birt Acres (Town Hall, 12 janvier 1897)
Birt Acres donne une séance de projections animées à la mi-janvier :
A very successful entertainment was given in the Town Hall, Union-street. Barnet, on Tuesday evening. in aid of the Christ Church Day School Fund. The hall was literally packed from floor to ceiling, and many had to go away unable to obtain admission. Anxiety on the part of the public to be present is to be accounted for by the fact that Mr Birt Acres was to exhibit his cinematescope and once again to delight Bamet people with his living pictures, and that the promoters the entertainment had hung out their banners on the outward walls and advertised the gathering. Before commencing the entertainment Canon Trotter explained that it was given for the purpose of obtaining funds to pay for the cleaning and decoration of the old girls’ school. It would, he said, be in the recollection of some present that new infants’ room had been added the school, and it had made the other part of the buildings look so shabby that it was determined to execute some repairs and cleaning. It was a happy thought on the part of Miss Tudor, who always took such great interest in their schools—(applause)—to ask him (Canon Trotter) to ask Mr Birt Acres to give an exhibition of his cinematescope. That gentleman had not only kindlv consented to do so, but had done absolutely free. (Applause) Other ladies and gentlemen also had come forward to render assistance, and he desired to thank them all for their kind help. (Applause.) [...]
Barnet Press, Barnet, samedi 16 janvier 1897, p. 6.
Le Royal Cinematescope de Birt Acres (New Barnet Assembly Rooms, 24 février 1897)
Birt Acres participe à une soirée à caractère politique. Il présente des vues animées avec son Royal Cinematescope :
In the New Barnet Assembly Rooms, on Wednesday evening, a grand smoking concert was given under the auspices of the Barnet Conservative and Unionist Association.
The concert committee, which consisted of Messrs. J. C. Berridge, J. Franklin, H. R. Powell, J. J. Rennie, and B. Spicer, had arranged an excellent programme, the chief feature of which was an exhibition of Mr Birt Acres' "Royal Cinematescope," wich was thouroughly appreciated.
Barnet Press, Barnet, samedi 27 février 1897, p. 5.
Les photographies animées de Birt Acres (Christ Church Schools, <8 mai 1897)
Birt Acres propose une conférence sur les images animées avec projections de vues :
"Living Pictures"- In Christ Church Schools, Little Heath, last week, Birt Acres. Esq., F.R. Met. S., F.R.P.S., who has appeared by special command before the Prince of Wales and Royal Family, gave a lecture and demonstration of "Animated photography.” The audience, which was a large one, had the intellectural treat that had been anticipated. Mr Acres gave a short account of the most wonderful instrument which enables him to give these animated pictures, and which, he said, had a great future before it. He had that day patented an improvement, and looked forward to still further steps onward. It really is a remarkable development of the old-fashioned Wheel of Life." After giving other interesting particulars the lecturer had thrown on the screen a number of pictures that were most wonderful and attractive, among which may be mentioned "The departure of the East Coast Express from Finsbury Park Station." "The waves Dover," "The boxing kangaroo.” "The passing of Sanger’s circus through Barnet." "Tom Merry drawing Gladstone and Salisbury," " Highgate tunnel. G.N.R ,” etc. Repeated applause was given, and the audience anticipate another visit from Acres. The Rev. A. Mercer warmly thanked the lecturer. Miss F. Allward kindly sang two songs. " The song that reached heart ” and " Caller berrin'." and Mr Brookes gave "The old cathedral," and " The Goodwin Sands."
Barnet Press, Barnet, samedi 8 mai 1897, p. 8.