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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 31 décembre 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Croydon est une ville d'Angleterre (Grande-Bretagne).
Le Grand Kinematograph d'Adolph Langfier et Victor Bender (Camera Club, 28 octobre 1896)
Victor Bender et Adolph Langfier présentent le Grand Kinematograph au Camera Club vers la fin du mois d'octobre :
[...] a newly invented camera and projection apparatus, called the Grand Kinematograph, which had just been perfected by the firm of which their member, Mr Victor Bender, was one of the leading partners, viz., Messrs Bender & Co., of Croydon. The apparatus in question was in many ways a great advance upon those machines hitherto shown; the negatives were double the size of any other camera of the class, the vibration was much reduced, as also were the noise and clatter which usually accompany the projecting apparatus when in action. The President was able to announce that by the kindness of Messrs Bender & Co. , Mr Adolph Langfier had promised to show the Grand Kinematograph in action at the lantern show of the Club, to be held on January 13, 1897.
The British Journal of Photography, vol. 43, nº 1905, 6 novembre 1896, p. 715-716.
Le Grand Kinematograph d'Adolph Langfier et Victor Bender (Bazaar, décembre 1896)
Adolph Langfier et Victor Bender présentent des vues animées au Bazaar en décembre :
The Kinematograph was one of the attractions of the bazaar, and each demonstration was crowded, among those present being the Mayor and Mayoress. The pictures shown included a view of the demolition of East Croydon Station, a falling wall, with the dust slowly rising in clouds; children at play in the Park Hill Recreation Ground; Hyde Park Corner (with Horse Guards passing); the old Fish Market at Hastings, in which the effect of a misty morning was excellently shown; several street scenes in Croydon, and a view of a slowly breaking wave at Ilfracombe, which was depicted in a lifelike manner. The demonstrations were an entire success, and credit is due to the operator Mr. F. Judge, for his skilful work. Mr. Adolph Langfier introduced the various subjects, and Miss Ethel Savage was at the piano.
Croydon Guardian and Surrey County Gazette, Croydon, 16 décembre 1896, p. 5.
Le grand kinematograph d'Adolph Langfier (Theatre Royal, 15 janvier 1897)
A l'occasion de la soirée donnée par Mr. Willie Cousins, Adolph Langfier présente quelques vues animées :
MR. WILLIE COUSINS' BENEFIT.—Last (Friday) evening the Theatre Royal was crowded, when Mr. Willie Cousins, the popular acting manager, was accorded a benefit, which, judging from the state of the house, must have been a very real one. In addition to the pantomime, which was somewhat curtailed, the bill was swelled by a list of attractions. First and foremost in popular favour was the remarkably fine display of the kinematograph by Mr. Adolph Langfier (on behalf of Messrs. Bender and Co.). The "living pictures" were admirably depicted, the three views of Croydon being especially interesting. Pressure on our space precludes a more lengthy notice.
Croydon Times, Croydon, samedi 16 janvier 1897, p. 5.
Les images animées de G. Albert Smith (Theatre Royal , <10> février 1897)
G. Albert Smith propose des vues animées à la fin du spectacle donné au Royal Theatre en février :
Once again pantomime holds sway at the Old Theatre. A year has passed away since "Johnny Hunter," as he is popularly called, was here, and although it is only natural to find crowded houses upon a visit to the show he brings with him, yet on Monday evening he completely broke his own record, so suffocating was the condition of most parts of the house,-a house, by the way, which gave to Dick Whittington as hearty a reception as even he (or she, rather) could possibly have wished for. [...] Mr. G. A. Smith's series of animated photographs are delightful, and thay have been brought as near perfection as possible.
Croydon Times, Croydon, mercredi 10 février 1897, p. 8.
Le Velograph (Palace of Varieties, <31 juillet-[11] août 1897)
Le Velograph offre des séances cinématographiques à la fin du mois de juillet :
The National Palace of Varieties (Croydon), Ltd.
STUPENDOUS ATTRACTION. - AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY, and Every Evening during the Week.—MARIK LLOYD (for six nights only); Katie Lawrence, Sisters De Castro and Maud Stoneham, Princess Pauline, Serpentello, the McConnell Family, Walter King, Emma Chambers, Rezene and Robini, Lily Wilford; and the Wonderful Velograph Animated Photographs of the Jubilee Procession.
General Manager .....................Mr. J. Sparrow.
Resident Manager ...................Mr. P. A. Lennon.
Secretary...................................Mr. G. E. S.
The Entr'acte, 31 juillet 1897, p. 2.
Dans un article publié quelques jours plus tard, des vues originales sont annoncées:
At the Palace of Varieties on Monday evening the house was packed, and the management are to be contratulated on the excellent entertainment they have provided for their patrons this week.
The Velograph series of animated photogaphs were much appreciated, selections from the following views being given:-The Diamond Jubilee procession, her Majesty the Queen and Royal Family at the state garden party, Buckingham Palace, the Royal Regatta, Henley, 1897, the Derby 1897, the Ascot Gold Cup, 1897, the Flying Scotchman, the Seaside Military Drill, and London Life. The pictures are some of the best that we have witnessed, and to those who did not see the provession we strongly recommend a visit to the Hall this week.
Croydon Times, Croydon, mercredi 4 août 1897, p. 4.
Les séances se prolongent dans les premiers jours d'août.
Répertoire (autres titres): Miss Ida Baily in an Indian skirt dance (that lady being the wife of Mr. Lennon, the popular manager) (The Croydon Times, Croydon, mercredi 11 août 1897, p. 5).
Le Triograph (National Palace of Varieties, 27 septembre-6 octobre 1897)
Les débuts du Triograph au National Palace of Varieties ne sont aussi satisfaisants qu'attendus. Des problèmes liés à l'électricité trop faible semble en être la cause.
The Croydon Times, mercredi 29 septembre 1897, p. 5.
NATIONAL PALACE OF VARIETIES-The programme at the National Palace of Varieties this week, is fully up to the high standard invariably maintained at this hall, and on Monday evening the entertainment was greatly appareciated by a large audience. [...] Much was expected from the display by the Lumiere Triograph, a variant of the now widely known Kinematographe, but unfortunately the display was not quite so good as it should have been, there being much vibration of the pictures presented. We believe that the reason for this was that the electricity was supplied from the same source which supplies the street illumination, and proved not to be powerful enough. The defect will be remedied for the remainder of the week and as the exhibition includes a complete view of the Diamon Jubilee procession, an interesting spectacle is sure to be provided.
Croydon Times, Croydon, mercredi 29 septembre 1897, p. 8.
Les séances se prolongent au cours des premiers jours du mois d'octobre :
NATIONAL PALACE OF VARIETIES.-An entertainment of an exceptionally high-class character, even for this popular place of amusement, is presented this week. With two exceptions the bill is an entirely new one. Much interest is, of course, manifested in tle Lumiere Triograph. A large number of new pictures are shown this week, and on Monday evening not a few of the items were re-demanded.
Croydon Times, Croydon, mercredi 6 octobre 1897, p. 5.
The Langfier Cinematographe (Theatre of Varieties, 27 décembre 1897)
À l'occasion du programme de Noël, Adolph Langfier présente son cinématographe.
The Croydon Express, Croydon, samedi 25 décembre 1897, p. 2.
The Velograph (Camera Club, 19 janvier 1898)
Le Velograph présente des vues animées lors d'une réunion du Camera Club:
Wednesday, 19th Jan., at 8, p.m.,
VELOGRAPH. Moving Photos. Choice Scenes and Subjects by Members. Incidental Music by the Misses Dobaon. Admission 6d, and 1s.
Croydon Advertiser and East Surrey Reporter, samedi 15 janvier 1898, p. 4.
Dans un nouvel article, on apprend que c'est Mr. Harrison qui présente l'appareil et projette quelques films :
Judging by the large attendance, and the enthusiastic applause, the thirty-fourth public lantern display of photographs held by the Croydon Camera Club on Wednesday last, at the Small Public Hall, must be pronounced a decided success.
The proceedings opened with an overture on the piano by the Misses C. and D. Dobson, which was followed by a telling series of animated photographs, shown by means the velograph, which was handled in very effective manner Mr. Harrison. The films which were exhibited thoroughly aroused the audience's approval, which was in several instances manifested by loud and prolonged applause, notably when a scene entitled "French Boxers" was run through, on which occasion the demand for an encore was so persistent that it became necessary to explain that technical details did not permit of the scene being repeated. Other subjects which were particularly appreciated were "Serpentello,” "Horse Jumping at Addiscombe." "Rough Sea," Snowballing," and "Stable Fire.”
The velogragh [sic] is, without doubt, an instrument which is capable displaying, in exceedingly perfect manner photographs in motion.
During the usual interval, Mrs and the Misses Dobson delighted the assemblage with a number instrumental selections, of which the violin solo by Miss Daisy Dobson, and the violin trio by the Misses Dobson obtained strongly emphasized encores; these, however, had to be refused on account of want of time.
The Croydon Advertiser and Surrey County Reporter, Croydon, samedi 22 janvier 1898, p. 7.