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- Création : 24 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 18 janvier 2025
- Publication : 24 mars 2015
- Affichages : 3950
George, Albert SMITH
(Londres, 1864-Brighton, 1959)
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Charles Smith épouse Margaret Alice Davidson (Londres, [1840]-Brighton, 12/02/1926). Descendance :
- Frances Ann Smith (Londres, 21/10/1859-[Sussex], 03/12/1948) épouse William Henry Attwick (Sussex, [1856]-Sussex, [1945]). Descendance:
- Gertrude, Alitce Attwick (Brighton, [1885]-)
- Alice Margaret Smith (Londres, 14/01/1862-)
- George, Albert Smith (Londres, 04/01/1864-Brighton, 17/05/1959)
- épouse (Ramsgate, 13/06/1888) Laura Eugenia Bayley (Ramsgate, 04/02/1862-Hove, 25/10/1938). Descendance :
- Harold Norman Smith (Brighton, 05/04/1889-Sussex, [10-12]/1975)
- Dorothy Eugenia Smith (Ramsgate, 1891-)
- épouse (Sussex, [1939]) Edith, Kate Dudeney (Sussex, [1899]-)
- épouse (Ramsgate, 13/06/1888) Laura Eugenia Bayley (Ramsgate, 04/02/1862-Hove, 25/10/1938). Descendance :
La famille, installée à Londres, quitte la capitale britannique à la mort du père, et réside à St Lawrence (Ramsgate), en 1881 (recensement 1881). Peu après, Charles Smith et sa mère partent à Brighton.
L'hypnotiseur (1882->1891)
Dès le début des années 1880, Georges, Charles Smith s'intéresse à l'hypnotisme, l'illusionnisme, le spiritualisme et l'astronomie. Il va faire équipe, en 1882, avec un journaliste, Douglas Blackburn, qui plus tard a écrit ses souvenirs :
For nearly 30 years the telepathic experiments conducted by Mr. G. A. Smith and myself have been accepted and cited as the basic evidences of the truth of Thought Transference.
And here let me say that I make this avowal in no boastful spirit. Within three months of our acquaintance with the leading members of the Society for Psychical Research Mr. Smith and myself heartily regretted that these personally charming and scientifically distinguished men should have been victimised; but it was to late to recant.
In the late seventies and early eighties A wave so-called occultism passed over England. Public interest became absorbed in the varied alleged phenomena of spiritualism, mesmerism, and thought-reading “professors” of the various branches abounded, and Brighton, where I was editing a weekly journal, became a happy hunting ground for mediums of every kind. I had started an exposure campaign, and had been rather successful. My great score was being the first to detect the secret of Irving Bishop's thought-reading. In 1822 I encountered Mr. G. A. Smith, a youth of 19, whom I found giving a mesmeric entertainment. Scenting a fraud, I proceeded to investigate, made his acquaintance, and very soon realised that I had discovered a genius in his line. He has since been well-known as a powerful hypnotist. He was also the most ingenious conjuror I have met outside the profession. He had the versatility of an Edison in devising new tricks and improving on old ones. We entered into a compact to "show up” some of the then flourishing professors of occultism, and began by practising thought-reading. Within a month we wore astonishing Brighton at bazaars and kindred charity entertainments, and enjoyed a great vogue. One our exhibitions was described very and enthusiastically in '*Light,” the spiritualistic paper, and on the strength of that the Messrs. Myers, Guerney, and Podmore called on us and asked for a private demonstration.
It is but right explain that at this period neither of us knew or realised the scientific standing and earnest motive of the gentlemen who had approached us. saw in them only superior type of the spiritualistic cranks by whom we were daily pestered.
Douglas Blackburn (Southwark, 06/08/1857-Tonbridge, 28/03/1929)
La nouvelle Society for Psychical Research va s'intéresser aux expériences des deux hommes et publier un long article "Proceedings of the meeting of the society (24 avril 1883)" accompagné de nombreux dessins réalisés par G. Albert Smith lui-même.
Ces intérêts le poussent vers les planches des salles de spectacle. En 1887, il a déjà assis sa réputation d'hypnotiseur :
THE LARGE UPPER ROOM OF THE TOWN HALL is wretchedly yesterday. This may be a truism, and may possibly have been hinted at before. But be that as it may, it is insufferably hot with a room fairly filled, and this is increased when crowded. When Mr. Smith, the celebrated mesmerist, was holding his light séances last week before gigantic audiences, the heat was intense. The only ventilators in this Hall is blessed with are two windows-one at each end of the room; and yet, when the now defunct architect set it out in his plan it was intended to hold 800 persons. Surely the time has come when steps should be taken to alter this state of things.
Brighton Gazette, Brighton, jeudi 26 mai 1887, p. 7.
C'est dans le milieu artistique qu'il va rencontrer l'une des sœurs Bayley, Laura, dont le mariage est annoncé en mai 1888 :
SOME TIME AGO, as nearly as possible a year, so far as I can remember, I was enabled to announce the prospective marriage of Miss Laura Bayley, spinster and artiste, with Mr. G. A. Smith, bachelor and mesmerist. True love having at last run its allotted course, the happy event is to be celebrated very early in June at he Parish Church at Ramsgate. also at the same hour and the same place the long talked of marriage between Miss Florence Baley and Mr. J. D. Hunter will be solemnized. May they be happy, all of tem!
Brighton Gazette, Brighton, jeudi 31 mai 1888, p. 7.
Laura Bayley mène une carrière d'artiste depuis son enfance et se produit, dès 1878, avec ses sœurs, et forme avec elle le groupe vocal des "Sisters Bayley". Le mariage a lieu le 13 juin dans la Congregational Church de Ramsgate, le même jour que celui de sa sœur Florence :
MR. J. D. Hunter, the popular manager of the Pier Pavilion entertainments, was married on the 13th to Miss Florence Bayley, of the Sisters Bayley. The wedding took place at the Congregational Church, Ramsgate, and at the same time and place Miss Laura Bayley was married to Mr Bertie Smith, of London, Mr. Hunter and Miss Florence Bayley, who are very popular both at Ramsgate and Hastings with patrons of entertainments, were the recipiends of many valuable presents. they spend the honeymoon in Scotland.
The Era, Londres, samedi 16 juin 1888, p. 18.
Georges, Albert Smith n'en poursuit pas moins ses activités d'illusionniste et d'hypnotiseur :
The return visit to Brighton of Mr. G. A. Smith, who has gained some repute as a mesmerist, has been announced. He will open at the Town Hall on Monday evening next, and will repeat his entertainment the following nights. His experiments will comprise new and striking illustrations of "Mesmerism," "Hypnotism," "Fascination," and "Artificial Somnambulism," the entertainment altogether combining novelty, mirth, and mystery with instructive.
Brighton Gazette, Brighton, jeudi 18 avril 1889, p. 5.
Dans un autre article publié quelques jours plus tard, on découvre en détail l'art de George, Albert Smith :
In the presence of a crowded audience, Mr G. A. Smith, a mesmerist who has established for himself excellent reputation in Brighton, commenced at the Town Hall on Monday evening a series of six nights' mesmeric entertainments, the last of which takes place this (Saturday) evening. So far as the opening demonstration was concerned, it was well that he had a good reputation to fall back upon, for he was singularly unfortunate, first in the difficulty he experienced in inducing persons come upon the platform to be hypnotised, and, secondly, in his want of success in bringing them under control. Both these circumstances were all the more remarkable when viewed in relation to entertainments Mr Smith has previously given in Brighton. This comparative failure, however, served one useful purpose, for it fairly dispelled all suspicion of confederacy between the mesmerist and “subjects ”; although, for that matter, it may be taken that Mr Smith had already fully established the bond fides of his demonstrations. On Tuesday, again, instead of the forty or fifty volunteers that have sometimes submitted themselves from the audiences, no more than eight young men and lads could be induced to mount the platform; but of that eight Mr Smith succeeded in hypnotising seven, an exceedingly good percentage. The result was one of the most interesting entertainments he has ever given; for it is open to question whether entertainment of this kind does not have a tendency to deteriorate somewhat in quality when there is excessive number. All the subjects were excellent ones,—excellent alike for the mesmetiser and for the audience ; for, whilst almost all were completely in subjection to the operator's will, there were one or two who were able show just enough resistance to give the requisite piquancy. The experiments travelled through a wide range. In some instances the subjects wore merely deprived of muscular control; in others, emotional effects or loss of power of speech were produced by “passes" made from behind the subjects. At other times they were inspired by strange hallucinations, or laid under the most complete spell by the fascination of the operator's eyes, whilst one was reduced to a state of absolute unconsciousness and rigidity. The amusement derived from these exhibitions was testified to by peal after peal of such unrestrained laughter as is rarely heard at an entertainment; whilst rounds of the heartiest applause showed that the strange powers of the mesmerist strongly impressed the audience in another direction. There was also a distinct interest attaching the idiosyncracies of character shown at times by the different subjects, as well to the ample and lucid explanations given by Mr Smith of the exact effects of each experiment. Nor was the useful side of hypnotism neglected ; for Mr Smith, whose official connection with the Society for Psychical Research gives him a high standing as a hypnotist, gave an interesting demonstration of the manner in which be cured a young girl in one of the leading London Hospitals of a nervous affection which prevented her from unclasping her right hand.
The Brighton Herald, Brighton, samedi 27 avril 1889, p. 2.
Il est probable qu'il ait continué à exercer ses talents d'hypnotiste au cours des années suivantes.
Le St Ann's Well et Wild Garden (1892-1903)
En 1892, George, Albert Smith reprend le bail du célèbre jardin d'agrément St Ann's Well et Wild Garden de Brighton.
Brighton. St. Ann's Well (c. 1905)
Dès 1893, des annonces signalent que, parmi d'autres activités, des auditions phonographiques sont prévues :
Brighton Gazette, Brighton, jeudi 11 mai 1893, p. 1.
En quelques mois, G. Albert Smith et Laura Bayley vont dynamiser les jardins et multiplier les attractions et les événements festifs, comme le signale le Brighton Gazette:
Mr G. Albert Smith, the genial and enterprising lessee of the beautiful and popular resorts known as St. Ann's Well and Wild Garden, is making specially attractive arrangements for the summer for the benefit of his juvenile patrons and their friends. It has long been recognised and appreciated as an unrivalled playground for the children of the town, who may be seen in their hundreds every Saturday disporting themselves to their heart's delight in the well-wooded grounds. To render their enjoyment yet more complete Mr Smith is going to provide additional entertainments every Saturday during the summer, commencing to-day, when Edgar Le Brun, a trapeze artiste and juggler of considerable note and undoubted ability, will perform on the lawn at 3.30 and 6.30. Apart from these treats to the youngsters, there is much in the gardens to interest their elders, and visitors and residents alike have been unanimous in their praises of the famous retreat. It is, as the lessee points out, the very place to spend a happy day. It is easily accessible from the Western Road 'bus route, and practically in the heart of Brighton, presenting six acres of compact pleasure ground, affording shade from the rays of the summer sun, and from the cold winds. Nothing could be pleasanter to sit beneath the rich foliage and enjoy a refreshing cap of tea and other creature comforts provided by Mr Smith. For those of more energetic disposition there is lawn tennis and variety of amusements, which altogether entitle the resort to the most extensive patronage.
Brighton Gazette & Sussex Telegraph, Brighton, samedi 2 juin 1894, p. 4.
G. Albert Smith diversifie également les attractions relatives aux projections fixes et, en 1896, à l'Aquarium, G. Albert Smith monte un spectacle de type "diorama" qui porte le titre de The Glories of the Heavens :
With a view of adding a pleasing variety to the holiday entertainments at the Aquarium, the management have arranged for a short series of dioramic lecture entertainments to be given, in the afternoons only, by Mr. G. Albert Smith. they will be entitled "The Glories of the Heavens, or A Tour Through Space," and will deal with astronomical phenomena. The illustrations will be shown by means of a powerful oxyhydrogen lantern, and will consist of some eighty large slides, many of them with apparatus for mechanical effects. The lectures will have a considerable educational value and special termes can be arranged for the admission for the admission of children, schools, and parties at reduced rates. The first will be given on Tuesday next, the 7th inst., and others will follow on the 9th, 10th, 14th, 16th, and 17th inst. In the evening, the pantomime of "Bo-Peep" still pursues its successful career and goes with great smoothness. One or two frest items have been added already and among them may be mentioned a new song. "There's only one Moon in the Skies," introduces by Miss Bertha Bereton, the charming "Fairy Dowdrop." Morning performances are given on Mondays, Wednesdays ans Saturday.
Brighton Gazette & Sussex Telegraph, Brighton, samedi 4 janvier 1896, p. 8.
En 1901, George, Albert Smith, son épouse et ses deux enfants résident à Hove (recensement 1901). C'est en 1903, que George Albert Smith met un terme à l'exploitation du St Ann's Well :
ST ANN'S WELL.—To lovers of the picturesque St Ann's Well, the wild gardens on the crest of Furze Hill, with their beautiful shady walks, offer irresistible attractions. For a quiet picnic, a school treat, or a day far away from the madding crowd, St Ann's is the spot. It is within easy distance of Brighton and Hove, remote from the haunts of men—just such a sleepy hollow where Shakespeare's Rosalind delighted to wander. The chalybeate spring provides an iron tonic equal to the famous waters of Bath and Tunbridge Wells. Mr George Albert Smith has been proprietor of the attractive gardens for the past dozen years, and his endeavours to keep up the prestige of the spa ought to find plenty of support.
Brighton Gazette, Brighton, jeudi 4 juin 1903, p. 8.
Le cinématographe (1896-1905)
C'est alors qu'il est toujours bailleur du St Anns' Well que G. Albert Smith va découvrir les vues animées. Parmi ses activités, il donne également quelques conférences dans la région, accompagnées d'un diorama comme cela se produit à Ramsgate.
The Cast Kent Times, Ramsgate, mercredi 28 octobre 1896, p. 1.
Or, lors d'une soirée donnée, en novembre 1896, au Hastings Pier, dirigé par son beau-frère, J. D. Hunter, et également consacrée à "A tour through space", il présente, en fin de séance, des vues animées :
The management of the Hastings Pier this week places before its patrons a series dioramic lectures of an educational, but, at the same time, highly attractive character. The pavilion was well filled on Monday evening, when Mr. G. Albert Smith, F.R.A.S., took for his subject "A tour through space." Such lectures are nothing unless accompanied by good views, and these possess this necessary adjunct, the illustrations being exceptionally good. Of course, the Lecturer looked not upon the earth as the centre, but dealt with it only as a minor part of a huge universe. After giving a short passing notice of the earth, before leaving it Mr. Smith gave a number of telescope and photo views of the sun and its spots. The transit of Venus was well illustrated, and explained by special mechanism. Much instructive matter was derived from the study of the moon, with the photographs of mountains and craters on its surface. Explaining the effect the sun and moon have on the tides, the Lecturer exhibited views of eclipses of the moon, and explained their cause. Each of the great planets was shown and described with remarkable clearness. There were several paintings and photographs of the most remarkable comets. A most remarkable exhibition was given at the close of "animated photographs of real life," which science, Mr. Smith stated, was as yet in its infancy, but which would ultimately brought an amazing magnitude. Other lectures are dealt with during the week. Today a matinee, as well as an evening lecture, will be given.
For next week Nicholas Nickleby is billed.
Hastings and St Leonards Observer, Hastings, samedi 14 novembre 1896, p. 6.
On imagine qu'il s'est procuré, entre temps, un appareil de projection. En décembre, il va redonner une séance au même Hastings Pier avec vues animées :
The exhibition of animated photographs, given by Mr. G.A. Smith has "caught on" wonderfully, and certainly to see the pictures alone is well worth the charge for admission. The audience have had before them each evening the photographs-replete with the natural bustle and movement-of Brighton on a Bank Holiday, a lady dancing the serpentine dance, a street fight, cyclists in Hyde Park, the Czar of all the Russias passing from Paris to Versailles in all the glory of state ceremonial, a rough sea at Hastings, the carriage traffic in the King's-road at Brighton, a train arriving at a railway station, and troops marching to church on a Sunday morning at Portsmouth. Mr, Hunter is to be complimented on his enterprise in placing this latest development of photographic science before the Ramsgate public in such an acceptable way.
Thanet Advertiser, Ramsgate, samedi 27 février 1897, p. 2.
Si certains films pourraient appartenir à plusieurs maisons éditrices de vues animées - il existe une multiple variété de "danses serpentines" - tel n'est pas le cas des vues locales :
The performances on Hastings Pier on Wednesday were set aside for Mr J D Hunter's annual benefit, and, as is usual on these occasions, special programmes were arranged. This event has always met with great success, but this year is seems to have been even a greater success than the preceding ones, and this fact may be accounted for by the splendid programmes arranged for the occasion, and to which a great portion was contribute by the Mohawk Minstrels. [...] A series of fine animated photographs were then shown by Mr G A Smith, the subjects being as follows: "Morning promenade on the Baths at Hastings," "Interrupted love-making on Hastings Pier," "Audience leaving Pier Pavilion," "Local scene at Hastings," "Beaching the Donovan at Warrior-square," "Scene on Hastings beach," "Tea in the garden-a family party," Mr et Mrs J D Hunter and the baby," "The Queen's Jubilee-Passing of the Colonial troops," "The Diamond Jubilee-The Colonial Premiers," "Changing guard," "Traffic by the clock tower at Westminster", Football match," "A comic scene-The master, the mistress, and the maid." All were very realistic, and it would be difficult to say which was best, but the applause, which followed, showed they were greatly appreciated.
Hastings & St. Leonards Times, Hastings, samedi 10 juillet 1897, p. 3.
Cinematograph Films.
In this column will appear, from time to time, descriptions of cinematograph films as seen on the screen by our representatives.
Warwick Trading Co. Ltd.
A series of films taken during a difficult and dangerous ascent of the Jungfrau, showing views of the climbers at an height of over 13,000 feet. The party consisted of Messrs. Charles Urban, G. A. Smith, F. Ormiston Smith, the latter being the well-known mountaineer who has made a speciality of photography at high altitudes, and the two famous Bernese Oberland guides, Christian Bergenes and Hans Bernet. The following briefly indicates the incidents of each film, the whole series forming a grand conception of mountain climbing and its attendant difficulties and dangers :—The last drink before leaving the Chalet- previous to the start; Climbing the Jungfrau—ascending the Gaggi Glacier, crevasses, slide, etc. ; Climbing the Wetterhorn—difficult rock and precipice scaling ; Climbing the Jungfrau—difficult ice and snow traversing, a slip, reaching summit; A lunch on the mountain and return of the climbers.
The Showman, Londres, vendredi 15 novembre 1901, p. 10.
G. Albert Smith
Le Kinemacolor (1906)
George Albert Smith va s'intéresser, dès 1902, à la photographie et cinématographie des couleurs. Il va déposer un brevet en Angleterre, en 1906, (Brevet nº 26,671 du 24 novembre 1906), puis en France, en 1907 (Brevet nº 376.837 du 22 juin 1907). S'il est le véritable inventeur du procédé, il reçoit le soutien économique de Charles Urban qui finance ses travaux. Alors qu'il en est encore au stade de l'expérimentation, George Albert Smith présente l'état de ses recherches à la société Éclipse, fondée par Charles Urban :
Deux novateurs : MM. G. Albert Smith et Ch. Urban
La Société générale des Cinématographes “Eclipse" nous avait conviés hier après-midi, a un curieux et très intéressant spectacle : la démonstration de la photographie animée en couleurs naturelles, dans la salle des Ingénieurs civils, rue Blanche. Disons tout de suite le succès remporté par l’auteur de cette découverte, un savant Anglais, M. G.-Albert Smith, qu'un mécène intelligent, M. Ch. Urban, a grandement aidé dans ses recherches.
Le problème de la photographie en couleurs est maintenant résolu. On sait la belle découverte faite par deux Français éminents, les frères Lumière, de Lyon, qui, avec leur merveilleuse plaque autochrome, ont permis de photographier avec leurs couleurs naturelles des objets inanimés. A M. G.-Albert Smith revient l’honneur d’une application pratique dans la photographia animée, de la trouvaille des frères Lumière. Depuis six années, le savant Anglais retournant la question dans tous les sens. En ces trois dernières années, il est parvenu à ses fins. Nous en avons eu la preuve hier. Devant une assistance élégante et éclairée, M. G.-Albert Smith présenta sa découverte. Auparavant, quelques vues cinématographiques en noir et blanc, du genre qui sévit sur les boulevards et ailleurs, mais d’une netteté parfaite, recueillirent les bravos unanimes. Une "vue" des différents "oiseaux dans leurs nids" d'un réalisme séduisant et d’une finesse esquise, valut à M. Ch. Urban, son auteur, d’être ovationné.
Mais la cinématographie en couleurs tint bientôt l’assemblée sous le charme. Certes, l’improvisation des sujets n’avait rien de très artistique, mais il ne s’agissait — et M. G.-Albert Smith l’a clairement exprimé , dans sa conférence — que d’expériences d’atelier, non destinées à être montrées en public. Chacun l’a compris, d’ailleurs, et ne s’est pas arrêté à la valeur plus ou moins excessive des tonalités, dans les "films" anglais, représentant des scènes d’intérieur, comme Pierrot et Colombine, la Jeune Fille au bouquet, la Danse, etc... Les "films" parisiens, représentant des scènes de la rue, bien que n'ayant subi aucune retouche, remportèrent tous les suffrages, par la fidélité de leurs reproductions.
Et les applaudissements nourris qui saluèrent la péroraison de M. G.-Albert Smith et les paroles de remerciements de M. Ch. Urban prouvèrent aux deux savants collaborateurs combien leur démonstration avait paru intéressante et qu’aucun encouragement ne pouvait maintenant leur manquer pour parachever la tâche merveilleuse qu'ils ont entreprise. — Lucien DELLYS.
Le Soleil, Paris, jeudi 9 juillet 1908, p. 3.
La réalisation matérielle du kinemacolor est confiée à Ernest Francis Moy:
In cinematograph apparatus manufacture three, at least, of the many Moy machines have definitely made history, these being the Kinemacolor camera and projector, and the Kineto projector. Kinemacolor,, the first commercial two-colour system, invented by George Albert Smith, and commercially exploited by Charles Urban, called for film being taken and shown at anything between thirty-two and forty pictures a second, a terrific speed for sexteen years ago, when the general rate for black and white when film was nearer fourteen pictures a second. Moys was called in to tackle the problem of building machinery which would stand up to the strain. He did it so well that at this very day some of the old kinemacolor projectors remain in use for ordinary film screening.
"Another Veteran Passes On. The Late Ernest F. Moy. A Pioneer Manufacturer", The Bioscope, 18 novembre 1926, p. 38.
Et après... (1907-1959)
Il voyage à New York en novembre 1909.
Il réside à Hove (recensement 1911).
Il dépose, en 1925, un brevet pour un cinématographe à défilement continu.
BLACKBURN Douglas, "Confessions of a Telephathist", Daily News, Londres, vendredi 1er septembre 1911, p. 1-2.
FISHER David, Cinema-by-Sea. Film and cinema in Brighton & Hove since 1896, Brighton, Terra Media, 2012, 224 p.
GRAY Frank, "Smith the showman: The early years of George Albert Smith", Film History, Volume 10, pp. 8-20, 1998.
"Proceedings of the meeting of the society (24 avril 1883)", Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, volume 1, 1882-1883, Londres, Trübner and Co, p. 161-174 (et dessins).
[Mitget film]
Sailing Boat
Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Procession
Hanging Out the Clothes
The Miller and the Sweep (1)
Mohawk Minstrels
Miss Ellen Terry
Pierrot Troupe
Brighton Sea-Going Electric Car (1)
Brighton Sea-Going Electric Car (2)
Sailing & Car
Walking Greasy Pole
Hanging out the Clothes
The Lady Barber
The Miller and the Sweep (2)
Comic Face
Wearie Willie
Waves and Spray
Indian Clubs
Football and Cricket
Passenger Train
Love on the Pier
The X-Rays
Portsmouth Express
Trafalgar Day
Making Sausages
Tipsy, Topsy, Turvey
Santa Claus
The Miller and the Sweep
As Seen Through the Telescope
Grandma's Reading Glass
The House That Jack Built
Let Me Dream Again
Dorothy's Dream
The Death of Poor Joe
Mary Jane's Mishap
Sick Kitten
Let Me Dream Again
Grandma Threading Her Needle
Scandal Over the Tea Cups
The Political Discussion
A game of Nap
Game of Cards
Good Stories
The Last Bottle at the Club
Whiskey or Bullets
The Monocle-"Me and Joe Chamberlain"
The Little Doctor
The Sick Kitten
At Last ! That Awful Cigar
That Awful Cigar
Pa's Comments on the Morning News
A Photograph Taken From Our Area Window
Grandma's Reading Class
As seen Through a Telescope
The Valentine
A Bad Cigar
The House that Jack Built
Mary Jane's Mishap
After Dark, Or the Policeman and His Lantern
Lettie Limeligh in Her Lair
A Shave and Brush Up
The Dull Razor
The Bill Poster's Revenge
In the Green Room
The Comedian and the Fly-Paper
The Adrian Troupe of Cyclists
Circling The Circ
The Cake Walk
The Donkey and the Serpentine Dancer
Tommy and His Harriet on Bank Holiday
The Mouse in the Art School
The Monk's Ruse For a Lunch
Pantomime Girls Having a Lark
The March of the Amazons
Topsy-Turvy Dance by Three Quaker Maidens
Tambourine Dancing Quartette
Pantomime Scene
The Unfortunate Egg Merchant
Too much Of a Good Thing
The Nursery Rhumes
Balloon Inflation
The London To Brighton "Globe Walk"
The Yokel's Luncheon
The Monk's Maccaroni Feast
John Bull's Hearth
The Free Trade Bench
London Waifs' Excursion to Brighton
Waifs on Brighton Beach
London Waifs' (Boys' and Girls') Races
The Baby and The Ape
<12/11/1896 | Grande-Bretagne | Hastings | Hastings Pier | Animated Photographs |
07/12/1896 | Grande-Bretagne | Hastings | Hastings Pier | Animated Photographs |
20/01-06/02/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Southampton | Prince of Wales' Royal Theatre | Animated Photographs |
10/02/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Croydon | Royal Theatre | Animated Photographs |
22/02/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Ramsgate | Amphitheatre | Animated Photographs |
07/07/1897 | Grande-Bretagne | Hastings | Pier Pavilion | Animated Photographs |