Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Public Hall, 4 janvier 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
-Mr Mackenzie, optician, Inverness, grave an excellent cinematograph performance before a large audience in the nicely appointed hall at Erchless, on Friday. The chair was occupied by Rev. Mr Fraser, Erchless, who explained that Mrs Chisholm of Chisholm had generously offered to make up any deficiency, provided the door money did not cover expenses. The pictures, particularly those displaying the Lovat Scouts in action in the Transvaal, were much admired, and were received with great outbursts of cheering. At the close of the performance, Mr Fraser intimated that the entrance fees had more than cleared expenses, but they were none the less indebted to Mrs Chisholm for her very kind offer. The hall was then cleared, and a very enjoyable dance followed, in course of which Mr D. Chisholm proved a very efficient M.C., while the music was supplied by Messrs Mackenzie, Ross, and Macdonald. Intervals in the dance programme were filled in with songs, which were excellently rendered by Messrs Tait, Culligran, and Maclennan.
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 9 janvier 1901, p. 7.
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 2 janvier 1901, p. 1.