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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 11 novembre 2022
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 2122
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Inverness est une ville d'Écosse (Grande Bretagne).
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 14 septembre 1897)
John Mackenzie présente son cinématographe au Music Hall :
Inverness Courier, Inverness, vendredi 20 août 1897, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Market Hall, 25 décembre 1897)
John Mackenzie présente son cinématographe en décembre :
The North Star, Dingwall, jeudi 9 décembre 1897, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 1er janvier 1898)
John Mackenzie présente son cinématographe en janvier :
The North Star, Dingwall, jeudi 9 décembre 1897, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 30 août 1898)
John Mackenzie organise une séance cinématographique à la fin du mois d'août :
£100 worth of New PICTURES have just been added.
Recommend it your Friends.
Tickets from MACKENZIE, Cinemarographist,
Inglis Street.
Reserved Seats, Area or Balcony, 2s; Centre Area and Unreserved Balcony, 1s; Back Area, 6d; Children Half-price to First and Second Seats.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, vendredi 26 août 1898, p. 1.
L'information est reprise par un autre journal :
See Bills and Programmes.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 30th, at 8 p.m.
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 24 août 1898, p. 1.
Peu après un compte rendu est publié :
EXHIBITION OF ANIMATED PHOTOGRAPHS.-Last night a large audience assembled in the Music Hall to witness an exhibition of animated photographs by the cinematograph, the operator being Mr John Mackenzie, Inglis Street, whose entertainments have proved highly successful in the north. For a couple of hours, the interest of the audience was fully sustained by the variety and extent of the photographs displayed. The keenest interest was manifested in the views descriptive of the Spanish-American war, which consisted of the American volunteers leaving New York for the front, and also Admiral Cervera's battleships and cruisers at full steam. The volunteers, headed by their bands, formed a striking picture as they marched martially along, and a further touch of realism was given to the scene by the gramophone repeating the hurrahing of the crowds awl the playing of the bands. The marching tunes were wonderfully reproduced, the airs being distinctly heard by the audience even at the extreme end of the hall. The vessels of the ill-fated Spanish Fleet were excellently shown. A charge by the Spanish cavalry was one of the best items, the effect being marvellously realistic. A rousing cheer greeted the appearance of the Gordon Highlanders, who were seen leaving Maryhill Barracks in full uniform and wearing their feather bonnets. The Queen's Diamond Jubilee procession was also very successful, the continuance of the picture being nearly ten minutes. The film was described as the longest ever shown in Scotland. Among other excellent scenes was an express train crossing the Forth Bridge at full speed. The funeral of Mr Gladstone was also an exceptionally good picture, many of the leading mourners being easely recognised. During the evening variety was given to the proceedings by selections from the Gramophone, which appeared to be highly appreciated by the audience. Altogether the entertainment in every respect confirmed the reputation attained by Mr Mackenzie in his successful efforts with the cinematograph.
The Northern Chronicle, Inverness, mercredi 31 août 1898, p. 4.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 29 octobre 1898)
John Mackenzie présente des vues animées au mois d'octobre :
CINEMATOGRAPH EXHIBITIONS.-The cinematograph is evidently to be increasingly popular this season, as Mr. Mackenzie, who is advertised to give a public exhibition at Nairn on Thursday evening, is also engaged to exhibit the animated photographs at Dochgarroch School on Wednesday, at Kessock for James Fraser, Esq., of of Craighill, on Friday, and in the Music Hall, Inverness, for the United Temperance Committee at their Pleasant Saturday Evening's entertainment, on the last evening of the week.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 25 octobre 1898, p. 5.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Workmen's Club, 22 février 1899)
John Mackenzie offre une séance de projections animées au Workmen's Club :
ENTERTAINMENT IN WORKMEN'S CLUB.— At the request the Committee of the Workmen’s Club, Mr John Mackenzie gave exhibition of his latest cinematograph pictures in the large hall of the Club on Wednesday evening. The invited andience filled area and gallery, and the exhibition of pictures was highly appreciated and applauded, many of the subjects being new, some being local and others homorous. The pictures were beautifully illuminated with lime-light, and were viewed at their best, the mysterious apparatus being manipulated by Mackenzie himself. The imposing picture of the launch at Belfast of the monster vessel, “Oceanic,” which moved majestically into smooth waters, the exciting dash of the railway train on the Forth Bridge, the Hispano-American War scenes, and the comic cigar and pillow-battle films were warmly applauded in turn. Several songs were rendered. Mr A. T. Watt played violin solo with good effect, and a string band under his leadership gave acceptable selections. Mr James Mellin, who occupied the chair, presented the prizes to the winners in the billiard handicap recently held in the Club.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, vendredi 24 février 1899, p. 4.
Tournage d'une vue (John Mackenzie, 3 juin 1899)
John Mackenzie profite d'une revue d'artillerie pour prendre une vue animée:
LIVING PICTURES.—In connection with the Artillery review on Saturday last, Mr John Mackenzie, optician, Inglis Street, whose cinematograph exhibitions during the past two years have been so successful, has secured an excellent print of the Brigade as they left Bell's Park for Seafield. Two thousand separate pictures were taken in about two minutes, and we have no doubt that this interesting view will be a great favourite in Mr Mackenzie's entertainments during the coming winter. Positives from the films are at present on view in Mr Mackenzie's shop window.
Highland News, Inverness, samedi 10 juin 1899, p. 4.
Tournage d'une vue (John Mackenzie, 25 juillet 1899)
John Mackenzie tourne une vue de l'inauguration de la statue de Flora MacDonald en juillet :
The ceremony of unveiling the statue of Flora MacDonald took place on the Castle Hill, Inverness, on Tuesday afternoon in presence of a large gathering of spectators, many being present from a distance.
A cinematograph film of the procession moving to the esplanade and of the crowd after the unveiling of the statue was taken by Mr. John Mackenzie, Inglis Street, and general photographs of the crowd were taken by nearly all our photographic artists.
Highland News, Inverness, samedi 29 juillet 1899, p. 5.
Inauguration de la statue de Flora Macdonald (25 juillet 1899) [D.R.]
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 6 décembre 1899)
John Mackenzie prépare une soirée pour le 6 décembre avec nombre de vues locales :
Possesses ANY Local Moving Pictures.
On DECEMBER 6th and 7th,
Three Quarters of a Mile of LOCAL CINEMATOGRAMS,
Unveiling Flora Macdonald Statue, Triumphant March of the Seaforths, the Ceremony at Clachnaharry, Reception in Inverness, Fochabers 1899 Encampment, Highland Brigade Pictures, 1st V.B.C. on the March, &c; Higland Volunteer Artillery on Review Day, Garrison Companies, Position Battery, Beauly March, Out of Big Gun Battery, 6c.; Highland Railway Engineering Staff, Inverness School Children Leaving School, Entering do, Inverness Farmer Society's Show, Horse Parade, Caledonian Canal, Tourist Steamer Arrival, a Busy Hour at Greig Street Foot-Bridge, Street Scenes in the Highland Capital, "Corsels alters See Us, Proprietory and Copyright Cinematograms; also all the Latest War and other Films, including 'nvercharron and similar Subjects, which are purchasable commercially by anyone.
The Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 7 novembre 1899, p. 1.
Dans un long compte rendu, il est question des vues cinématographiques présentées :
MR MACKENZIE'S ANIMATED PICTURES.—At Mr Mackenzie’s cinematograph entertainment in the Music Hall last night the hall was crowded every part. Many who had to go away without gaining admission found consolation the fact that the entertainment will be repeated to-night. The local animated pictures which have been taken by Mackenzie, and are shown only himself, were a pleasure in themselves, and would have made a good evening’s entertainment. But Mr Mackenzie also introduced many pictures of the South American War. To enumerate the various scenes would be a lengthy task. Let it suffice to say that for nearly two hours and a-half the audience were given a spectacular entertainment with a strong personal element in it, figures in the moving pictures being those of many of the audience and their friends. A well-balanced string band, under the leadership of Bandmaster Wakelen, gave "tone colour*’ to many the moving subjects. The 1st V.B. Cameron Highlanders at Fochabers passed over the screen to the strains of the Regimental March. Colonel David Munro was observed busily moving about giving instructions, and individual members of the regiment were quite recognisable. Another moving picture which brought forth great enthusiasm was that of the arrival of the Seaforth Highlanders in Inverness after their recruiting march in the North. Three or four amusing snap-shots taken by Mr Mackenzie on the day their arrival were put the screen. One of these showed ‘’the Provost leaving his carriage at Clachnaharry," and "the Councillors enjoying cigars” while waiting for the soldiery. To many the lively and characteristic scene of the children leaving the High School was of great interest, while the picture of the unveiling the Flora Macdonald statue proved specially attractive to those who had not been present at the ceremony. The dismissal of the workmen of the Highland Railway for dinner, the horse parade at the Inverness Farmers' Show at Millhurn, a busy hour at the Greig Street Bridge, the arrival of the steamer Lochness at Muirtown, Highland Volunteer Artillery on review day, and the march out of the Position Battery were local pictures which could not fail to be appreciated, and were received with cheers. The pictures demonstrated that Mr Mackenzie has an excellent taste in effective pictures and knowledge as a public caterer. While the local scenes were of the greatest interest, those having connection with the war in South Africa were greatly appreciated. General Buller embarking on the Dunottar Castle raised the patriotic feeling of the audience, and these reached a high pitch shortly after, when a large vessel leaving Southampton with thousands of "absent-minded beggars" was put on the screen. Other patriotic scenes, such as Colonel Plumer’s column and the British artillery detraining in Natal, were shown, and the enthusiasm of the audience did not subside until a picture of “Kruger leaving the Volksraad” was placed the screen. The band played the "Dead March*’—not possibly the happiest selection in the circumstances—and the audience heartily hissed the old gentleman as his coach, with its mounted guard of honour, went out of sight. A portrait of Joubert and pictures were given, and were all duly bailed with hisses. A decided hit was made Mr Mackenzie, who showed a moving picture of the German Emperor arriving in this country. The picture, the cinematographist explained, had arrived that evening, and it afforded him pleasure place it on the screen. The picture of the Emperor was received with great applause. Many other animated pictures and photographs were shown, all going to make a really first-class entertainment.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, vendredi 1er décembre 1899, p. 4.
Grand Cinematograph (Glenalbyn Lodge, <9> décembre 1899)
John Mackenzie organise des projections cinématographiques au Glenalbyn Lodge.
Highland News, Inverness, samedi 9 décembre 1899, p. 2.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Kindergarten Hall, 26 décembre 1899)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique à l'issue de la réunion de la Primrose League :
ON Thursday evening a largely attended meeting in connection with the Clachnacuddin Habitation of the Primrose League took place in the Kindergarten Hall, Academy Street. [...]
Thereafter Mr. Makenzie gave a cinematograph exhibition, which excited considerable interest. the appearance of a portrait of Kruger led to loud and continued hissing. The views were very successfully produced. The meeting was appropriately concluded by the entire audience joining in singing the National Anthem.
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 27 décembre 1899, p. 5.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Fort-George Depot, 1-2 février 1900)
John Mackenzie offre une séance de photographies animées au Fort-George Depot :
CONCERTS AT FORT-GEORGE DEPOT.-On the evenings of Wednesday and Thursday two most enjoyable entertainments were held in the Recreation Room at the Seaforth's Depot. The large hall was filled on both evenings by all ranks of the garrison, members of both the 2nd and 3rd Battalions. [...] The second part of the programme was sustained by Mr Mackenzie, Inverness, exhibiting the ever popular cinematograph. this is the third occasion this season on which Mr Mackenzie has been requisitioned to entertain the garrison of the Depot, and the cinematograms shown on Wednesday and Thursday, many of them being new, were very well received. The war pictures, and Mr Mackenzie's various films depicting the gallant Seaforths at Inverness and at Invercharron were enthusiastically applauded. An animated picture of Mr Kruger was the cause of an amusing sally, a shout of "Fix Bayonets" being raised by an enthusiastic Seaforth as Oom Paul crossed the screen. The popularity of Colonel Sir Hector Munro was abundantly evidenced by the vociferous cheering which greeted a picture of him, which, somewhat unexpectedly , was thrown on the screen during the evening.
The Inverness courier, Inverness, 6 février 1900, p. 5.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 21 mars 1900)
John Mackenzie organise des projections animées au Music Hall :
MACKENZIE'S CINEMATOGRAPH.-Mr John Mackenzie, optician, Inverness, gave another of his well-known exhibitions of cinematographic pictures in the Music Hall on Wednesday evening before a crowded audience. An excellent programme of views was projected on the screen, most of them being new and up-to-date pictures, and all of which were enthusiastically received. The new local views included an extensive series of "grams" showing Lord Lovat's Scouts on Beaufort and also at Beauty. A photograph of the Inverness members in the Scouts came in for a special cheer, as did also the march of the corps through Beauly Square. Excellent views showing the Volunteer Company of Seaforths drilling. &c., at Fort-George were given by Mr Mackenzie. The view showing the Company marching past was especially good. Photographs of the popular military heroes of the day—Roberts, Kitchener, Hector Macdonald, and not forgetting " B.P. " were greeted with storms of applause. Many other excellent views were placed upon the screen, and in the case of one of them that showing President Kruger leaving the Volksraad—it seemed good to the orchestra to play "The Dead March" in Saul as accompaniment to the scene. Altogether Mr Mackenzie submitted a very pleasing entertainment to his patrons, who for their money were given two hours' amusement and instruction. During the course of the evening songs were given by Miss T. Gordon, who was especially happy in her rendering of "Queen of the Earth." Mrs Wicks played a sympathetic organ accompaniment. Mr Mackenzie also provided an excellent orchestra.
The Highland News, Inverness, samedi 24 mars 1900, p. 6.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (West Church Sunday School Social Meeting, 3 avril 1900)
John Mackenzie propose des vues animées au début du mois d'avril à l'occasion du West Church Sunday School Social Meeting :
WEST CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIAL MEETING.—The annual festival in connection with the West Church Sunday School, Inverness, was held on Tuesday last. There was large turnout of children, and after a sumptuous tea had been done full justice to, Mr Mackenzie gave an exhibition of his Cinematograph, which was greatly enjoyed by all. During the evening Mr Alexander Walker, who has been connected with the School for over eight years, was presented with a silver tea service the occasion of his forthcoming marriage. Mr Lang made the presentation in the name of the teachers and scholars, and Mr Walker suitably replied. The articles were supplied by Mr Macrae, jeweller. East Gate.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 10 avril 1900, p. 6.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 27-28 septembre 1900)
John Mackenzie organise deux soirées cinématographiques au Music-Hall en septembre :
Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 18 septembre 1900, p. 1.
Repertoire (autres titres): Pretoria Day at Inverness-Procession of 4000 School Children-Inverness Light Horse, Merkinch School Girls at Indian Clubs, The Duke of Argyll at Nairn, FAlls of Rogie, Strathpeffer, Prize Day at central School, Divers at work at Clachnaharrey, Sanger's Circus Procession, Why Inverness girls ara so beautiful, Physical Drill by Inverness Young Ladies, Through Inverness on a Motor Car, The Sports at this year's Cattle Show, Grear Fire Scene at Inverness (Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 25 septembre 1900, p. 1.)
Le Cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Privé, 8 novembre 1900)
John Mackenzie présente des vues animées au mois de novembre :
Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 6 novembre 1900, p. 1.
Le Cinématographe de John Mackenzie (The Church House, 20 novembre 1900)
John Mackenzie présente des vues animées au mois de novembre :
Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 6 novembre 1900, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Free North Church Hall, 6 décembre 1900)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
FREE NORTH CHURCH MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT. —Under the auspices of this Society, an interesting and varied exhibition, by Mackenzie’s Cinematograph, was given in the Free North Church Hall on Thursday evening. Mr Thomas J. Munro presided, and there was a crowded audience. Mr Mackenzie’s “Scenes that are brightest" evoked hearty appreciation, “The world-famed Lovat Scouts,’’ “The triumph of the Khaki.” and “The arrival the C.I.V.'s in London (shown for the first time) being specially applauded. Humorous selections from the concert-grand speaking machine afforded pleasing variety. A vote of thanks to Mr Mackenzie, and a similar compliment to the Chairman brought a pleasant entertainment to a close.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 11 décembre 1900, p. 5.
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 5 décembre 1900, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (The Station Hotel, 17 décembre 1900)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 5 décembre 1900, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Cottage Home/Charles Street, 29 décembre 1900)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
A very enjoyable entertainment was given at the Cottage Home, Charles Street, on Saturday evening, 29th December 1900, when Mr Mackenzie displayed an interesting series of pictures with his cinematograph. The programme was followed with much interest by the inmates and visitors, the gramaphone making a pleasant variety in the evening's enjoyment. The musical accompaniments were, as usual, tastefully rendered by Mrs Wieks.I
nverness Courier, Inverness, vendredi 4 janvier 1901, p. 6.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Rifle Drill Hall, 3 janvier 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 2 janvier 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Inverness-Shire/Mansion House, privé, 7 janvier 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 2 janvier 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Crown U.F. Church Hall, 14 janvier 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 2 janvier 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (West Parish Hall, 22 janvier 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 2 janvier 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Palace Hotel, 24 janvier 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 2 janvier 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 26-27 février 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique où il présente les vues des funérailles de la reine Victoria, dont il est l'auteur :
"ANIMATED" PICTURES OF QUEEN VICTORIA'S FUNERAL.-Last night Mr John Mackenzie gave the first of two cinematograph entertainments in the Music Hall, in which views of the Queen's funeral formed an outstanding and impressive feature. There was an immense audience, the entrance-way having been besieged about an hour before the exhibition was announced to begin, while as the hour drew near many were unable to find even standing room, and had perforce to retire pending a repetition of the entertainment this (Wednesday) evening. The first section of the programme was of varied interest, with South African scenes in the forefront, and concluding with the reception given to Lord Roberts in London. When the first film depicting the royal funeral was thrown on the screen, to the strains of the Dead March in Saul, played by a small orchestra, the audience subsided into a solemn bush, which was not once disturbed during the half-hour it took to manipulate the long succession of pictures . They reproduced the scene at Osborne when the procession passed on to Trinity Pier; the departure from Cowes; the Alberta crossing the Solent in the avenue of the battleship; the funeral procession starting from Victoria Station in its progress through London; the bluejackets in charge of the coffin in Windsor Park; and finally the arrival of the cortege at St George's Chapel. The series gives the spectator a more realistic idea of the sad pageant than could have been obtained by personal presence, inasmuch as the eye of the camera was nowhere obstructed by the crowd, and it occupied the most choice points of view. The effect was impressive-far more so than the most emotional description that has yet been written about this material "passing of the Queen." A singularly good cinematograph, taken by Mr Mackenzie himself, of the gathering for the memorial service in the High Church made a very fitting ending to this part of the exhibition. A variety of local and other subjects constituted the third and concluding portion of the programme, and the audience dispersed evidently thoroughly satisfied with what they had seen, alike as regards historical events and items of ephemeral interest. Mrs E. M. Wickes' orchestra played appropriate music in an efficient manner during the evening.
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 27 février 1901, p. 4.
Un autre journal offre quelques informations complémentaires sur le programme proposé :
[...] The most interesting features were the films depicting the Queen’s funeral. The various stages of the great pageant were shown with vividness. The cortege leaving Osborne, the departure from Cowes, the Alberta crossing the Solent, the progress of the procession through London, the bluejackets in charge of the coffin in Windsor Park, and its arrival at the St George’s Chapel, were all reproduced with worderful effect. The chief mourners—King Edward, the Duke of Connaught, and the German Emperor were lifelike; while the endless crowds, solemn and silent as walls of black, made the effect very impressive. Films taken by Mr Mackenzie of the gathering at the memorial service in the High Church, Inverness, were quite worthy to be placed beside those taken in the metropolis. The members of the Town Council, the Freemasons, the Volunteers, and the Military, as well as a crowd of well-known citizens, were taken as they marched into the church, and the result is a picture in motion of exceeding interest locally. it would be difficult to enumerate the many other pictures shown by Mr Mackenzie. They include the latest war scenes and many local ones, which are well worth seeing.
The Inverness Courier, Inverness, 1er mars 1901, p. 4.
The Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 19 février 1901, p. 1.
Répertoire (autres titres): Opening of Parliament by the King, The Pageant of February 14th, 1901, Proclamation of Accession of Edward VII at Inverness, Return and Reception of Lord Roberts (Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mercredi 20 février 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Palace Hotel, 6 mars 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mardi 26 février 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 9 mars 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mardi 26 février 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Private, 12 mars 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 12 mars 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Workmen's Club, 20 mars 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Northern Chronicle and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland, Inverness, mardi 26 février 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 26 mars 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 12 mars 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (16 avril 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
A NEW SHINTY CLUB-At a meeting on Tuesday night it was resolved to form a shinty club for Inverness, and the name chosen was the Clachnacuddain. The splendid fight at Longmen Road for the championship seems to have revived local interest in the pastime, By the way. Mr. J. Mackenzie, the cinematograph entertainer, secured a long and striking series of moving pictures of the final match, including scrimmages.
The Inverness Courier, Inverness, vendredi 19 avril 1901, p. 4.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 24-25 septembre 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
The Northern Chronicle, Inverness, 18 septembre 1901, p. 1.
Répertoire (autres titres): West Coast Herring Fishing Industry, Invercharron Sports, Scots Grey's Musical Ride, Inverness Competitors Dancing Reel o' Tulloch, Pole Vaulting, Seaforth's Acrobatic Display, Ballon and Parachute Ascent, Inverness Industries Cinematographed, Ringing a Wheel, Garden Party at Viewhill, Inverness "Scotsman" Fund Floral Cycle Parade, Salvation Army Children's Lorry Trip Seven New Films of the Scouts (2nd Contingent), Return of the Scouts, Receptions at Inverness and Fort-William, Return of Volunteer Camerons, Return of Volunteer Seaforths, The great Shinty Match Final at Inverness. (The Inverness Courier, Inverness, vendredi 20 septembre 1901, p. 1).
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Privé, 30 octobre 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
The Northern Chronicle, Inverness, mercredi 30 octobre 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Church House, 4-5 novembre 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
The Northern Chronicle, Inverness, mercredi 30 octobre 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 23 novembre 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
The Northern Chronicle, Inverness, mercredi 20 novembre 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Temperance Union, 27 novembre 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
The Northern Chronicle, Inverness, mercredi 20 novembre 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Privé, 5 décembre 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
The Northern Chronicle, Inverness, mercredi 20 novembre 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Palace Hotel, 10 décembre 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
The Northern Chronicle, Inverness, mercredi 20 novembre 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Distric Asylum, 17 décembre 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
The Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 3 décembre 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Station Hotel, 23 décembre 1901)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
The Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 3 décembre 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Free N. Church Society, 16 janvier 1902)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
The Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 3 décembre 1901, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 18-19 février 1902)
John Mackenzie organise des projections cinématographiques au Music Hall :
And other New Copyright Films by Mr Mackenzie.
Full particulars in Local Papers end of this week.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 11 février 1902, p. 1.
La presse publie un compte rendu de la séance:
MACKENZIE'S CINEMATOGRAPH ENTERTAINMENT.-In the Music Hall last night Mr John Mackenzie produced his second programme for the season of "animated pictures," by means of the latest pattern of machine and the electric light. There was, as on previous occasions, a crowded audience. Mr Mackenzie has of late made large purchases of films from French and other sources, and the piece de resistance at present is a forty-tableaux allegorical picture representing " The Seven Castles of Satan." It is a wonderful achievement in scenic manipulation, and the audience witnessed it with spellbound, but rather mystified, interest. Mr Mackenzie's own films, such as the presentation of war medals at Inverness, Fincastile's Horse, and a football match, were more popular, not merely on account of the local character of the subject, but because he has attained a highly creditably degree of perfection in so recording scenes and events. Some of his films, it is understood, find a ready market in the South. Viewed as a whole, the entertainment in worthy Mr Mackenzie's widespread reputation as a cinematograph expert, and applause frequent and hearty. The entertainment is to be repeated this (Wednesday) evening. An orchestra, led by Mrs Wicks piano), filled in the intervals agreeably, and rendered the necessary accompaniments to the pictures as they were screened.
The Northern Chronicle, Inverness, mercredi 19 février 1902, p. 4.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Bunchrew House, 16 avril 1902)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
ENTERTAINMENT AT BUNCHREW HOUSE.-Mr and Mrs Fraser, Bunchrew House, gave expression to their kindly interest in the scholars attending Kirkton School by entertaining them on Thursday evening to a delightful cinematograph exhibition, provided by Mr Mackenzie, Inverness. the parents of the children and a number of friends had also been invited, and with the scholars present, of whom there were over seventy, formed a large and most appreciative audience. Mr Mackenzie exhibited a very large and choice selection of films, all of which, and especially those of a local character, called for the hearty applause of his audience.
Northern Chronicle, Inverness, mercredi 16 avril 1902, p. 4.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Church House, 3 et 4 septembre 1902)
John Mackenzie organise des projections cinématographiques :
Church House, Inverness................September 3rd and 4th.
Gordon Castle, Fochabers...............September 10th and 11th
Northern Chronicle, Inverness, mercredi 27 août 1902, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 7 et 8 octobre 1902)
John Mackenzie organise des projections cinématographiques :
Northern Chronicle, Inverness, mercredi 1er octobre 1902, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Privé, 26 décembre 1902)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
The Highland News, Inverness, samedi 6 décembre 1902, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Munro's Hall, 31 décembre 1902)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
On Wednesday evening the annual social gathering of the Merkinch Mission was held in Monro’s Hall, Grant Street. Mr J. C. Macewen, Trafford Bank, presided, and there was a large attendance. Rev. A. R. Howell, St Stephen’s, who had charge of the arrangements, was present, as well as many friends of the Mission. After a plentiful supply of tea and cakes, Mr Mackenzie, the well-known cinematographer, displayed many his entertaining moving pictures. The social was highly appreciated, the purveying of Mr A. Munro, Grant Street, being very satisfactory. On the previous evening the children connected with the Mission were kindly entertained by Mr and Mrs Anderson, Midmills Road.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, vendredi 2 janvier 1903, p. 5.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Poorhouse, 12 janvier 1903)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Last night the inmates of the Poorhouse were entertained to tea by Mr John C. Macewen, Chairman of the House Committee of the Parish Council.
On that occasion he would give them an extra treat in the shape of a cinematograph exhibition, which he hoped they would all enjoy. Mr John Mackenzie then proceeded to throw on the canvass a series of animated pictures, which greatly delighted those present. This is the first occasion on which the cinematograph has been seen at the Poorhouse, and, needless to say, the older folk were considerably perturbed with the realistic character of the scenes brought before them.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 13 janvier 1903, p. 4.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 16 janvier 1903)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Grand Gymnastic Display by Army Instructors, including Lightning Drill, Swinging Torches, Parallel Bars, &c., &c. Singing, Dancing, and the Screaming Sketch. "Black Justice" Next week Mackenzie's Famous Cinematograph.
Prices as usual, 6d and 3d.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, vendredi 16 janvier 1903, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 24 janvier 1903)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Magnificent Show of Pictures, including the New and Beautiful Fairy Pantomime,
"SANTA CLAUS," nearly 1000 feet of Film.
"The Invalid's Dream" "The Circus Horse"
"When Eggs are Scarce." "The Conjuror," and a host of other subjects interesting and amusing, too numerous to mention.
Everything New and Up-to-Date.
Prices still the same. 6d. and 3d.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, vendredi 23 janvier 1903, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall,14 mars 1903)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
SATURDAY First, 14th March.
Latest Films.
RESCUES. 400 feet of Film
Concert Party, which includes MR GORDON FRASER, Scottish Champion International Dancer, &c., &c.
Prices as usual, 6d and 3d.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 10 mars 1903, p. 1.
Le cinématographe de John Mackenzie (Music Hall, 21 mars 1903)
John Mackenzie organise une projection cinématographique :
Entirely New Selection of Films.
No advance in prices........................6d and 3d.
Inverness Courier, Inverness, mardi 17 mars 1903, p. 1.
Le Cinématographe de l'Armée du Salut (Music Hall, 21 mars 1904)
En mars, le cinématographe de l'Armée du Salut offre une séance au Music Hall. Elle est organisée par Fred Cox et Henry Howse :
SALVATION ARMY CINEMATOGRAPH EXHIBITION. In the Music Hall on Monday evening an excellent cinematograph exhibition was given by Major Fred Cox and Adjutant Howse of the Salvation Army. There was a large attendance, and the various pictures thrown on the screen were very much appreciated. Major Cox proved himself to be not only an entertaining but a very witty lecturer, so that he kept his listeners in pleasant humour throughout the proceedings. One of the most interesting pictures was that showing the funeral procession of Consul Mrs Booth Tacker. Other notable pictures were—" Our Slummers at Work," "Scenes at the Farm Colony, Hadleigh," "A Trip round the London Zoological Gardens." Altogether the exhibition was a great success.
Highland News, Inverness, samedi 26 mars 1904, p. 5.