Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race


Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race

This picture, taken from Thornycroft's Yard, shows the two boats about twelve lenghts apart -a state of things owing to the terrible weather in which the race was rowed. It is a very comprehensive view of the contest and a good photographe despite the very trying conditions under which it was produced.

WAR 1898


1 Warwick Trading Company 5001  
2 Cecil M. Hepworth  

My first job in connection with it was to film the Oxford and Cambridge boat-race of March, 1898, which I did from the top of a factory building giving a long view of the course and consequently a very distant view of the boats. 'Panoraming' the camera was first used a long time later. Then, according to instructions, I proceeded, as the policemen say, to Alfred Wrench's shop at 50, Gray's Inn Road (Lanterns and Accessories), and in the cellar there I developed the negative, using Wrench's primitive outfit. This consisted of a metal frame, carrying a number of upright pins on which the film could be wound spiral-wise-in the dark-room, of course-and subsequently immersed in the developer in a suitable dish and then rinsed and fixed in the same way. So I made my first film ever, and it was the only film of mine ever to be developed in this primitive manner. For with my usual egotism I enunciated the theory that that static method was not the proper way to process a continuous thing like a fifty-foot film. I said it ought to be passed continuously through troughs of the several chemicals in proper order by mechanical means.

HEPWORTH, 1951: 38-39.

3 26/03/1898 50 ft
4 Grande-Bretagne  




5001 01 5001 02
Country-Life. "L'Équipe d'Oxford avant le match" Country-Life. "L'Équipe de Cambridge s'embarquant pour le match"
La Vie au grand air, nº 2, Paris, 15 avril 1898, p. 24.
