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- Création : 24 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 11 octobre 2022
- Publication : 24 mars 2015
- Affichages : 2547
(Londres, 1874-Thanet, 1941)
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Dès 1895, Matthew "Matt" Raymond occupe un emploi d'électricien au Royal Polytechnic Institute (Regent Street, Londres).
À vingt et un ans, Matt Raymond était l'électricien du Royal Polytechnic Institute de Regent Street à Londres, chargé d'installer la lampe à arc électrique des premières représentations du Cinématographe de Félicien Trewey. Il y avait de sérieux problèmes avec l'arrangement, et Raymond a sauvé la situation en organisant rapidement le remplacement des arcs et du condenseur de la lampe. Trewey a réalisé la valeur du jeune électricien et s'est arrangé pour qu'il installe l'équipement à Cardiff en mai 1896 et au Free Trade Hall de Manchester. De retour à Londres en juin, Raymond installe une salle de projection pour le Cinématographe au Crystal Palace ; à l'Empire Theatre, Leicester Square, en juillet ; et à Sheffield, Dublin, Belfast et de nombreuses autres villes. Raymond doit également avoir agi en tant que caméraman de Trewey, prenant les premiers films Lumière anglais dont Cyclistes et cavaliers arrivant au cottage (avec Trewey comme participant), Entrée du Cinématographe (montrant la façade de l'Empire Theatre), Pont de la Tour et Pont de Westminster (tous en 1896). À la fin de l'année, après s'être séparé de Trewey, Raymond a rejoint Chard & Co. de Great Portland Street, qui avait son propre projecteur. Il a agi comme installateur et opérateur au Shakespeare Theatre de Liverpool ce Noël-là, lorsqu'une sélection de films a été projetée pendant la pantomime Babes in the Wood. Peu de temps après, il rejoint Maguire & Baucus, vendant des projecteurs Edison. En 1898, il achète un Warwick Bioscope et part en tournée avec lui, achetant finalement une vingtaine de machines à installer dans divers music-halls de province, se répandant ensuite en Belgique, en Hollande, en Allemagne et en France. De retour en Angleterre, il fonde la Raymond Animated Picture Co (1905-1925) et crée une chaîne de cinémas permanents. Il a été trésorier de la Cinema Trade Protection Society entre 1907 et 1920, puis de la Cinematograph Exhibitors Association. En novembre 1921, il devient maître de la loge maçonnique « Anima », alors entièrement composée de membres de l'industrie cinématographique.
recensement de 1911 (Camberwell, London & Surrey, England)
Matt Raymond
Mr. Matt Raymond can claim to be in first half-dozen who interested themselves in cinematography in the beginning, and has been int the fore-front ever since. Is well known for his connection with a deep interest, which he has always taken a deep interest, having served for years as Delegate to General Council. Started the Raymond Animated Picture Company, in 1897, and is still sole proprietor of the company.The Bioscope, Londres, jeudi 13 mars 1924, p. 94.
Harry Raymond has had a good deal of experience on the exhibiting side of the business, having been associated with his father in many enterprises. He studied the law and secured his B.A. degree, but decided to devote himself to the commercial side of the film, business.The Bioscope, Londres, mercredi 26 novembre 1930, p. 24.
Harry Raymond, the youngest on of Matt Raymond, one of the pioneers of the film business in this country, has joined Filmophone Renters in the capacity of Frank Green's personal assistant. Harry Raymond has had a good deal of experience on the exhibiting side of the business, having been associated with his father in many enterprises. When up at Cambridge Mr. Raymond studied the law and secured his B.A. degree, but urged by the success his father attained he has decided to give up the law in favour of the commercial side of the film business. Mr. Raymond will be pleased to hear from all his friends at Broadmead House, Panton Street, S.W.1.Kinematograph Weekly, jeudi 27 novembre 1930, p. 37.
1939 : Broadstairs and St Peter's
One of the real pioneers of the moving picture Industry on its exhibiting side passed away on Saturday last in the person of Matt Raymond, whose association with the Industry went back to the introduction of the Lumiere Cinematographe in 1906. He was founder, in 1905, of the Raymond Animated Picture Co.
Mr. Raymond, who had been ill during recent months, passed away at the age of 67. He was one of the leading kinema Veterans and had held the office of president of that body and was an ex-treasurer of the C.E.A.
It was as electrical engineer for the exhibition of the first moving pictures shown in London as a commercial proposition that Matt Raymond entered the Industry. He was then a young man just over 21 and was responsible for the Brat show at the Polytechnic, Regent Street, on February 20, 1896, where he operated the Ediscope projector.
Speaking of these early days at a meeting of the British Kinematograph Society in 1933, Matt Raymond said: "I can assure you that the early days were far from rosy. The early pioneers in exhibiting had a hard time. Wonderful pictures did not come along very frequently; we had to wait a long time for a big fight, a funeral or a coronation of importance.
"Between times I did some turns of acting. Now I was a very bad actor, so I had to go back to the box and get the machine out. So if I could have gone on acting I suppose I would have lost all connection with this Industry and I would not have been able to be so cheerful."
Indeed, cheerfulness was the late Matt Raymond's most outstanding characteristic, and this he exhibited until recent months, when his illness and the loss of his son Harry, who was serving in the R.A.F., saddened his life.
He leaves behind a widow and one son.
Kinematographe Weekly, Londres, jeudi 15 mai 1941, p. 3.