English Lancers Charging



English Lancers Charging

The stubborn resistance of the Boers is shown by the activity and persistency with which they fire the two large field pieces immediately in the foreground. It seems, indeed, a hopeless matter to attempt to capture and overthrow such an invulnerable position. The British lancers are seen advancing, urged on by their officers, with the Royal colors flying in the air. They press the battery of Boers with such vigor that before the position is surrendered, there is scarcely a handful left to retreat, the remainder lying dead and wounded on the battle field. This picture is full of action and very exciting.

Edison Films  07/1901

English Lancers Charging

Shows a Boer battery handling two large field pieces in the foreground. The British Lancers are advancing with the royal colors flying in the air. They press the Boer battery with such vigor that when the position is abandoned, there is scarcely a handful left to retreat. Full of action and very exciting.

Edison Films 01/1904


1 Edison 5117 806 (MU)  
2 James White/Mason Mitchell  
3 15-24/04/1900 © Edison D9116 28/04/1900 75 ft. Uncounthly/Uncoupling
4 États-Unis. West Orange. Orange Mountains.  


24/05/1900 Cuba. La Havane. Delamare/Bellán Lanceros ingleses cargando sobre los Boers
*06/11/1903 Costa Rica, San José Delamare/Didier Guerra en el Transvalla