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Création : 25 mars 2015
Mis à jour : 29 avril 2019
Publication : 25 mars 2015
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Lynchburg est une ville de l'état de Virginie (États-Unis)
L'eidoloscope (Academy of Music, 29 novembre 1895)
C'est pour l'université où Woodville Latham a été enseignant qu'une séance de vues animées est offerte par l'eidoloscope, le 29 novembre 1895. Elle a lieu à l'Academy of Music de Lynchburg :
An Attractive Programme for the Entertainment To-Night.
The entertainment for the benefit of the university fund, which will be given tonight at the Academy of Music, promises to be a success. There has been a large advance sale of seats, and a delegation of university students will remain over to be present. Manager H. F. Smith has perfected all arrangements. The curtain will rise at 8 P.M. promptly, and the entertainment will begin with an exhibition of Latham’s eidoloscope.
Following is a synopsis of the evening’s programme, the features of which will be announced by cards displayed on each side of the stage, and not according to consecutive order below:
Latham’s eidoloscope, the invention of Professor Woodville Latham, a graduate of the University of Virginia and formerly of Lynchburg, will be exhibited. […]
Richmond Dispatch, Richmond, Friday, 29 November 1895, p. 5
Lynchburg, The Acamedy of Music (début XXe siècle)