Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Broken Hill est une ville de l'état de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud (Australie).

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Le phonoscope de Frank St. Hill (Argent-street next Robert's Oriental Hotel, 22 février-11 mars 1896)

broken hill 1912 phonoscope
A steam tram and small horse drawn vehicles travelling along Argent Street in Broken Hill passing the Oriental Hotel and shops (1912).
source: State Library. South Australia.

En provenance d'AdelaideCharles MacMahon va installer son phonoscope sur Argent-street : 

The Phonoscope, a most interesting combination of the phonograph and kinetoscope, each in itself a marvellous invention, is now on view in Argent-street, and was on Saturday night visited by a steady throng.
Mr. Charles M'Mahon, the well-known Victorian entrepreneur, has secured the Cosmopolitan Hall, and will bring up a strong company to open there on March 7.

Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, lundi 24 février 1896, p. 2.

Il semble pourtant que Frank St Hill reprenne l'exploitation du phonoscope comme on peut le lire dans l'article suivant :

IF scientific men were asked what was the latest standing wonder in the electrical world they would almost undoubtedly fay the phonoscope. Though wonderful at the phonograph may appear, recording by means of its delicate mechanism songs, band music, speeches, and instrumental selections of today for the benefit of those who live generations hereafter, yet here we have another miracle which enables us to see the actual living artists as they appear in their professional occupations, and at the same time to hear all round uttered by them. It should be distinctly understood that these are not imaginary scenes, emanating from the pencil and brush of an artist, but are actual reproductions of scenes and events which have actually taken place. The phonoscope is on exhibition in Argent-street, next the Oriental Hotel. Three subjects are being reproduced at present, namely, the American auctioneer, a French danseuse, and an English comic singer. To watch the French lady artist as she glides along in her white satin dancing costume, keeping time to her accompaniment, to see her movements throughout the dance-it is wonderful indeed. The manager (Mr. Frank St. Hill) has spared no expense in making the exhibition both attractive and comfortable, and it should be witnessed by many.

Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, jeudi 27 février 1896, p. 2.

La dernière présentation du phonoscope est annoncée pour le 11 mars.

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Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, mardi 10 mars 1896, p. 3.

Répertoire (autres titres) : The American Auctioneer, The French Dancing Girl, The Celebrated English Comic Singer (Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, mardi 25 février 1896, p. 3), The French Danseuse, G. J. Gaskin, and Coldstream Guards Band (with conductor).Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, vendredi 6 mars 1896, p. 3), The Comic Song "I Can't Change It" Arthur Livingston, London (Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, samedi 7 mars 1896, p. 3).

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Le Cinématographe Lumière de Wybert Reeve (Town Hall, 16-20 et 22 février 1897)

Wybert Reeve organise des séances de vues animées avec son Cinématographe Lumière en février.

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Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, mercredi 10 février 1897, p. 3.

Le Cinématographe de Wybert Reeve (Town Hall, > 26 mai 1897)

La presse annonce l'arrivée prochaine de Wybert Reeve et de son cinématographe :

The Cinématographe.
Mr. Wybert Reeve's Cinématographe will be reflashed next week at the Town Hall, commencing on Monday. New pictures, just arrived from Paris, will be shown, and it is announced that the exhibition will be conducted on lines entirely different from those followed when it was here before. The whole entertainment will be in one, and 30 pictures will constitute each evening's programme, one payment admitting to the lot. Miss Hope Nation, a vocalist of repute, is now travelling with the company, and will sing each night between the changing of the pictures. Mrs. Gallaugher is still pianist and Mr. Gallaugher manager for Mr. Reeve, Seats may be reserved at Wight's.

Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, mercredi 26 mai 1897, p. 2.

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Le Biolographe du prof. Geo Cullingworth (Town Hill, 25 mai 1898)

Le professeur Geo Gullingworth inaugure des séances cinématographiques avec son Biolographe :

The biolographe, which'did such a successful season in Broken Hill a few months ago, will be re-shown in the Town Hall on May 25th and following nights. A number of new pictures will be flashed.
Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, mercredi 18 mai 1898, p. 2.

Le Cinématographe de Wybert Reeve (Crystal Theatre, 28 mai 1898)

Wybert Reeve présente son cinématographe à la fin du mois de mai :

A cinématographe exhibition, under the direction of Mr. Wybert Reeve, will be commenced in the Crystal Theatre on Saturday, May 28. The graphophone will also be shown.
Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, mercredi 18 mai 1898, p. 2.

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