el grimh


The Antics  of Some Boys

latham 001

© MOMA, New York.


The Antics of Some Boys


1 Lambda Company  
2 Otway Latham Woodville Latham, Gray Latham, Mr. Kleinert, Eugene Lauste
... I remember we take a picture of on incandescent lamp in February about the 26th; but when the camera is finished you have to wait for the film because Mr Latham gave the order in February, but between the camera's finishing and the taking pictures I had to make a punching machine for perforating the film; as soon as we receive the film we punched the holes and we tried it ... 
We find some trouble with the stop motion; and we have to make another one, something similar to the Maltese cross; and when the camera was in good order again we took a picture on the roof, a short time after that, of Mr Latham, Mr Gray Latham, Mr Kleinert and myself and my son; and Mr Otway Latham operated the camera; at that time the camera worked in good order.
ENS, Lauste testimony in 191, Patents Co. v. IMP. (cité dans SPEHR Paul C. “Eugene Augustin Lauste: A Biographical Chronology.” Film History, vol. 11, no. 1, 1999, pp. 18–38. (JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/3815254)
3 [01/03/1895]  
4 États-Unis, New York  


21/04/1895 États-Unis, New York Latham   
The pictures shown yesterday portrayed the antics of some boys at play in a park. They wrestled, jumped, fought, and tumbled over one another. Near where the boys were romping a man sat reading a paper and smoking a pipe. Even the puffs of smoke could be plainly seen, as could also the man's movements when he took a handkerchief from his pocket. The whole picture on the screen yesterday was about the size of a standard window sash, but the size is a matter of expense and adjustment. Mr. Latham's camera will take forty pictures a second, and it can be set up anywhere, in the street or on the top of a house.
The Sun, New York, Monday, April 22, 1895, p. 2.

