
La Clarendon Film Co. (Clarendon-road, Croydon), créée en [mai ] 1904, naît de la dissolution du partenariat entre C. M. Hepworth et H. V. Lawley (Hepworth and Co) :

The partnership heretofore subsisting between Messrs C. M. Hepworth and H. V. Lawley, trading as Hepworth and Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent, and Mr. H. V. Lawley will in the future, as in the past, carry on the business of manufacturer of cinématograph films, and will personally superintend their printing and development. He has secured the valuable services of Mr P. E. Stow, who was connected with the late firm for the past four years, and whose work is so well known. Professionals and the trade may rely upon the photographic excellence of the new series of films, which will be remarkable for their steadiness and entire freedom from blemishes. The new films will be known as “Clarendon Series,” and may be obtained by writing to the Clarendon Film Co., Clarendon-road, Croydon.

The Era, Londres, samedi 14 mai 1904, p. 22.

Les films de la Clarendon sont diffusés par la Gaumont comme on peut le lire dans cet entrefilet :

This series may be seen at the Show-rooms of our London Agents, Messrs L. GAUMONT and Co., 25, Cecil-court, Charing-cross, London, W.O.

The Era, Saturday 9 July 1904, p. 32.


0101 Off for the Holidays   
0102 Attempted Murder in a Railway Train  
0103 The Burglar and the Girls  
0104 The Convict and the Curate  
0105 Once Too Often  
0106 The Fighting Washerwomen  
0107 Father's Hat ; or, Guy Fawkes Day  
0108 The Adventures of Sandy M'Gregor  
0109 The Mistletoe Bough  
0110c The Broken Broom  
0111c The Stolen Pig  
n.c.  The Love Letter  
n.c.  The Gamblers  
  That Awful Baby  
  Brown's Bathing Tent  
  Dangerous Golfers  
  Blind and Man's Buff  
  Above and Below Stairs  
  The Roof Garden (Rooftop Gardens)  
  Saturday's Wages  
  Weary Willie on a Motor  
  Tale of a Coat  
  Bobby's Nightmare  
  The Awkward Horseman  
  Bee Culture  
0122 Jimmy and Joe and the Water Spout  
0123 When Father Laid the Carpet on the Stairs  
0124 The Sailor's Wedding  
0126 Father's Birthday Cheese  
  Beauty and th Beast  
  The Village Blacksmith  
  The Stolen Purse  
  Who Stole the Beer  
0132c The Truant's Capture  
0133c How Baby Caught Cold  
  The Coster's Revenge  
0137 Beer, 2d. per Glass  
0138 Those Boys again!  
  A Great Temptation  
  How They Killed the Cat  
C. 104/0140 Rescued in Mid-Air  
0490 Workhouse Granny, Age 93  
0726 Dolly Varden  
C. 003 Early Birds Who Didn't Catch the Worm  
C 145 The Horse That Ate the Baby  
C 143 The Artful Dodger: or, The Captain of Koepenick  
C 144 The Double Life  
0008 How Isaacs Won the Cup  
0009 The Amorous Policeman  
  Santo's Dumont's Aeroplane  
C146 When Mother Fell Ill at Christmas  
  [Horse Thieves  


<06/01/1906 130 When Father Got a Holiday