el grimh


Arrivée d'un tramway électrique


Arrivée d'un tramway électrique

GAU 1897-11


Clément Maurice  

Mons. MORRIS, one of the leading photographers of Paris, is now on the island taking a series of photographs for Mons. Trewey's Cinematographe, which commences an engagement at the Pavilion on Monday next. On Thursday he secured some capital views of the bathing scene at Port Skillion, feeding the sea lions at Groudle, and on Friday, he secured a view of the crowd on Douglas Head breaking up after listening to the Minstrel performance, and some views of the Electric Cars at Laxey Station. It is also intended to get a view of the Empress Queen approaching the Port, and other local scenes of interest. Mons. Morris, who is staying with Mr Radcliffe at Greenwood House, expresses himself as charmed with the richly diversified and beautiful scenery of the Island. It may interest our readers to know that each scene taken for one of these instruments, necessitates some 1.200 photographs, all of which are taken in the space of one minute. No doubt the local views will lend additional interest to the Cinematographic views at the Pavilion, but Mons. Trewey has hundreds of interesting scenes taken in all parts of the world, which will be exhibited next week while the local views are being got ready.

The Manx Sun, Douglas, samedi 17 juillet 1897, p. 4.


nº27. Descente d'un tramway électrique.
Liste des vues déposées le 12 octobre 1897. Série B. 35 mm de largeur.

Archives Louis Gaumont. Cinémathèque Française

Grande-BretagneÎle de Man. Laxey Station  


31/07/1897  Grande-BretagneÎle de Man. The Pavilion Félicien Trewey  Pictures of Manx Views 
The electric car reaching the summit of Snaefell is perfect, for the operator has caught the good-natuaed doctor, who is never so happy as when he is enlightening the minds of his fellow-mortals on the beauties of Mona. and particularly that portion over which the electric railway wends its way. The doctor is blessed with great vigour, great versatility, a keen interest in the welfare of our electric system— whether they lie north or south, but perhaps especially north— and a sociable nature that delights itself in imparting information to his fellow-mortals. Mons Maurice, the famous photographer of Paris, is to be congratulated on having snapped the picture of the doctor in the midst of the work in which he delights, and all unknowingly handed him down to posterity as an example of what an enthusiastic man can do for the benefit of his country; and, believe me, the gentleman in question has done more this quiet way than many people wot of.
The Manx Sun, August 21, 1897, 4-5.


laxey station
C. & Co, Isle of Man, Electric Tram Station Laxey (c. 1900).
