William CLARK

(Actif entre 1898 et [1905])  


William Clark


William Clark est un forain et tourneur britannique qui présente un cinématographe pendant les années 1898 et 1899. On le retouve en particulier à Altrincham (abril 1898), Rawtenstall (juin 1898), Manchester (juillet-août 1898), Atherton (octobre 1898), Alderley Edge (avril 1899).

C'est peut-être lui aussi qui présente des vues animées avec un Bioscope, en 1905, à Runcorn.

La revue The Showman lui consacre un article assez long et publie une photographie qui le représente - sans doute à l'extrême droite du groupe - avec sa famille.

William Clark

Our illustration is a group belonging to the show of that go-ahead and enterprising amusement caterer, Mr. William Clark, of cinematograph fame. It is an old saying-and no doubt a true one that showmen are born and not made; and the subject of our remarks is one of the born school, for what is not known to him in the show business is not worth knowing. The group shown is a typical parading group of his, and their “Khaki” turn out (the first on the road, we believe) created not a little sensation when first produced.
Referring to “M. W’s” remarks in “Cinematograph Notes” two week’s ago respecting a descriptive lecture and incidental business during the run of a film, we may mention that from the first production of the cinematograph, this has been adopted by M. Clark, he having the good fortune to possess, besides a qualified lecturer, an orchestral piano, which is well manipulated by a skilled musician; in addition to which, an efficient staff is always on hand who can attend to the incidental items which make such a feature of this show “Up to Date” is his motto, and he never spares any expense to bring his renowned exhibition to a standard of perfection which has been the envy of numerous cinematograph exhibitors who have been from time to time engaged at the various theatres and balls in his track.
From the ghost show, formerly owned by his father-who, we believe, is still hale and hearty, though about eighty-five years of age- Mr. Clark, who succeeded the father in his business, soon saw the vista of success open before him in the then almost unknown, and at the time marvellous cinematograph, and seizing the opportunity, he has never looked behind him.
Clean and bright both inside and out, his show is not only a credit to himself and family, but to the whole of the travelling world, and has on many occasion when patronized by the mayor and councilors in various towns he has visited, done more by its eloquent silence than columns of paper matter in elevating the occupation or calling of a travelling showman in the eyes of the powers that be.
Mr. Clark has not forgotten in his successful moments that one word “charity” and many a fund and institution has received substantial pecuniary help from benefit performance given in his booth May his success continue as he deserves.
We may mention as showing the healthy life they must lead, that there era four generations of the family who have been brought up on the road, and are still in the best of health.

clark williams
Clark's Cinematograph Co.
The Showman, 1er Février 1901, p. 73
(reproduit dans Stephen Herbert, A History of Early Film, vol. 1, Routledge, 2000, p. 67)