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- Création : 24 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 16 septembre 2023
- Publication : 24 mars 2015
- Affichages : 2377
William Henry WHITEMAN
William, Henry Whiteman épouse Amalia Hilaria [Whiteman] (-Trinidad, 13/01/1922). Descendance:
- W. H. Whiteman (-Trinidad, 19/06/1917)
- Andrew Whiteman ([Trinidad], [074]/1898-Trinidad, 15/07/1899)
- George Whiteman
- Blanche Whiteman
- Andrew Whiteman
- Josefina Whiteman
Orígenes (1861-1899)
William Henry Whiteman abre un estudio fotográfico en 1894 en el Albany Hall (Trinidad y Tobago):
Above the Store of Messrs. Cunningham, Thomson & Co, by the undersigned, who has been connected with the Art for some time, wherer Photography in all its branches will be undertaken. Satisfaction guaranteed. Family, Managers and Overssers Groups taken at Residences by special arrangement. Terms Moderate. A trial is solcited.
From 8, a.m., to 4, p. m., Daily,
except Sunday, which day is reserved for attending at residences for taking Groups.
The San Fernando Gazette and Trinidad News, San Fernando/Trinidad, 31 janvier 1894, p. 4.
A los tres años, se muda para instalar un nuevo estudio en la calle Abecrombie:
MR. W. H. WHITEMAN, Photographer, has opened his Photo Studio at Nº 37a Abercrombie Street (near Queen Street) where he is now prepared to undestake anything in connection with his profeccion and hopes with his usueal good work, promptness and reasonable rates to deserve a still further share of patronage. For groups and all out-door work he outpaces all others. At his Show Room can be seen the best collection of groups in the island. Hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. Prices.-Cabinet $5 per dozen, C. de V.-$3. A visit of inspectoin in invited.
City.-18th Novr.
The Port-of-Spain Gazette, Trinidad, viernes 19 de noviembre de 1897, p. 4.
Poco después, cambia de nuevo y abre un nuevo estudio en Fredercik Street:
HAS removed his Photo Studio to Nº 6, Frederick Street, (oposite El Popular) where he is now prepared to undertake anything in connectoin with his Profession, ans hopes with his usual Good Work, Promptness, and Reasonable Rates to deserve a still further share of patronage. For Groupe and all Outdoor Work he out-paces all others. At his Show Room can be seen the best collection of Groups and Views in the Island.
PRICES: Cabinet, $5 per dozen, Carte de Visite $3. Amateur Woek finished up in beste style and Cheap.
Port of Spain Gazette, Trinidad, miércoles 28 de septiembre de 1898, p 1.
El Cinematógrafo (1899-1900)
En junio1899, colabora con Harry J. Daniels, para unas cuantas funciones cinematográficas con un Projectograph:
As we anticipated, Prof. Daniel's Projectograph as managed by Mr. W. H. Whiteman, the Photographer, has proved to be quite a success. With the exception of the dolls, the entertainment is just as good as ever. Mr. Whiteman renders the songs very fairly indeed and his articulation, is so distinct that it is quite easy to follow the illustrations thrown in the screen, which is the chief consideration in the successful rendering of these songs.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 18 de junio de 1899, p. 7.
Al año siguiente, presenta un bioscopio en el Hotal Bolívar (Calle Orinoco) de Ciudad Bolívar (Venezuela), el 30 de noviembre de 1900.
Y después... (1901->1922)
En los siguientes años, siguen desarrollando actividades relacionadas con la cinematografía. En 1918, viaja a Puerto Rico a bordo del Zulia.En 1922, figura como "Manager of the Film Department of the Colonial Film Exchange" y tiene un papel activo en los asuntos cinematográficos en la ista :
The electric installation was provided by the Trinidad Electic Company, cinema apparatus, film and operators by the Empire Theatre, under supervision of Mr. W. H. Whiteman.
Port of Spain Gazette, Trinidad, viernes 29 de diciembre de 1922, p. 3.
Ese mismo año se publica un breve retrata de William Henry Whiteman:
WILLIAM HENRY WHITEMAN, Photographer, 71, Frederick Street.
Mr. William Henry Whiteman, who has been established in business as a photographer for a quarter of a century, and operates in all processes, including enlargements. Mr. Whiteman has the happy knack of seizing upon those pleasant and characterisitc expressions which are instatly recognised and applauded. His services were requisitioned by the Government for a large amount of photographic work in connection with the railway on behalf of the Colonial Office, and he accompanied Sir George Le Hunte, K.V.M.G, as photographer when that former Governor of Trinidad visited Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela. Mr. Whiteman's photograph of the group at Government House on the occasion of the viste of the Prince of Wales in 1920 appears on page 155. He also photographed a similar group at Government House when Prince Albert visited the island in 1913.
The Red Book of West Indies, London, Collingredge, 1922, p. 216.
The Red Book of West Indies, London, Collingredge, 1922, p. 155.