Warren DAVIS

(actif en 1898) 


Warren Davis.


Warren Davis est essentiellement connu grâce à son implication dans le match de boxe qui a opposé James Corbett et Robert Fitzsimmons:

One of the most pleasant and gentlemanly men the writer has had the pleasure of meeting lately is Warren Davis, the manager of the Fitzsimons [sic]-Corbett Veriscope exhibition. Mr. Davis, who was a friend of the fighters, is also one of Dan Stuart’s favorite employes. Mr. Stuart is to be congratulated on his choice of such a polite manager for his Mexican tour, as it has happened more than once that companies, theatrical and otherwise, have been ruined here by the want of sense and politeness evinced by their managers in treating a people so sensitive and ceremonious as are the Mexicans.

The Mexican Herald, México, March 22, 1898, p. 5

Manager du Veriscope, Warren Davis se trouve dans le port de la Havane (Cuba) au moment de l'explosion du Maine (15 février 1898) :

Warren Davis manager of the Veriscope company which gives the Coibett-Fitzslmmons fight at the Duncan this evening, was on the City of Washington, in Havana harbor, and within 200 yards of the Maine when she was blown up. His descriptlon of the occurrence, as an eye-witness, is truly graphic and Interesting.

Las Vegas Daily Optic, Las Vegas, 11 May 1898, Wed., p. 4.

Par la suite, il organise donc une tournée au Mexique en mars 1898 pour présenter le film The Corbett-Fitzsimmons FightIl semble avoir eu l'intention de tourner un film à Mexico:

Veriscope Company Leaves.
Mr. Warren Davis, the able manager of the Corbett-Fitzsimmons veriscope company, who gave several successful exhibitions in this city, will leave tonight with his show for Guadalajara, where he will teat the population of that city to a few exhibitions.
Mr. Davis would have left last night had it not been for the fact that he remained over here to see the lion and bull fight yesterday afternoon, and of which he had intended to have taken pictures for reproduction in the United States.
After a short stay in Guadalajara, Mr. Davis will travel slowly back to the States showing in the cities of San Luis Potosí and Monterrey before finally leaving the Republic.

The Mexican Herald, April 11, 1898, p. 8.

Il s’agit d'un combat organisé entre un lion et un taureau qui a lieu, le dimanche 10 avril à l’hippodrome de la Indianilla, à Mexico (El Imparcial, México, lunes 11 de abril de 1898, p. 1). On ignore si Warren Danis a finalement tourné quelque chose.

À partir du mois de mai, il continue à présenter le film aux États-Unis.



15/02/1898  Cuba La Havane     
10-13/03/1898 Mexique Mexico Teatro Nacional veriscopio 
19-20/03/1898  Mexique Puebla Teatro Guerrero  veriscopio 
01-03/04/1898  Mexique Pachuca  Circo Orrín veroscopio
<11/04/1898  Mexique Guadalajara    
*04/1898 Mexique San Luis Potosí    
*04/1898 Mexique Monterrey    
<09/05/1898 États-Unis  El Paso   vitascope 
[10]/05/1898 États-Unis Albuquerque    
11/05/1898 États-Unis Las Vegas Duncan Opera House  veriscope