Mary Jane DORAN

(Huyton, 1869-1935)

doran mary portrait

Jean-Claude SEGUIN


William Doran (Prescot, 10/1841-Lancashier, 09/1913) épouse Ellen Whitfield (Huyton, 1840-[1898]). Descendance :

  • Mary Jane Doran  (Huyton, 1869-) épouse (Sutton, 18/09/1890) James Dewhurst Walker (Ormskirk, /07/1868. Bapt. Ormskirk, 09/08/1868-Weymouth, 09/1935). Descendance:
    • Sidney Thomas Walker (Lancaster, 1891-)
    • Florence Elizabeth Wakler (Lancaster, 1897-) épouse (Lancaster, 26/12/1923) Arthur Gardiner (1899-)
    • Harold Edison Walker (1896-) épouse (Londres, 03/12/1921) {tip} Samuel Roper. Descendance:}Marie, Louise Roper (1899-).
    • Clarence Osmond Walker (1898-1971) épouse Ethel G. Turner
    • Edward Dewhurst Walker (1902-)
    • Doris Walker (1905-)


Fille d'un boucher, Mary Jane Doran épouse James Dewhurst Walker en 1890. Elle va prendre part aux activités commerciales de l'entreprise "The North American Animated Picture Company (1896-1903) dirigée par son époux et Edward George Turner. Dès 1897, l'un des trois appareils cinématographiques dont dispose la société est placé sous sa responsabilité :

The Fist Woman Operator
At the end of 1897 we had three machines working. Walker operated one, myself the second, and the third was handled by Mrs. Walker handled the mixed gas jet and operated, and she can claim without fear of contradiction to be the first woman operator in the world. She is still in business as managing director of the Empire Cinema Watford.

Edward, George TURNER , "From 1896 to 1926", Kinematograph Weekly, 17 juin, p. 54.

On trouve une confirmation de cette participation dans un autre article:

Sir,-Like yourselves, I admire the " pluck " and clever manipulation of Mrs. Langdon, in the music halls,--but she is not by any means the first in this line. It must be 10 years ago since our mutual friends, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, of Walturdaw, Ltd., came to Lincoln with the kinematograph, and I saw the lady operating the Wrench machine in the middle of the hall. A. H. VIDLER, Lincoln.

The Optical Lantern and Kinematograph Journal, mercredi 15 août 1906, p. 188.

Ella a poursuivi, par la suite, ses activités dans l'entreprise.


"J. D. Walker's World's Films, Limited", The Bioscope, 12 mars 1914, p. 1117 et 1119.

"WALKER James D., "What the future will bring", The Bioscope, 28 décembre 1916, p. 1250.

WALKER J. D., "Looking Backwards Twenty Years", Kinematograph Weekly, jeudi 8 mars 1917, p. 17-1



  Grande-Bretagne Guildford    
27/11/1898 Grande-Bretagne Londres  Edmonton Union cinematograph